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1、第一篇:对外汉语考研面试英语自我介绍 good morning, every teacher. its really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview. and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. first, let me introduce myself briefly. my name iswangqian,. i am 22 year

2、s old, born in dingzhuo,a small city in hebei province. im studying at tangshan normal university. i major in teaching chinese as a foreign language. in order to improve my english and master fundamental knowledge of computer application, i have passed cet6, the c language examination in the nationa

3、l computer rank examination level(更多精彩内容请访问首页Www.haoWOrD.Com)2 and the database examination in the national computer rank examination level3 with a ease. i always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. the scholarships i have won during these years could certificate tha

4、t i work hard. i am very easy to get on with, so i have lots of friends. and i am optimistic for that i believe in the end thing will mend. sometimes i prefer staying alone, reading, watching movies, listening to music or surfing the internet.howere ,ialso like playing all kinds of sports,such as ru

5、nning ,playing badminton.buti like travelling best.thanks to all these activities ,im more and mrore indenpented. its eazy for me to adapt to the new situation and i enjoy the challenge of the progressi have ever alone been to beining,tianjin,qinghai and so on. as for why i choose to engage in postg

6、raduate study, there are several reasons as follow. firstly, as a student majoring in teaching chinese as a f oreign language i think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. it is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world. sec

7、ondly, ,. i am looking forward to following him to make a more foundation for future profession after two years study here. thirdly, now the employment situation is serious. maybe through postgraduate study, i could achieve a better position. in a word, im eager to enroll in our school to proceed fu

8、rther.ihope the teachers will give me a chance .thanks very much! 第二篇:对外汉语考研复试英文自我介绍 good morning, my dear professors! its my great honor to be here for your interview. my name is lihui, im a four year undergraduate, major in english education at huaihua university, with tremendous interest in chine

9、se as a foreign language. now i will introduce myself briefly, i am a girl who is fervent, outgoing and creative. at the same time, i think i am quick in mind and careful in everything. i am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. i will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is t

10、he wisest. furthermore, i am a person with great perseverance. during the days preparing for the first examination, i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like. and just owning to this, i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. well, in my spare time, i like si

11、nging, basketball and english. also, chinese writing is my favorite. i often go to attend the chinese lecture in chinese department to improve myself, and take part in chinese writing competition to improve my written ability. but i know my chinese is not good enough, i will continue studying. ok, t

12、hats all, thank you for your attention. 我的考研全程及考湖南师大研究生之我见 我是初试前不久经朋友介绍才知道考研论坛的,虽然在论坛里很少发言和回复但在这里我了解到了很多有用的信息也从侧面得到了很多善意的帮助,更了解到了考研中信息灵通的重要性,师兄师姐哪怕是只言片语的经验介绍对后来者来说都如获至宝极有价值。 如今作为一位过来人,我力图以一种客观中立的态度把自己的经历和考研的感受写出来,也算是为考研论坛做一点点事吧,希望对仍在路上的考研朋友有所帮助。对很多人来说考研是一条不堪回首的慢慢长路,艰辛的付出、经济精神的压力、孤独感无助感甚至绝望感伴随着考研的整个过

13、程。在我看来,当学习变成一种生活习惯时,考研初试前的准备和复习也无所谓紧张和有压力了,复习、练习、考试一切水到渠成自然而然。而考研的压力完全在复试上。因为初试你面对的是白纸黑字,完全是跟物打交道,只要复习好从容应试就好了,根本不要想其他的。而复试则不同了,你面对的是来自学校权威的提问,准备自己不熟悉的英语听力和口语,通过哪些渠道了解相关的信息以及各种复杂的关系,太多太多不确定的东西要面对,还有就是漫长而焦急地等待因此初试的复习和准备我就不累述了,主要谈谈参加湖南师大复试的经历和感受。 要有耐心,不能等、没有耐心的话就选34所自主招生学校,湖师大复试名单公布及复试时间安排一般较靠后,留给没录取的

14、考生的调剂时间不多; 要想自费生也有生活补助的话请考虑别的学校,湖师大的自费生没有生活补助,公费生每学年也要交2014元学费; 初试一定要考好,分数越高越好,排名越靠前越好!录取及公费很大程度取决于初试排名; 若是想考公费的话,初试最好考第一,这样会减少很多不必要的麻烦;若有关系有熟人的话一切好说;若是排名不前不后,又没熟人、关系,那公不公费、录不录取完全不好说。中国是个人情大国,学校不是真空的象牙塔,这是国情。至于送礼送钱等门路考生自己斟酌,本人讷于此道,不便妄言; 初试成绩出来后又要等一段时间才出国家线,而学校的复试名单也在国家线公布一段时间以后。若是分数在国家线之上,均可提前准备英语口语

15、、听力和专业,同时关注调剂信息,这样不管是到本校复试还是调剂都可以掌握主动; 复试与其说是严格、难度大还不如说是复试的考试形式给人带来的压力大。其实师湖师大的复试还是比较轻松的。主要包括专业和英语听力、口语及面试两个部分。专业各不相同,自己准备,不在话下。重点是英语听力、口语和面试,这也是大家着急担心之所在。我参加的是湖师大美院的复试,每个考生按排名依次进入复试考场,单独进行,其余在外等候;包括院长副院长在内的五位考官主考,考生进入复试考场一侧有一椅子,上面放着若干个信封,由考生随机抽选,信封里装的是用汉语回答的相关专业问题,抽选好问题后,考生来到考官面前的椅子上落座,并自己打开信封宣读考题并马上作答,题目设置也不会涉及太深奥的专业问题,一般大都是有关你的感受和看法的问题,如除了专业书籍以外,你还看什么书,印象最深刻的一本是哪本?主要内容?;现代生活对艺术的表现形式有影响么?为什么有些艺术家的行为另类?等;回答完此问题,一位考官会随机再问你一些个人及专业的问题,此二者为面试。然后就是由一位英语很牛的专业老师或英语老师根据你刚刚回答的内容向你提问,你用英语回答,如谈谈你在xx地方生活的感受?谈谈你的家庭?谈谈你为什


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