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1、分类号密级UDC 学位论文宝钢碳钢及不锈钢渣场设备技术改造项目进度管理研究作者姓名:指导教师:教授东北大学工商管理学院申请学位级别:硕士学科类别:专业硕士学位学科专业名称:项目管理论文提交日期:2016年11月论文答辩日期:2016年11月学位授予日期:2017年3月答辩委员会主席:评阅人:东北大学2016年11月A Thesis for the Degree of Master in Project ManagementResearch on the Project Schedule Management of Alteration Project of EquipmentTechnolog

2、y in Stainless SteelAndCarbonSteelSlagYard of Baosteelby Supervisor: Associate Professor Northeastern UniversityNovember 2016独创性声明本人声明,所呈交的学位论文是在导师的指导下完成的。论文中取得的研究成果除加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人己经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包括本人为获得其他学位而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均己在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。学位论文作者签名:日期:学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者和指导教师完全了解东北大

3、学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定:即学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人同意东北大学可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索、交流。作者和导师同意网上交流的时间为作者获得学位后:半年 一年 一年半 两年学位论文作者签名:导师签名:签字日期:签字日期1摘要为整治不锈钢事业部碳钢及不锈钢渣处理区域环境,同时确保渣处理生产安全顺利,宝钢不锈钢事业部将对现有碳钢及不锈钢渣处理系统进行更新完善改造。由于“宝钢碳钢及不锈钢渣场设备技术改造项目进度管理研究”涉及的内容多、需要考虑的因素多且实践性强,是项目管理领域中较为典型的项目进度管理案例,因此选取


5、和排序、时间估算,进而运用理论知识科学地制定了宝钢碳钢及不锈钢渣场设备技术改造项目进度表。最后通过对项目进度控制系统、项目进度跟踪、项目风险分析和进度调整等进行了完整的论述,并实现了对宝钢碳钢及不锈钢渣场设备技术改造进度的控制,为以后其他类似项目的项目进度管理提供有借鉴意义的经验,同时也可为国内同行提供有价值的参考和借鉴。关键词:碳钢及不锈钢渣处理系统;项目进度管理;设备技术改造I东北大学硕士学位论文AbstractAbstractFor dealing with the environment of stainless steel and stainless steel slag, and

6、to ensure the safe and smooth production at the same time,Baosteel stainless unit update the existing carbon steel and stainless steel slag processing system. Because”The Project Schedule Management Research of Equipment Technical Renovation of Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel Slag Field of Baosteel

7、” with the practical especially strong, is the typical case of project schedule management, so it is selected for key research projects.Firstly, the theory of project schedule management is introduced in this paper, focused on the concept and overview of project schedule management, and methods of p

8、roject schedule management. hrough the review of the theory of project schedule management, the application of the project schedule management theory has laid a solid theoretical foundation for the improvement of the carbon steel and stainless steel slag field equipment technology transformation pro

9、ject. Secondly, review of Baosteel carbon steel and stainless steel slag field equipment technological transformation projects, including project background, overall planning, and implementation process, laid the foundation for further research on application of Baosteel carbon steel and stainless s

10、teel slag field equipment technical renovation project management.This paper mainly focused on the progress of the project schedule management process for the carbon steel and stainless steel slag field equipment technical renovation project in Baosteel.Throughthe application of the principle and me

11、thod of project management and combined with the specific situation of the general features of carbon steel and stainless steel slag field of Baosteel, carbon steel and stainless steel slag field equipment technical renovation project to the breakdown work, definition and sort activity,and estimate

12、time, Baosteel made of carbon steel and stainless steel slag field equipment technological transformation project schedule. Finally, Through the completely discussion of the project schedule control, project progress tracking, project risk analysis and schedule adjustment, realize the schedule contr

13、ol of the progress of the technical improvement of the steel and stainless steel slag field equipment in Baosteel. This research will provide a reference for the progress of other similar projects and provide reference for domestic counterparts in the future.Keywords:Carbon steel and stainless steel

14、 slag processing system; Project schedule management; Equipment technical transformationIV东北大学硕士学位论文 目录目录独创性声明I摘要IIAbstractIII第1章 绪 论11.1 选题的背景或研究意义11.2 国内外项目进度管理研究的现状21.2.1 国外项目进度管理研究的现状21.2.2 国内项目进度管理研究的现状41.3 研究的方法及内容41.4 论文结构5第2章 项目进度管理理论与方法72.1项目进度管理概述72.2项目进度管理过程82.2.1 工序定义(Activity Definition

15、)82.2.2 工序排序(Activity Sequencing)82.2.3 工序资源估算(Activity Resource Estimating)82.3.4 工序工期估计(Activity Duration Estimating)92.3.5 进度编制(Schedule Development)92.3.6 进度控制(Schedule Control)92.3项目进度管理方法92.3.1关键日期表102.3.2甘特图(横道图)102.3.3 里程碑计划(PMS)102.3.4 关键路线法(CPM)112.3.5计划评审技术(PERT)122.3.6工作分解结构(WBS)122.3.7风险评审技术(VERT)132.3.8关键链



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