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1、Cultural relics C C ONTENTSONTENTS 1 识记填读 2 联想填读 3 构词填读 4 语境填读 5 句式填读 6 核心词汇 7 单元语法 8 微型考场 9 名师讲坛 识记填读 1 adj 文化的 答案 cultural 2 vt n 争论 辩论 答案 debate 3 n 神秘 神秘的事物 答案 mystery 4 n 目击者 证人 答案 eyewitness 5 vt 设计 计划 构思 答案 design 6 vt 移动 搬开 答案 remove 7 n 审判 审讯 试验 答案 trial 联想填读 1 in 寻找 search 寻找 答案 search of

2、for 2 n vt 设计 be 为 而设计 答案 design designed for 3 作为回报 作为对 的回报 in turn依次 转而 反过来 答案 in return in return for 4 处于交战状态 处于和平状态 答案 at war at peace 5 doubt n vt 怀疑 毫无疑问 答案 there is no doubt that 6 worth prep 值得的 adj 值得 的 adj 值得 做的 答案 worthy worthwhile 7 拆开 from除了 除了 还 答案 take apart apart 8 看重 器重 think littl

3、e of对 评价不高 答案 think highly of 构词填读 1 rare adj 稀罕的 珍贵的 稀有的 adv 很少 不常 答案 rarely 2 valuable adj 贵重的 有价值的 n 价值 值钱 vi 评 价 估价 adj 毫无价值的 答案 value valueless 3 survive vi 幸免 幸存 生还 n 幸存者 n 幸存 答案 survivor survival 4 amaze vt 使吃惊 使惊讶 adj 令人吃惊的 adj 感到 惊讶的 吃惊的 答案 amazing amazed 5 reception n 接待 接收 招待会 v 接受 招待 收听

4、答案 receive 6 evidence n 根据 证据 adj 清楚的 显而易见的 显 然的 答案 evident 7 entrance n 入口 vt 进入 n 进入 入场 答案 enter entry 8 informal adj 非正式的 adj 正式的 答案 formal 语境填读 1 We must 调查 the matter thoroughly to find enough 证据 答案 look into evidence 2 They all went out 寻找 the missing boy in the woods but 让他们吃惊的是 they found a

5、missing girl 除 外 the missing boy 答案 in search of to their amazement apart from 3 Many 宝贵的文化遗产 are collected in the museum These relics have 幸免 many disasters and are well preserved 答案 valuable cultural relics survived 4 I returned the large sum of money to the person it 属于 and she gave me some money

6、 作为回报 which I refused Many people 高度评价 me 答案 belonged to in return thought highly of 5 There is no 疑问 that the thief has stolen my dress 值 800 yuan 答案 doubt worth It is to see a man over 130 years old 很少见到一个人能活到 130岁 答案 rare Rarely I meet Mr Eldon 我很少遇到埃尔登先生 答案 do 用valuable和value填空 Don t lose this r

7、ing It s of great 答案 value The necklace is attractive but not very 答案 valuable 必 会 A survive B A比B活得长 survive sth 幸免于 从 中活过 来 survive on 靠 存活下来 A 单句改错 I don t know how you all manage to survive by your small salary 答案 by改为on Only a few passengers survived in the accident 答案 去掉in The old man survived

8、 his own daughter for nine years 答案 for改为by B 用survive的适当词性和形式填空 Several a serious car accident and the made their relatives very happy 几位生还者在一场严 重车祸 之后幸存了下 来 他们的生还让 他们的亲属非常高兴 答案 survivors survived survival 必会 by design on purpose 故意 be designed for 为 设计 be designed to do as 为某目 的 用途而设计 Bedrooms mus

9、t to be comfortable 卧室一定要设计 得 舒适 答案 be designed The houses for the refugees in the earthquake have already been completed A designed B designing C to design D having designed 解析 考查非谓语动词 designed for the refugees in the earthquake 是过去 分词短语作后置定语 修饰the houses 答案 A 必 会 fancy one s doing sth 想象 某人 做某事 fa

10、ncy sb to be 认为某人 Fancy that 真想不到 真是不可思议 A 完成句子 I can t fancy such a thing 我想不到他会做这种事 答案 his doing B 语法填空 What You re going to Kho Samui Yeah Fancy me walk on the beautiful beach swimming in the blue ocean 解析 fancy 作动词 意为 想象 时 后接动名词作宾语 答案 walking 类 词 辨 析 move 是指移动某物的位置或改变某人 的姿势 可作及物动词 又可作 不及物动词 remo

11、ve 强调完全放弃原来的地方而到达 新的位置 有时相当于take away off A 用remove和move填空 Will you help me this table 答案 move As soon as the cake is done it from the oven 答案 remove B 语法填空 Bad habits are no way easy to remove it needs your determination 解析 remove 除掉 相当于get rid of 是及物动词 要用被动 答案 be removed A 用whether if that 填空 Ther

12、e is some doubt he can win 答案 whether I doubt the new one will be any better 答案 whether if I never doubt he would come 答案 that B 语法填空 There is still some doubt the autumn sports meet will be held in our school but there is no doubt it will be held soon after our National Day holiday 解析 考查doubt用法 前半句

13、的some 表明人们对此表示怀疑 后面的 从句用whether 连接 whether 从句为同位语从句 there is no doubt 后用 that 连接一个同位语从句 答案 whether that After the big fire nothing remain in the building 答案 remained 必 会 表示 某事值得做 或 做某事是值得的 的句型 1 sth is worth doing a 名词 visit 2 sth is worthy to be done of being done 3 It is worthwhile doing sth to do

14、 sth A 用worth worthy worthwhile填空 It is to travel to Beijing which is visiting that is which is of being visited 答案 worthwhile worth worthy B 翻译下面的句子 他是一个值得称赞的人 He is a man worth 答案 praising He is a man worthy of 答案 praise He is a man worthy of 答案 being praised He is a man worthy to 答案 be praised Th

15、e sun has sink in the west let s go home 答案 sunk He sink back into his seat exhausted 答案 sank 必 会 search sth sb 搜查某物或 搜身 search for 寻找 look for search for 为找到 而搜查 用适当的介词填空 The boys went search something to eat 答案 in of The police searched the thief the lost painting 答案 for We searched the missing ch

16、ild 答案 for As we all know Taiwan China 众所周知 台湾 是中国的一部分 答案 belongs to This is a palace the princess 这是王后所拥有的一 座宫殿 答案 belonging to 必 会 in return for 作为对 的回报 in turn 依次 逐个地 转而 反 过来 by turns 轮流 He has helped us a lot and we must do something for him 他帮了我们那么多 我们必须为 他做些什么作为回报 答案 in return The girls called out their names 那些女孩儿逐一 报出自己的名字 答案 in turn Theory comes from practice and serves practice 理 论来自实践 反过来又为实 践服务 答案 in turn We had to to find where the problem lay 我们不 得不把机器拆开 找出问题 所在 答案 take the machine


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