怎样写求职信(精 选多篇)

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《怎样写求职信(精 选多篇)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《怎样写求职信(精 选多篇)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一篇:怎样写求职信 ? ? ? 怎样撰写毕业求职自荐信? http:/加入收藏 推荐:免费注册求职简历,获取更多面试机会! 求职自荐信是毕业生向用人单位自我推荐的书面材料,是毕业生所有求职材料中至为关键的支柱性文件,其写作质量直接关系到毕业生择业的成功与否。因此,自荐信被称为毕业生求职的"敲门砖"。 自荐信的重点在于"荐",在构思上一定要围绕"为何荐","凭何荐"、"怎么荐"的思路安排,其格式一般分为标题、称呼、正文、附件和落款五部分。 1、标题 标题是自荐信的标志和称谓,要求醒目、简洁、庄雅

2、。要用较大字体在用纸上方标注"自荐信"三个字,显得大方、美观。 2、称呼 这是对主送单位或收件人的呼语。如用人单位明确,可直接写上单位名称,前?quot;尊敬的"加以修饰,后以领导职务或统称"领导"落笔,如单位不明确,则用统称"尊敬的贵单位(公司或学校)领导"领起,最好不要直接冠以最高领导职务,这样容易引起第一读者的反感,反而难达目的。 3、正文 正文是自荐信的核心,开语应表示向对方的问候致意。主体部分一般包括简介、自荐目的、条件展示、愿望决心和结语五项内容。 简介是自我概要的说明,包括自荐人姓名、性别、民族、年龄、籍贯、政

3、治面貌、文化程度、校系专业、家庭住址、任职情况等要素,要针对自自荐目的作简单说明,无须冗长繁琐。 自荐目的要写清信息来源,求职意向、承担工作目标等项目,要写得明确具体、但要把握分寸、简明扼要,既不能要求过高又不能模棱两可,给人以自负或自卑的不良印象。条件展示是自荐信的关键内容,主要应写清自己的才能和特长。要针对所求工作的应知应会去写,充分展示求职的条件,从基本条件和特殊条件两个方面解决凭什么求的问题。基本条件应写清政治表现和学习活动两方面内容。 愿望决心部分要表示加盟对方组织的热切愿望,展望单位的美好前景,期望得到认可和接纳,自然恳切,不卑不亢。 结语一般在正文之后按书信格式写上祝语或&quo

4、t;此致,敬礼""恭候佳音"之类语名。 4、附件 自荐信附件主要包括个人简历,证书及文章复制件、需要附录说明的材料,也可作为附件一一列出。 5、落款 落款处要写上"自荐人的字样,并标注规范体公元纪年和月日。随文处要说明回函的联系方式、邮政编码、地址、信箱号、电话号码及呼机号等。署名处如打印复制件则要留下空白,由求职人亲自签名,以示郑重和敬意。 自荐信写作虽有一定的自由度,但务必要注意文明礼貌,诚朴雅致,特别要注意突出才艺与专长的个体特征,注意展现经验、业绩和成果,精心设计装帧,讲求格式美观雅致、追求庄重秀美,使其象一只报春的轻燕,飞进千家万户,为你带来佳

5、音。 ? ? ? 如何提高求职信含金量? http:/加入收藏 推荐:免费注册求职简历,获取更多面试机会! 一,开头: 开头一定要开门见山的写明你对公司有兴趣并想担任他们空缺的职位,以及你是如何得知该职位的招聘信息的。这样会使你的求职信显得有针性和条理性,同时使人事经理更好了解各种招聘途径的效果,会让招聘公司立即对你产生好感。 如:“我从*职位快讯上看到贵公司正在招聘*职位,我寄上简历敬请斟酌。” 二、重点:对申请职位的认识和符合职位个人才能和经验的展示 信的第二部分要简短地叙述自己的才能,特别是这些才能将满足公司的需要。没有必要时具体陈述,因为履历表将负责这些。这部分你强调你的将会有益于公司

6、的发展。不要在信中表示你会因聘用而收益多少,面对桌上一大堆履历表和许多空缺职位,招聘经理关心的不会是你的个人成就。尽可能地少用人称代词“我”,要让人感到你想表达的是“我怎样才能帮你。” 三、要点:联系方式写清楚 在示职信中给出你电话预约面试的可能时间范围,或表明你希望迅速得到回音,并标明与你联系的最佳方式。 四、结尾:感谢他们阅读并考虑你的应聘。 写求职信戒四误: 通过写信求职是一常见方式,但必须避免以下四种失误以提高求职命中率。 1、不够自信,过于谦虚 求职者应当在信中强调自己强项,即使不可避免地要说明自己的弱项,也没有必要时那么坦率。 2、主观意愿,推理不当 许多求职者为了取悦于招聘单位,

7、再三强调自己的成绩,而不知有关经验与能力对职位的重要性。 3、语气过于主观 对于招聘单位来讲,他们大都喜欢待人处世比较客观与实际的人,因而求职者在信中尽量要避免用“我认为”,“我觉得”,“我看”,“我想”等字眼。 4、措辞不当,造成反感 写求职信最忌用词不当,例如:有我这样的人才前来应聘,你们定会大喜过望。对方看到这们的词语,怎么会不反感呢? 第二篇:怎样写求职信 怎样写求职信 the purpose of a letter of applicationis to help the applicant obtain the job he is interested in. it should

8、state clearly what position the applicant wants, and should tell what his abilities are and what he has to offer. it should provide a quick, clear picture of the applicants qualifications, accomplishment and aims. it should present the applicant to possible employees in the best light. a well-writte

9、n letter of application, however, does not necesarily guarantee a position; but it does insure consideration and a better chance of an interview. the applicant cannot hope to get his whole story into his letter, but he should cover enough ground to intrigue the prospective employer and make the empl

10、oyer willing to meet him, speak to him, and find out more about him. it takes more than a good letter to land a job; instead, it takes ability, specific experience, and good character. but the letter may open the door for the applicant, and give him the chance to "sell" himself. a letter o

11、f application should be simple, human, personal and brief without omitting any essential or pertinent facts. the applicant is well advised not to write a dull, stereotyped letter of application. what he should do is to make the letter interesting. generalities should be avoided in it, that is, it sh

12、ould be specific. the letter should be typed if possible. when the applicant can neither type his letter, nor has it typed by someone else, he should write it out very neatly and legibly in case the letter is discarded for its illegibility. 求职信应包括的几个要素 1. to explain where the applicant has got the i

13、nformation about the vacancy. for example, he can learn it from his friends, or in the advertisement, or in some papers, or he just wants to try his luck. sample: having noticed the enclosed advertisement in this mornings south china daily, i wish to apply for the position of sales manager. 2. to pr

14、esent personal information. this part should be a description of the applicants age, sex, education, working experience and specialty. it is in this section that the applicant presents his advantages or qualifications for the position. details are encouraged, but the applicant should bear it in mind

15、 that exaggration or false descriptions are not allowed in the letter. sample: i am 21 years of age. after graduating from high school, i took a two-year business course in foshan commercial school, studying both bookkeeping and typewriting. i now wish to enter an office where the work requires great individual r


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