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1、M1-M2重点单词及短语be back from 从回来come back 回来 live in住在 look at 看 come with 与一起来 hurry up 赶快wait for 等待 by bus 乘坐公交车 shopping list 购物单 how many多少(可数名词复数) half a kilo 半公斤how much 多少(不可数名词)one kilo of noodles 一公斤面条make a list 做一个清单 go to the supermarket 去超市 the first thing 第一项 Here you are. 给你 all right 好吧

2、重点句型一、疑问词(放在句首)when什么时候 where在哪里 who谁 what什么 how怎样,如何二、(用什么提问,用什么回答)(疑问句直接回答)Did you walk to school? (你步行去学校么?)Yes, I did. No, I didntDid they go home by bike?(他们骑自行车去学校么?) Yes, they did. No, they didnt.When did you come back with Sam?(你和Sam什么时候回来?)I came back with Sam yesterday.(昨天我和Sam回来的。)三、with

3、加某人放在后面。如:I went to school with Sam.(我同Sam去学校)四、过去式:come-came go-went meet-met buy-bought drop-droppedrun-ran see-saw send-sent eat-ate have-had do-did五、how many +可数名词+do you want? 你想要多少呢? 对可数名词的数量提问。例:How many bananas do you want?how much +不可数名词+ do you want? 对不可数名词的数量进行提问。 例:How many milk do you w

4、ant? (常见的不可数名词:milk, juice, water, meat, rice, bread, cake, cheese )阶段测试卷 满分:100分班级: 姓名: 学号: 分数: 一、读一读,把所划线部分读音相同的单词写在表格中相应的空格中。(18分) football when fox Sunday eat with letter book understand teacher dog rivermeatdropmettookhurryBritish【答案】meateatteacherdropfoxdogmetwhenlettertookfootballbookhurrySun

5、dayunderstandBritishwithriver【解析】1. meat, eat, teacher中ea都发/i:/的音2. drop, fox, dog中o都发/的音3. met, when, letter中e都发/e/的音4. took, football, book中oo都发/u/的音5. hurry, Sunday, understand中u都发/的音6. British, with, river中i都发/i/的音【难度】较难二、读一读,用手写体抄写下列句子。(3分)1.I dropped my ice cream.2.This is our Chinese friend,L

6、ingling.【答案】1. I dropped my ice cream.2. This is our Chinese friend, Lingling.【解析】本题考查字母的规范书写。本题中需注意friend中f的手写体要占上中下三格。【难度】较易三、英汉互译。(12分)1. 两年_ 2. on the playground_3. in the classroom_4. 一棵大树_5. 在那边_ 6. feed the ducks_【答案】1. two years 2. 在操场上 3. 在教室里 4. a big tree 5. over there 6. 喂鸭子【解析】1. 二 two,

7、年year,故“两年”为two years。注意year要加s变成复数形式。2. on 在上面,playground 操场,故on the playground意为:在操场上。3. in 在里面,classroom 教室,故in the classroom意为:在教室里。4. 一(棵)a,大的 big,树木 tree,故“一棵大树”为a big tree。5. “在那边”的固定表达为over there。6. feed 喂养,duck鸭子,故feed the ducks意为:喂鸭子。【难度】一般四、单项选择。(10分)( ) 1. There _ many sweets here. A. ar

8、e B. is C. am D. be【答案】A【解析】本题考查there be句型。题干中的主语sweets为复数,故be动词用are。句意:这有很多糖果。【难度】容易( ) 2. She cant _ this book. A. buys B. buying C. bought D. buy【答案】D【解析】本题考查情态动词后动词的形式。can(not)为情态动词,其后用动词原形。故本题应用buy的原形。句意:她不能买这本书。【难度】一般( ) 3. _ he plays football after school. A. YesterdayB. Sometimes C. Tomorrow

9、 D. Now【答案】B【解析】本题考查一般现在时的标志词。根据题干中动词plays的形式,可判断句子为一般现在时,sometimes 有时,常用于一般现在时。yesterday 用于一般过去时,tomorrow用于一般将来时,now用于现在进行时。句意:他有时放学后去踢足球。【难度】容易( ) 4. _ you like my school? Yes, I do. A. Did B. Are C. Do D. Will【答案】C【解析】考查一般现在时的助动词。根据答句I do可知问句为一般现在时,由于主语为you,所以助动词应为do。句意:-你喜欢我的学校吗?-是的,我喜欢。【难度】容易(

10、) 5. Look_! The car is coming. A. for B. at C. / D. to【答案】C【解析】根据题干可猜测句意为:看!车来了。当只表示“看”的动作,而不指出“看”的对象时,不需要加介词。故本题答案为C。【难度】一般五、读一读,根据所给的单词选择填空。(10分)took were went is walkedDaming and his father 1 to the Great Wall at the weekend. It 2 very old and very long. They went there at ten oclock in the morni

11、ng. They went to Badaling by bus. Then they 3 for one hour. There 4 lots of people. They took photos of the mountains. Daming 5 a photo of his father.【答案】1. went 2. is 3. walked 4. were 5. took【解析】1. 根据上下文可知本句意思为:大明和爸爸周末去了长城。“去某地”go to .,因为描述的是已发生了的事,所以需用过去时,本题填went。2. 根据上下文可知本句意思为:长城古老又绵长。这里在描述长城的客

12、观特征,空后是两个并列形容词old and long,前面需用be动词,且用一般现在时,所以本题填is。3. 根据上下文可知本句意思为:他们步行了一个小时。“步行”walk,所以本题填walked。4. 根据上下文可知本句意思为:有很多的人。“有”用there be句型,主语为people是复数,be动词要用are的形式,这里要用一般过去时,所以本题填were。 5. 根据上下文可知本句意思为:大明给他爸爸照了一张相。“照相”可用短语take a photo of sb,所以本题填take的过去式形式took。【难度】较难六、找出句中的错误,在横线上改正过来,并将标号填在题前括号内。(12分)

13、( ) 1. There are tall tree in the park. _ A B C ( ) 2. There are small desks in the class before. _ A BC( ) 3. Look at the picture to our school. _ A B C ( ) 4. Are you like the park now? _ A BC 【答案】1. C tree-trees 2. B are-were 3. C to-of 4. A Are-Do【解析】1. 根据句中动词are可知后面的名词要用复数形式,所以要将tree改为trees。2. 根据句末的时间词before可知句子要用一般过去时,所以要将are改为过去式were。3. “某物的照片”的表达为the p


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