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1、 WORD完美格式 专业知识编辑整理 WORD完美格式 摘要经济市场在全球发展的过程中不断扩张,逐步形成了一个全方位开放的经济局面。在全球市场的发展中,物流供应链成为促进其发展的重要因素之一,也逐渐成为企业关注的热点。物流供应链是企业与企业之间交流的桥梁,随着经济全球化的发展,物流的发展必定成为企业发展的重要环节之一也成为促进企业经济发展的重要原因之一。物流供应成为21世纪联系企业之间的重要环节,企业不再是闭门造车,逐渐形成一个相互联系又相互竞争的市场环境,供应链的竞争成为企业竞争的重要环节,也成为企业发展的重要经济来源。随着我国信息技术的推进以及企业实力的不断加强,现代的物流行业发展越来越快



4、多的软件行业接受。随着VMI物流的不断发展,第三方物流公司逐渐承接了大量企业的库存管理问题,虽然在一方面能够有效地解决库存不足等问题,同时却也增加了供应商运作能力不足、VMI更加复杂等问题。第三方物流的发展会导致供应链的发展规模越来越大、变革深度越来越深,在VMI的库存管理模式中,VMI的配送、运输以及管理等库存方面的变化给企业的信息传递、库存变化及信息共享等模式造成更大程度上的影响。关键词:T公司;仓储物流;VMI库存管理模式;供应链;供应商 WORD完美格式 AbstractIn the process of economic development in the global marke

5、t expands, gradually formed a comprehensive open market economy. In the development of the global market, the logistics of the supply chain to become one of the important factors to promote its development, and gradually become a hot topic of enterprise. Logistics supply chain is a bridge between en

6、terprises and enterprises, with the development of economic globalization, the development of the logistics will become one of the important link in enterprise development. The development of the logistics supply become one of the important reason to promote the development of enterprise economy. Lo

7、gistics supply become the important link of the contact between enterprises in the 21st century, enterprises are no longer behind closed doors, but out of a mutual contact of competitive market environment, supply chain competition becomes an important link of the enterprise competition, also become

8、 the important economic source of enterprise development. With the development of information technology in our country and the continuously strengthen enterprise strength, modern logistics industry development faster and faster, and to the enterprise and the life of people made a tremendous role.Ea

9、rly in the development of logistics industry chain, the enterprise self-management logistics management ways, but in the logistics supply chain, every member of the self management, cause the whole supply chain members, such as: manufacturers, suppliers and distributors in inventory management mode

10、is self-management, for inventory management is all according to their own management objectives and management strategy implementation, the lack of communication between at all levels of each link in the information isolation between, hard to avoid between information at all levels, the error betwe

11、en the hard to avoid often appear the situation of inventory and docking is not clear, the main reason lies in the lack of communication between companies inventory projections are based on their own point of view, based on this kind of situation between upstream supplier and downstream of the suppl

12、ier inventory management is very different situation, downstream of the supplier inventory management more perfect than the superior supplier, lead to the occurrence of bullwhip effect, threat to the downstream of the enterprise, including: low service level, inventory level is difficult to ascend,

13、high inventory cost and order process efficiency is low, the logistics supply chain inventory management of enterprises at all levels, so the upstream enterprise inventory management level is low has brought negative influence to the development of the industry, enterprises in the supply chain total

14、 cost is high, the lack of competitive advantage, eventually making the loss of every logistics enterprises in the supply chain.The more the more companies face a competition gradually rising market environment, market environment in the main reason lies in the needs of customers increasingly strict

15、, demand change frequency is high, the product life cycle shorten constantly, early take measures mainly in the computer industry is the prediction mechanism operation model into products to the actual demand as a driving mechanism.In the VMI inventory management, mainly is to establish a mechanism of customer demand as the main basis of supply chain management, has been gradually accepted by more and more of the software industry.With the continuous development of VMI logistics, third-party logistics companies to undertake a larg



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