2019年广东开心版英语六年级上册 unit 2 looking for a hospital 附答案

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1、【章节训练】Unit 2 Looking for a Hospital-1一、选择题(共20小题)1(3分)A: Do you usually find _?B:Of course!()AtheirBthemCthen2(3分)_he ever take the subway to school?()ADoBisCDoes3(3分)Excuse me _ the library()AWheresBWhatsCHow much4(3分)A:_ are you going to buy the stamps?B:Tomorrow()AWhereBWhenCWhat5(3分)I go shoppin

2、g _ a month()AoneBtwoCtwice6(3分)_ at the corner, you will see the hospital()ATurn leftBturn rightCTurn light7(3分)A: _ do you get to school,Jenny?B:By car()AWhatBHowCWhen8(3分)_ you tell me the way to the park?()AAreBCanCIs9(3分)A:Do you like _?B:Of course()AfishBfishingCfishes10(3分)_ are you going to

3、do tomorrow morning?()AWhoBWhatCWhen11(3分)My grandfather _ on an island()AlivesBliveCliving12(3分)The shopping mall is _ the park()AacrossBacross fromCcross from13(3分)The shopping mall is _ the zoo()AacrossBacross fromCcross from14(3分)The hospital is _ to the park()AnextBnearCacross15(3分)Gogo is goin

4、g to get a piece of candy_()AyesterdayBtomorrowClast Friday16(3分)_, Gogo The traffic light is red()AExcuse meBBe carefulCPardon me17(3分)A: What_you_, Gogo?B:I bought a carton of icecream()AdidboughtBdidbuyCdidmake18(3分)_ Wheres the No.1Middle School?()AIm sorryBExcuse meCPardon19(3分)Lets _ for the c

5、oin(硬币), Gogo()AlookBlookingClooks20(3分)A: May I have a pair of_?B:Yes, here you are()AsockBsocksCsockes二、填空题(共5小题)(除非特别说明,请填准确值)21(3分)看图片,写短语或者单词(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 22(3分)The post office is not this map23(3分)Thanks(答语) 24(3分)选择合适的单词补全句子Excuse next to Where There What(1) me(2) is a hospi

6、tal in my city(3)Its the post office(4) is the library?(5) a great museum!25(3分)The school is next to the museum(对画线部分提问) 三、阅读理解(共1小题)(选答题,不自动判卷)26(3分)判断下列句子的对错,对的写T,错的写F Hello!My name is Amy Im from Canada Im a good student, because I follow the traffic rules Do you know the traffic rules in my cou

7、ntry?Let me tell you There are three colors in the traffic lights And its the same in every country When it is red,you must stop When it is yellow,you should wait When it is green,you can go In my country,drivers drive on the right side of the road I usually walk to school on the right side too If y

8、ou come to Canada,please remember that!(1)Amy is an American girl (2)In Amy s country,the traffic lights are green,red and blue (3)Drivers drive on the right side in the Canada (4)Amy goes to school on foot (5)Amy is a good girl 四、连词成句(共5小题)(选答题,不自动判卷)27(3分)look cookies usually for I ( ) 28(3分)get H

9、ow school you do to ( ? ) 29(3分)bus usually I the take ( ) 30(3分)shampoo a bought I bottle of ( ) 31(3分)long a wrote letter I ( ) 五、句型转换(共2小题)(选答题,不自动判卷)32(3分)Is there a library near here?(做肯定回答) 33(4分)It is next to the school(变为一般疑问句) 【章节训练】Unit 2 Looking for a Hospital-1参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(共20小题)1(3分)A

10、: Do you usually find _?B:Of course!()AtheirBthemCthen【考点】71:人称代词【分析】你经常发现他们吗?当然【解答】考查人称代词,句子表示你经常发现他们吗?当然句子缺少宾语,Atheir他们的,形容词物主代词,不符合题意;Bthem它们,代词宾格,做宾语,符合题意;Cthen然后,表示时间,不符合题意故选:B【点评】人称代词考查,要求熟悉课本所学词汇,掌握句子,结合要求,辨析选项,确定答案,完成题目2(3分)_he ever take the subway to school?()ADoBisCDoes【考点】95:助动词 【分析】他乘地铁上

11、学吗?【解答】根据he ever take the subway to school,可知句子叙述一件事实,时态用一般现在时,主语是单数,在这里加助动词does故选:C【点评】一般现在时的一般疑问句,结构有Does+主语+谓语+其它?或Do+主语+谓语+其它?主语是三单形式时用助动词Does,主语是第一人称I,第二人称单数you或复数时,用助动词Do;做题时要先分析句子时态,再确定选项3(3分)Excuse me _ the library()AWheresBWhatsCHow much【考点】IE:特殊疑问句 【分析】打扰下图书馆在哪里?【解答】本题考查特殊疑问句where哪里,对地点提问w

12、hat什么,对人的职业,事物是什么等提问how much多少(钱),对价格,数量提问题干是询问图书馆在哪里,提问地点,所以用where故选:A【点评】了解每个特殊疑问词的意思,用法正确的使用疑问词4(3分)A:_ are you going to buy the stamps?B:Tomorrow()AWhereBWhenCWhat【考点】I2:疑问词的辨析 【分析】你什么时候要去买邮票?明天【解答】本题考查疑问词的辨析AWhere在哪;BWhen什么时候;CWhat什么结合答语Tomorrow(明天)可知问句询问你什么时候要去买邮票,询问时间,用When故选:B【点评】熟练掌握常用疑问词的含义及用法,结合答语推测问句句意,选择合适的疑问词5(3分)I go shopping _ a month()AoneBtwoCtwice【考点】87:数词的用法


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