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1、Unit 8Is there a post office near here? 课题Unit 8Is there a post office near here? 课时第一课时Section A(1a-2d)课型New教学目标知识目标1. 学习并掌握下列词汇、短语: post, office, police, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, pay, near, across, front, behind, town, around, post office, police station, pay phone, across from,

2、in front of 2. 掌握以下句型: Is there a hospital near here? Yes, there is. /No, there isnt. The pay phone is across from the library. The pay phone is between the post office and the library. 能力目标学会运用there be 句型的肯定句、一般疑问句及其肯定与否定回答, 并能用英语谈论、描述某场所的位置。情感目标通过运用简单的问路、指路的交际用语, 学会相互合作, 培养乐于助人的精神。教学重点The useful w

3、ords and phrases. The structures of “there be” and its answers. 教学难点The structures of “there be” and its answers. 课前预习Preview the new words教学方法Situational approach; Listening and speaking approach; Communicative approach教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 1Warm up and leading inShow the students the following

4、pictures to revise the prepositions “on, in, under, near, beside”. Revise the prepositions “on, in, under, near, beside”. 利用直观图片复习方位介词, 并激发学生的学习兴趣。Step 2 Presentation (1a)1. Use multimedia to show the Ss the following pictures to learn the new words and phrases: T: Look at picture 1. We often go the

5、re to get some money or save money. What place is it in English? Ss: Its a bank. T: Read after me, B-A-N-K, bank. 1. Learn the new words and phrases: 续表教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 2 Presentation (1a)Ss: B-A-N-K, bank. 2. Match the words with the places in the picture in 1a. 3. Check the answers. (1. f 2. a

6、 3. e 4. i 5. c 6. b 7. h 8. g 9. d )2. Match the words with the places in the picture in 1a. 在语境中呈现和导入目标语言。Step 3Listening (1b)Work on 1b. 1. Play the tape, and let the students listen and circle the places they hear in 1a. 2. Get a student to read out the words he or she has circled. 3. Check the

7、answers. 1. Listen and circle the places they hear in 1a. 2. A student reads out the words he or she has circled. 进一步熟悉所学的单词。Step 4 Pair work (1c)1. Let the Ss practice the conversation with his or her partner. 2. Then get them to ask and answer questions about the other places in 1a. For example: A

8、: Is there a hospital near here? B: Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street. 1. Practice the conversation with his or her partner. 2. Ask and answer questions about the other places in 1a. 练习there be 句型的一般疑问句及其答语, 并简单描述某场所的位置(在哪条大街上)。Step 5 Listening (2a & 2b)1. Work on 2a. (1) Point out these six sente

9、nces. Let the Ss read the six sentences together. (2)Ask the Ss to match the sentences with the pictures. Write each number in the box. (3) Check the answers. (Picture 1: 4 Picture 2: 6 Picture 3: 2 Picture 4: 3 Picture 5: 5 Picture 6: 1)2. Work on 2b. (1) Read the prepositions in the box. (2) Liste

10、n and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. (3)Listen again and check the answers. (1. between 2. across from 3. on 4. next to 5. in front of 6. behind)1. Read the six sentences together. 2. Match the sentences with the pictures. Write each number in the box. 3. Check the answers. 4. Read th

11、e prepositions in the box. 5. Listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 6. Listen again and check the answers. 注意听前活动要充分, 以便降低难度, 提升学生的自信心, 激发学生兴趣。 续表教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 6Language pointsWork in groups. (1) between. . . and. . . 意为“在和之间”, 通常指在两者之间。(2) in front of 意为“在前面”, 指在事物外部的前面; i

12、n the front of意为“在前部”, 指事物内部的前部。1. Discuss in groups. 2. Take notes. 小组讨论解决, 发挥学生的主体能动性。Step 7 TalkingT: Look at the picture in 1a on Page 43 and answer my questions. For example: T: Wheres the police station? Ss: Its between the restaurant and the hospital. T: Wheres the bank? Ss: Its on Long Stree

13、t. Ask and answer questions about the places in 1a on Page 43. 找数位学生展示一下他们的谈话内容。Step 8Role-Play (2d)1. Get the students to read 2d and answer the following questions: (1) Where does Tony want to go? (He wants to go to a bank. )(2) Who is new in town? (Tony. )(3) Where is the bank? (Its on Center Str

14、eet. )(4)Is there a park near the bank? (Yes, the park is across from the bank. )2. Find out the sentences in 2d. Translate them into Chinese and explain when to use them. (1) Excuse me. 劳驾; 对不起(打扰别人或请求帮助时)(2) How can I help you? 需要我帮忙吗? (主动提出帮助时)(3) Oh, thats great! 哦, 太棒了! (表扬别人或赞同别人时)(4) No probl

15、em. 不用谢; 没什么。(回答别人的感谢时)1. Read 2d and answer the following questions. 2. Find out the sentences in 2d. Translate them into Chinese and explain when to use them. 3. Take notes. 交际用语的汉语意思及使用场景部分建议先让学生小组讨论后再进行总结。 Step 9 Summarize1. Guide the students to summarize how to use “there be”. 2. Guide the students to summarize the usages of position prepositions. 1. Summarize how to use “there be”. 2. Summarize the usages of position prepositions.


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