Health Advice教案(北师大版)

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1、Unit 4 Lesson 11 Health Advice【教材分析】本课是教材第4单元的第11课,话题为健康建议。【课时安排】2课时第一课时侧重对课文的理解,学生通过阅读,找出四人的问题,并与专家提出的相应健康建议进行匹配,同时获取有关建议的细节信息,并利用所学,解决生活中的常见问题。读后通过句子归类、依据关键词针对上述问题口头提出建议、角色表演等活动,不断内化课文信息和语言,最后在此基础上,依据教师所创设的真实情境,针对所选的具体问题,给出健康建议,进行输出活动。本课注重引导学生在提建议时通过举例、阐述理由使观点更加清晰明确,令人信服。通过本课学习,引导学生增强健康意识,养成健康习惯。第

2、二课时在复习课文内容和语言的基础上,引入本课语法项目由when和because引导的状语从句。学生在理解其语意功能的基础上,反复操练由when和because引导的有关提健康建议的语句,强化逻辑关系,最后在输出活动中能够根据具体问题,恰当使用,提出相应健康建议,表达观点。【教学内容】话题:健康建议词汇:advice, soap, sleepy, smoke, harmful, example, time, air, should, earphone, volume, wonder策略:捕捉关键词抓主要信息、匹配相对应的健康建议;读前预测;通过合成词、上下文语境猜测词义语法:when和becau

3、se引导的状语从句【第一课时】【教学目标】在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1.通过阅读,找出四人的问题,并与专家提出的相应健康建议进行匹配,同时获取有关建议的细节信息;2.运用所获取的信息和语言,针对上述健康问题,口头提出相应建议,并能运用所学对生活中相关健康问题提出建议,表达自己的观点;3.增强健康意识,养成健康习惯。【教学过程】教学活动设计意图互动模式&时间Pre-readingStep 1 T shows the photo of Lin Xiaoli and asks some questions to review what they have learnt and leads in t

4、he title of this lesson Health Advice. Do you remember the girl?What was wrong with her?What did the doctor ask her to do? T asks Ss “What healthy habits do you have?” T shows photos and asks Ss “What healthy habits can you see?” and elicits some phrases and new words soap and sleepy. Ss repeat the

5、new words after teacher. T may ask Ss “Why do people do these things?” while they are talking about the habits. T asks Ss to match the sentences (problems) with the photos in Ex. 1. While checking the answers, T should give a model how to check. If time allows, T can ask Ss to think about other ways

6、 to solve the problems.1. 通过图片和问题,简单复习上节课所学内容,引入本课话题:健康建议。2. 激活学生已知有关健康习惯的词汇与背景知识,并根据图片和语境进一步认读和识记新词汇:soap, sleepy。3. 通过追问,学生进一步建立健康习惯与健康之间的逻辑对应关系。4. 通过匹配句子与图片的活动,引导学生针对相应问题找出解决方案,初步给出建议。同时增强学生养成健康习惯的意识。5. 通过追问,帮助学生开阔思路。CWIW7While-readingStep 21st reading Ss read the first part of the text and answe

7、r the question.Who wrote the questions and what are their problems? Ss read the four letters (questions), circle the names and underline their problems.2nd reading T asks Ss how they would respond to the questions. Ss read the text and match the questions with the correct health advice (Ex. 2). Ss c

8、heck answers in pairs and then in class. Ss need to underline the key words that help them match.3rd reading Ss read the second part and answer some questions.Ss should underline where they find the answers on their books. Ss check answers in groups, and then in the class. When they give the answers

9、, they should say where they find the answers.T should write down the key words on the blackboard while students are giving answers.4th reading T plays the recording and Ss read with it in a low voice. Ss read by themselves and try to understand.1. 快速阅读课文第一部分,通过捕捉关键词句,找出提问的人和各自的主要问题。2. 引导学生预测专家回复内容。

10、3. 通过抓关键词,匹配问题与相应的健康建议。4. 阅读课文第二部分,通过回答问题(包括一系列的追问),获取有关健康建议的细节信息,并解决生活中的相关问题,同时引导学生关注合成词earphone,帮助学生通过上下文推测生词harmful, air, volume的意思。5. 教师板书关键词,帮助学生梳理信息,作为输出的语言支撑。6. 模仿自然的语音语调语流,强化信息和语言。IWPWCWGW23Post-readingStep 3 T shows some sentences and asks Ss to find out the sentences about the same problem

11、. T gives a model how to do that. After checking the answers, Ss read the sentences by themselves to consolidate. T chooses one of the problems in the reading and leads Ss to give advice according to the key words in the table. Ss practice by themselves and give advice. T shows a table with the othe

12、r three problems and leads Ss to give advice with the key words. Then Ss work in pairs,role play to ask and answer the questions about health problems. T can help Ss brainstorm what questions they can ask before they do the role-play. Then T gives a model how to do that. T asks Ss to help English Sa

13、lon to give replies to some Ss problems. Ss choose the problem, prepare by themselves for 3 minutes, and share in the group first and then in the class. For some top Ss, they can choose other problems to talk about if they have enough time. T gives a model how to give the reply.1. 再现提出健康建议的重要语句,学生通过

14、阅读归类,在句子层面进一步内化信息和语言。此活动从另一角度检查了学生的读书情况。2. 教师引领学生就文中一个问题,提出建议。依据关键词,大部分学生都能就此给出建议,感受成功的快乐。3. 教师引领学生就其他三个问题提出建议,学生通过角色扮演,模拟真实语境进行交际,进一步内化信息和语言,为口语输出做准备。4. 教师预设学生操练过程中可能遇到的问题,提前帮助学生分解难点,同时引领示范如何操作。5. 创设语境,分层设计,运用所获取的信息和语言,口头提出相应建议,并能运用所学对生活中相关健康问题提出建议,表达自己的观点,使不同层次学生都能够参与活动,完成任务,培养口头表达能力,增强健康意识。GWPWCW

15、IW15Homework1. 听录音并跟读课文。2. 把你准备回复的信件内容整理在作业本上。【第二课时】【教学目标】在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 在语境中理解由when和because引导的状语从句的用法和表意功能,并完成不同层次的练习活动;2. 初步使用含有when和because的状语从句,=针对具体问题,提出健康建议;3. 正确读出辅音/s/和/,听准并分辨出含有这两个发音的读音相似的单词和句子;4. 增强小组合作意识,养成健康的生活方式。【教学过程】教学活动设计意图互动模式&时间ReviewStep 1 T shows four pictures and leads Ss to recall their problems in the reading. Ss give advice according to the key words in the table to review the information and language.复习上节课所学的信息和语言,初步感知由when和because 引导的


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