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1、 学校 班级 姓名 蚌山小学20122013学年度第一学期第二次教学质量检测五 年 级 英 语 (时间:50分钟 满分:100分)听力部分一、听音选择正确的答语。(10分)( )1、A. Its below the tofu. B. Its mine.( )2、A. Yes,of course. B. Yes,I can.( )3、A. Its on the bed. B. Theyre in my room.( )4、A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, I do.( )5、A. She sings every day. B.Shes singing.二、听音选择正确的中文意思并

2、把编号填入括号内。(10分)( )1、A.你在家怎样帮忙?B.你在家帮忙吗?( )2、A.现在是5:50分。 B.现在是5:15分。( )3、A.她喜欢音乐课。 B. 她不喜欢音乐课。( )4、A.把葡萄放在盒子里。 B.把葡萄放在盒子的前面。( )5、A. 家明正在干什么? B.家明每天怎样做家务?三仔细听英语,选择听到的英语。(5分)( )1、A.dishes B.teeth( )2、A.a toy car B.kite( )3、A.uniforms B. sports uniforms( )4、A.go home B.go to home( )5、A. science B.math得分

3、笔试部分一、语音四选一,把发音不同单词的编号填入括号内。(10分)( )1、A. orange B. boy C. coin D. toy ( )2、A. brown B. yellow C. mouse D. cow( )3、A. weB. whatC. writeD. weather( )4、A. photoB. enoughC. fourD. five( )5、A. play B. gray C. table D. bag二、写出下列英语。(20分)来源:学科网扫地_ 叠衣服_桃子(复数)_ 洗蔬菜_薯片_ 一条红领巾_葡萄(复数)_ 捡垃圾_打扫家具_ 电话_来源:Z,xx,k.Com

4、 三、选择填空。(11分)( )1、A: Hows JiaMing? B: A. Thanks B. Hes fine. C.Weare fine,and you?( )2、What_you doing?A. are B. do C.is( )3、Does she sing ?A. likes to B. like C.like to ( )4、Ben puts away_books.A. her B his C.he( )5、He is really_.A. helpful B.helpfull C.help( )6、Its 12 oclock . Time for lunch.来源:学科网

5、ZXXKA. p.m. B. a.m. C. morning( )7、Can he the clothes at home?来源:Z_xx_k.ComA. wash B washing B. washes( )8、Is he the plants ?A. waters B. water C. watering( )9、Look at .A. him B. his C.he( )10、She can_,.A. washing the clothes B. wash the clothes C.washes the clothes( )11、What Jia Ming have? He a bal

6、l.A. do,have B. does,has C.can,has四、按要求写词。(6分)1. watch(复数) 2. she(形容词性物主代词) 3. below(反义词) 4. wash(第三人称单数) 5. Pam(所有格) 6. set(现在分词) 五对话配对。(12分)( )1.They dont have apples. A.Me,too. ( ) 2.Hows everyone? B.Theyre. over there. ( )3.How many eggs do you want? C.Ok,please wash the dishes. ( )4.Can I help

7、you? D.Twenty. ( )5.I like to play tennis.How about you?E.Were fine.And you? ( )6.Where are my socks? F.Oh,no.六、按要求写句子。(16%)1、Are the oranges above the candy?.(改为肯定句)(3分) _2、He is brushing his teeth now.(划线提问) (3分) _3、She washes the clothes every day.(改为一般疑问句,否定回答) (3分)_4、-How Sandy help at home? (2分) -She the floor.来源:Zxxk.Com5. Can she dust the _? (2分) -No, she .6. Bobo and Dongdong are dusting the furniture.(划线部分提问) (3分) _



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