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1、南 京 一 中 实 验 学 校 小 升 初 英 语 试 卷 2013.7(卷面总分 100 分)一、选出下列每组单词中与其他三个不属同一类的那个词,将序号填在题前括号内。(5 %)( )1. A. apple B. grape C. pie D.banana( )2. A. bus B. ear C. taxi D. train( )3. A. arm B. leg C. foot D. pen( )4. A. noodles B. bread C. toy D. cake( )5. A. piano B. violin C. guitar D. table( )6. A. bed B. ch

2、air C. school D. desk( )7. A. bedroom B. kitchen C. sitting-room D. water( )8. A. plate B. cup C. glass D.oclock( )9. A. horse B. duck C. pig D. candle( )10. A. book B. vest C. shirt D. blouse二、根据句意及所给的首字母提示写出单词,使句子完整。(1 0%) 1. Can you tell me the m of the sign beside the lake ?2. She is a nurse. Sh

3、e works in the h .3. The classroom next to theirs is o .4. She likes English very much . English is her f subject.5. A k is a room for cooking.6. He doesnt know your telephone n . Can you tell him ?7. In s , boys like swimming in the lakes and rivers .8. You want to buy a new coat and I want one, to

4、o . Lets do some s , OK ?9. Excuse me, which is the w to the History Museum ?10. What is their p for this weekend?三、翻译下列词组。(1 0%)1. write to a friend of mine 2. have the same hobby 3. some medicine for cough4. tell me about your country5. 一 位 穿 着 红 裙 子 的 女 孩6.互相帮助 .7.明 年 春 节8.看 上 去 相 像9.在 上 午 八 点 牛1

5、0.知 道 有 关 她 的 一 切四、请你在方框内选择适当的词组填入句子。(1 0%)flew kites, sing a song. Sports meeting , drink some juice, on the grass Spring Festival, cooking food, go swimming, at the back of, getting off1. Last week, there was a at Liu Taos school.2. I like very much. I can visit my relatives and friends.3. They in

6、 the playground yesterday afternoon. The kites are very beautiful .4. Its very hot. Lets ? OK, lets go.5. Did you at her birthday party ? Yes, I sang two.6. What are they doing now ?一 Theyre the bus.7. 一 Would you like to ?Yes, please.8. My mother likes , but she doesnt like to eat much.9. I took a

7、bus to the school this morning . I sat the bus .10. The sign means “ Keep off the grass .”五、选择填空( 10%)( )1.- is she?-She is twelve years old.A. How many B. How old C. How much( )2. Its veryin summer in Nanjing.A. cold B. cool C. hot( )3. - How do you your weekend?I usually go to the supermarket.A. d

8、o B. spend C. make( )4.一 Wheres the train station, please?You can take bus No. 1 and at the third stop.A. get on B. get off C. get to( )5. Whats the like in spring here?Its sunny and warm.A. day B. date C. weather.( )6- wrong with you?-Ive got a cough.A. Whats B. Wheres C. Which( )7. We a play tomor

9、row. Will you please join us?A. are going to see B. saw C. sees( )8-Whos that ? - Jimmy speaking .A. This is B. I am C. That is( )9. Look at the bedroom .A. Lucy and Lilys B. twins C. twins( )10. The men in blue are and the men in red areA. Americans, Japanese B. Americans , Japanese C. American, Ja

10、paneses六、用所给词的适当形式填空. (10%)1. The students in this school often have their (one) lesson at 8: 05 in the morning.2. Nancy dances (beautiful) .3. Young Lings uncle (live) in a town near Nanjing .4. Do more exercise. You (get) stronger.5. Bens parents have different . ( hobby )6. My bike is near the wi

11、ndow. Where is ( you ) ?7. Id like a VCD of (Japan) cartoons.8. Girls usually like dancing ( well) than boys.9. December 18th is ( Mary ) birthday.10. We (have) a Science Festival last month.七、按要求写句子(1 0 分)1. My favorite season is autumn.(改为同义句)I autumn .2. She saw a play last Sunday.(用 next 替代 last

12、)She a play next Sunday.3.Liu Tao is writing a letter to his grandpa.(改为一般疑问句)Liu Xao a letter to his grandpa?4. Its very cold in New York in winter.(对划线部分提问)the like in New York in winter.5. Helen is going to buy a new dress, because her dress is too small.(对划线部分提问)Helen going to buy a new dress?八、

13、从 n 栏中找出与 I 栏相对应的句子。(10%) I( )1 .What do you want this envelope for ? A. Mine.( )2. Where are you from? B. There are three stops.( )3. What would you like? C. You can take bus No. 33( )4. Can I have some paper? D. I want to post a letter.( )5. What does your sister do ? E. Id like some chocolate.( )

14、6. Whose ruler is longer, his or yours ? F. Its Tuesday.( )7. Which bus shall I take ? G She is a nurse.( )8. What day is it today ? H. Of course, here you are( )9. How many stops are there ? I. I like winter best.( )10 . Which season do you like best ?J. We are from Japan九、根据所给情境,选择一个正确的选项。(10%) ( ) 1.当你想知道现在几点,可以问:A. What are you doing? B. What time is it?C. Whats this?( ) 2.你想知道别人的国籍时,可以问:A. Wher


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