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1、Lesson 77 Terrible toothache 要命的牙痛 Warm up How do you protect your teeth Revision 1 I want to buy a p of shoes 2 They worked very h 3 When did you w television 4 Don t j off the wall 5 My father went to Dalian two month a air ard atch ump go Revision 1 size do you want Size six A Where B What C What

2、 s D Which s 2 I one of my friends in the street last week A am meeting B meets C met D meet 3 What you on Sundays A did do B do did C did did D do do 4 My mother a beautiful dress for me yesterday A buys B buy C bought D buyed B C D C nurs e dentist Mr Croft Lesson 77 Terrible toothache Raina Liste

3、n and answer What time is it do you think What did the nurse say to the man Can he wait appointment n 预约 区别 date n 约会 ment n 名词后缀 以ment结尾的词通常是名词 词 汇 Point v 指 指向 用法 point to 人 物 指着 指向 例句 不要指着我 Don t point to me point out 指出 问题 例句 他指出了这个机器的问题 He pointed this machine s problem 词 汇 Urgent a 紧急的 急迫的 搭配

4、紧急会议 urgent meeting 例句 我们有一件紧要的事情 We have an urgent thing till prep 直到 为止 词 汇 填空 1Tom appointment with the doctor he has a toothache 2 Lily not go to sleep until 10 00 o clock 3 Please be quick It s very 紧急的 试着做做吧 has an appointment didn t urgent Answer questions 1 Who do you want to see 2 Do you ha

5、ve an appointment 3 Is it urgent 4 What s wrong with you 5 Can you come at 10a m 6 Can you come at 2 p m 7 Can you wait till this afternoon Good morning Mr Croft Good morning nurse I want to see the dentist please Do you have an appointment No I don t want to do sth want sth have a good time have lu

6、nch have a bath Language Points 1 I want to see the dentist want to do sth 想要做某事 eg I want to play computer games want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 eg My mother wants me to go abroad Is it urgent Yes it is It is very urgent I feel awful I have a terrible toothache I feel happy He feels ill have a headache h

7、ave a fever Can you come at 10 a m on Monday April 24th I must see the dentist now nurse The dentist is very busy at the moment Can you come at 2 p m 2 Can you come at 10 a m on Monday April 24th 注 英语中时间和地点按从小到大的顺序排 列 十时间为月 日 年 或日 月 年 eg I lived in Shi Jiazhuang City Hebei Province China That is ver

8、y late Can the dentist see me now I m afraid that he can t Mr Croft Can t you wait till this afternoon I can wait but my toothache can t till 不能用与句首 until可以放在句首 1 prep用于肯定句 与延续性动词相连 直到 为 止 I have been theretill last week 我在那儿一直呆到上个星期 用于否定句 与短暂性动词相连 在 之前 直到 才 Don t call me till eight o clock在八点之前给我打

9、电话 3 conj主句为肯定句 谓语为延续性动词 直到 为止 I lived in the country till I was fifteen 我在乡下一直住到十五岁 主句为否定句 谓语为短暂性动词 在 之前 直到 才 He didn t come back till he finished his homework直到完成作业他才回来 Not until 句型 1 陈述句 not until 直到 才 例 Last night I didn t go to bed until 11 o clock 昨晚我11点钟才睡觉 2 强调句 It wasn t until that 直到 才 例 I

10、t wasn t until yesterday that I got your letter 我直到昨天才收到你的来信 3 倒装句 Not until did 直到 才 例 Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted 直到我开始工作 我才意识到我已蹉跎了很 多岁月 3 Can t you wait till this afternoon 否定疑问句 表示惊异 反问 失望 责难等语气 通常译为 难道 不 eg Didn t you know 难道你不知道吗 Aren t you a student 难道你

11、不是学生吗 回答 否定疑问句的答语在形式上与一般疑问句的答 语一样 肯定是Yes 否定为No 但翻译成 汉语时 Yes要翻译成 不 No要翻译成 对 是的 例如 Isn t he a teacher 难道他不是老师吗 Yes he is 不 他是 No he isn t 是的 他不是 Exercise 1 Can t you see it A Yes I can B No I can C Yes I can t 你难道不是学生吗 是的 我不是 不 我是 Aren t you a student No I m not Yes I am 课文语言点练习 选择 1 Can t you wait th

12、is afternoon A for B at C till D in 2 You must come 2 p m Friday A on at B at on C in on D at in 3 I m afraid he cannot see you now A and B that C of D then C B B Good morning Mr Croft Good morning nurse I want to see the dentist 看牙医 please Do you have an appointment 预约 No I don t Is it urgent 急诊吗 Y

13、es it is It s very urgent I feel awful 难受极了 I have a terrible toothache Can you come at 10 a m on Monday on in April 24th I must see the dentist now nurse The dentist is be适当形式 very busy at the moment Can you come at 2 p m at in on That s very late Can the dentist see me I适当形式 now I m afraid that he

14、 can t Mr Croft Can t you wait till this afternoon I can wait but my toothache can t 1 I want to see the dentist please 对红色部分提问 What do you want to do 2 Do you have an appointment 变成肯定句 I have an appointment 3 Is it urgent 变成肯定句 It is urgent 4 It s very urgent 变成一般疑问句 Is it very urgent 5 I feel awfu

15、l 对红色部分提问 How do you feel 7 I have a terrible toothache 变成一般疑问句 Do you have a terrible toothache 8 I must see the dentist now nurse 变成否定句 I mustn tneedn t see the dentist now nurse 8 The dentist is very busy at the moment 对红色部分提问 Who is very busy at the moment 9 Can the dentist see me now 变成肯定句 The

16、dentist can see you now Written exercises 书面练习 A Complete these sentences 把下列句子改写成过去时 Example She goes to town every day She went to town yesterday 1 She buys a new car every year She a new car last year 2 She airs the room every day She it this morning 3 He often loses his pen He his pen this morning bought aired lost 开心阅读 根据短文内容判断正 T 误 F My name is Tom I am eleven this is my room look there is a desk and a bed in it the bed is next to the desk My bed is red beside the bed is a bookshelf my boo



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