一年级上册英语一课一练Module 5 Unit 2 That is a yellow cat 外研一起

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1、Module 5 Unit 2 That is a yellow cat 同步练习同步练习 一 一 找朋友 找朋友 1 chair A 桌子 B 椅子 2 desk A 桌子 B 椅子 3 cat A 猫 B 狗 4 classroom A 教室 B 学校 5 teacher A 老师 B 学生 6 pen A 钢笔 B 铅笔 7 ruler A 橡皮 B 尺子 8 seat A 椅子 B 座位 9 that A 这个 B 那个 10 window A 窗户 B 走廊 二 二 看图回答问题 看图回答问题 1 What s this This is my 2 What s this This i

2、s a 3 What s this This is our 4 What s this This is a blue 5 What s that That is a white 6 What s that That is my cap 三 三 选择题选择题 1 What is that A It s a black cat B That is a white cat 2 What is this A This is a black dog B This is a blue dog 3 What is that A That is a door B That is a window 4 What

3、 is that A That is a door B That is a window 5 What is that A That is a door B That is a blackboard 6 What is that A That is a blue chair B That is a blue desk 四 四 翻译 翻译 1 这是什么 2 那是什么 3 这是我的狗 4 那是我的猫 5 这是一条橙色的狗 6 那是我的红色的猫 五 情景交际 五 情景交际 1 你想向朋友介绍照片上你的爸爸时 应该说 A This is our father B This is my father 2

4、 跟同学们说这支红色的尺子是我的时 我们怎么说 A This is my red ruler B This is a ruler 3 当你指着远方一条橙色的狗 对朋友说 A This is an orange dog B That is an orange dog 4 当你向别人那边的教室是你的班级时 会说 A This is our classroom B That is our classroom 5 当你指着黑色门向别人介绍时 你可以说 A This is our black door B That is our black door 6 老师让你指向远方那只红色小鸟 她应该说 A Point to that red bird B Point to this red bird 参考答案 一 B A A A A A B B B A 二 cat panda school pencil dog black 三 B A B B B B 四 1 What is this 2 What is that 3 This is my dog 4 That is my cat 5 This is an orange dog 6 That is my red cat 五 B A B B A A


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