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1、2010全国各地名校英语单选优化重组(2010吉林实验中学高三一模)1. He came here by _way of London. In _ way his health is much improved, but he is still not really well. A. a, a B. /, a C. the, the D. a, the(2010辽瓦房店高级中学届高三9月月考)32. Do you know Korean idol group called Supper Junior?Is it one with a Chinese member?A. /; / B. a; t

2、he C. the; / D. /; the (2010湖南望城二中高三第二次月考)21. The Shengzhou VI aircraft carried two astronauts into _sky at 9:00 am on October 12, 2005 and the two astronauts will stay in _space for five days. A. a; the B. the; 不填 C. the; the D. a; 不填(2010福建福州屏东中学高三9月阶段性考试)17. Medical care in the country cannot com

3、pare with _in big cities.A. one of B. that of C. / D. the one of(2010福建福州屏东中学高三9月阶段性考试)18. -Do you have todays China Daily?-Yes, but only one copy left. Would you like to take _?A. some B. them C. it D. one(2010吉林实验中学高三一模)28. Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially _ containi

4、ng as many different cultures as America is a difficult thing. A. the one B. one C. it D. either(2010辽瓦房店高级中学届高三9月月考)27. What! _ to go there with _? No!A. I; himB. I; he C. Me; himD. Me; himself(2010湖南望城二中高三第二次月考)31. He didnt make _clear when and where the meeting would be held. A. this B. that C. i

5、t D. these(2010湖南株洲二中高三上第二次月考)22. _ all my homework unfinished, I am not allowed to go online to play games.A. To B. For C. With D. Without(2010江苏泰兴三中高三开学初考试)32. _ the right leading of the CPC, all the Chinese people can enjoy equal rights and a peaceful life now.A. Thanks to B. Because C. For D. Th

6、ank for(2010福建福州屏东中学高三9月阶段性考试)6. Not having a good _of English can be a serious obstacle to achieving your goals.A. demand B. appreciation C. experience D. command(2010吉林实验中学高三一模)33. What a wonderful _ that they are working hard!A. scene B. sight C. view D. seeing(2010湖南望城二中高三第二次月考)23. AIDS is sprea

7、ding all over the world at shocking speed. Where its dark _ appears, we see pain, tears and death. A. shape B. shadow C. ambition D. feeling(2010江苏泰兴三中高三开学初考试)21. I had decided to give it up, but on _ second thoughts, I decided to try _ third time.A. /; the B. /; a C. the; the D. the; a(2010浙江长兴三中高三

8、月考)23. The little boy got punished what he had done . A. because B. because of C. since D. as(2010浙江长兴三中高三第一次月考)29. -Hi, Bob, are you going to attend tomorrows conference? - Oh, Im afraid not, _ invited to. A. even if B. as if C. even as D. since(2010辽瓦房店高级中学届高三9月月考)22It is reported that some wild a

9、nimals were found_ in a big cave in the mountain. Ato hide dead Bhidden dead Chiding dead Dhidden death(2010浙江长兴三中高三月考26. The boat is _ small, we cant put _ food in it. A. much too; so many B. much too; too much C. too much; much too D. too much; so much(2010吉林实验中学一模)5. -The weather isnt good enough

10、 for an outing, isnt it?-Not in the least. We cant have _ at this time of the year. A. a worse day B. a nicer day C. such bad a day D. so fine a day(2010吉林实验中学高三一模)29. It is said that people are _ likely to tell lies over the phone as they are in emails. A. as twice B. twice as C. twice more D. twic

11、e than(2010吉林实验中学高三一模)34. How disappointing! They have finished _ 5% of the work. A. no more than B. no less than C. more than D. not less than(2010浙江嘉兴一中高三上摸底测验)21. Mr. Smith owns _collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met. A. larger B. a larger C. the larger D. a large (2010辽瓦房店高级中学届高三9

12、月月考)29. AIDS and SARS may have made the headlines, but rabies(狂犬病)is now _ killer than both.A. a bigger B. big C. biggerD. the biggest(2010吉林实验中学高三一模)2. I found her nice and honest _ I saw her. A. for the first timeB. the first time C. on the first time D. at first(2010辽瓦房店高级中学届高三9月月考)34. Try the ne

13、w cleaner. Just a few minutes every daythats all it takes you will have shining floors and furniture.A. and B. but C. or D. so(2010吉林实验中学高三一模)32. Tom reached home at last, _. A. tired and hunger B. tired and hungrily C. tired and hungry D. felt tired and hungrily2010江苏泰兴三中高三开学初考试)35. My parents strongly _ my going to college out of Jiangsu province, because they dont like my being far away from them.A. enjoy B. oppose C. oppose to D. object(2010浙江长兴三中高三第一次月考)35. Whats the girl like?She was a brave girl. She fought bravely and her enemy had to



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