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1、第1篇:英语作文 my familyhello, my name is liuyutong,lm ten. this is my mother, she is very nice and very tall.she love yellow and blue.this is my father, hes very clever, he like play the guitar. this is my little brother, he”s very cute .but hes a bit naughty hes like bread and cake.my family is a softfa

2、mily. 第2篇:英语作文 英语 选择。 (b) 1. where _ my shirt? a. are b. is c. am(b ) 2. _ is my pen? it’s under the book.a.what b. where b. (b ) 3. where _ my shirt? a. are b. is c. am(a ) 4. where _ my shorts? a. are b. is c. am(c ) 5. _ are my pants? they are on the bed.a. who b. whose c. where(a ) 6. wher

3、e are my new socks? they are _ the box.a. on b. blue c. his(b )7. _ is this skirt? it’s your baby sister’s. a. who b. whose c. where(a ) 8. _ is the boy? he is my brother’s. a. whose b. who c. where( a) 9. _ is the book? he is my brother’s.a. whose b. who c. how(a ) 10. _ is

4、your new t-shirt? it’s red.a. what colour b. whose c. where d. who(b ) 11. _ is this? it’s a book.a. where b. what c. whose第3篇:英语作文英语 helle! my lind is ma yali.im in class2gnada5.(你好!我叫赖伟琪,我在五年级二班读书)怎么样,我的英语不错吧。告诉你,我还是班里的英语小组长!不过,说起刚开始学英语,我还闹过不少笑话呢。 三年级时,学校开始设英语课,同学们的兴致可高了。停着外语老师叽里咕噜冒泡似的

5、往外吐英语,羡慕得要命。一开始,虽然听不懂,可老师教的几句简单的礼貌用语。我们鹦鹉学舌似的跟着老师一句一句地说,不久就能拿腔拿调地回家跟爸爸妈妈那欣喜的样子,我可真得意,心想:原来学外语就这么简单啊! 然而不久,需要记住的英语单词就越来多。我既念不准,又拼不出。怎么办呢?急中生智,我想出了好办法。我在每一个单词旁边都注上中文,“good morning”就是“狗的毛宁”“pencil”就是“潘嗽”碰到没听写,课桌上就成了大花脸。我在课桌上早早写好要听写的单词,上课时这么瞄上几眼也就熬过去了,可好景不长,不久,“意外”发生了 那天,因为班主任外出听课,语文课改成英语课。一上课,老师就进行听写。由

6、于没有准备,我一个单词也写不出来,坐在那里等着着急,没办法。一会儿,老师让我们开小火车读单词。轮到我时,老师让我读单词尺子“rule”我张口就念“路了”全班同学一下子哄堂大笑起来。我脸红到脖子根,恨不得地上有个洞让自己钻下去。 下课时,好几个同学围着我叽里咕噜说:“把“rule”读成 “路了。”我暗暗下定决心,以后一定要好好学习英语。 现在,每当我英语取得好成绩的时,我就会想起老师的话,它激励我认认真真地去学好每一门功课,做好每一叫件事情。 第7篇:英语作文 yannam:hellow luxin:hellow,iam luxin,may i speak yannannan?y:hi,luxi

7、n,iam yannannan.l:hi,yannannan,why are you adsent week?y:iam illl:how do you feel now?y:i feel headache.l:i holp you get better soon.y:can you take homework for mel :sure see you soon.英语作文 陆欣 第8篇:英语作文my frend is yannannan,she is chinese .she from taicang .she go to school from monday to friday.she o

8、ften do housework on saturday. sometimes,she watch tv.she like swimming .she swming well英语作文 陆欣 第9篇:英语作文2007年06月25日 星期一 下午 09:00 the change of my life before i entered this school- guangdong teachers college of foreign language and art,i had a colourful and wonderful dream. until now , i still remem

9、ber what my former english teacher told me . he said that this college is great.it must be a good choice if you really want to improve english.it is true.most of the teachers here are responsible ,the equipments are advanced. even though the college is not as large as others,the environment here is

10、so nice.there are many trees ,flowers and grasses.everyday,many students are reading books here and there.some students are even talking with each other in english .however,i do not want to talk about the college,what i want to talk about is the changes in my thoughts of my love,my family and my com

11、munication with others. why do i talk about my love firstly? it is quite simple,because i still have no lovers.it is very difficult for us to find a boy here,which surprises my father,my mother and me when we stepped into guangdong teachers college of foreign language and art.it is not a good phenom

12、enon.it is out of balance.however,it is not what we can change.what i can do is just to blamed my english teacher,i ask him why he can ask me to go to a college which has so few boys. i do not think i will be homesick since i know i will leave home,so do my families.i do not cry when i leave my home

13、,i am just very exciting that i can have a new life.when i stay here alone,i do not really miss my families, i just feel that my families are accompanied with me at any time. in order to save money, i never make a telephone home. but i acquire my mother to call me at least once or twice a week. when

14、 my mother calls me ,i will talk to her for at least one hour. she always complaints that i have too much to talk to her. but i know that when she hears my voice ,she is very happy. i am also very happy when i hear what she complaints,because i know it is a happy complaint. when i am sick, i never l

15、et her know. i am afraid that she will rush here to take care of me. i am just joking. i know that she must be very worried about me at home. i just want her to know that her daughter is happy ,healthy and hard-working. compared with my mother, my fathers love is simple. he just asks me whether i need money ,asks me not to be too economic. i really do not want to get money from my parents. i am an adult now , i have my own thoughts. so i start to do some part-time jobs. my first part-time job is to pretend to be a fans. it i


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