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1、经济学人中文网赏析版2012年1月经济学人文章(英汉双语对照)汇集Contents2012.01.31Libya bitten, Syria shy一朝被利比亚咬,十年怕叙利亚12012.01.28Ant tribes and mortgage slaves 蚁族与房奴22012.01.28Who goes to the gallows? 谁该上绞架? 公众关注吴英案42012.01.28Black, white and blood red 黑色白色与血色52012.01.25Phew, the Oscars are still irrelevant 奥斯卡奖还是不靠谱82012.01.23G

2、ender & tennis: Coming up short 女网的不足92012.01.23Chinas labour force 中国的劳动力大军122012.01.21Not quite too late 还不算太晚132012.01.21Guatemalas new president: Quick march 新总统必须加快改革162012.01.21Party of two, 二人成双182012.01.19The Nordic cure for a hangover治疗宿醉的北欧疗法212012.01.16IN SEARCH OF SERENDIPITY 寻找偶遇222012.

3、01.07The dangers of demonology 妖魔化的风险282012.01.07A murder that changed Britain 改变英国的凶杀案312012.01.07Dutchmen grounded 搁浅的荷兰人342012.01.07New film: The Iron Lady” 新电影:铁娘子392012.01.07Chinese condoms: Reds in the bed 床上的红色安全套402012.01.05A World of Mist 照片散文雾的世界422012.01.02Take five 目标:攻克五种癌症47492012.01.3

4、1Libya bitten, Syria shy一朝被利比亚咬,十年怕叙利亚Syria and the UN叙利亚和联合国Libya bitten, Syria shy一朝被利比亚咬,十年怕叙利亚Jan 31st 2012, 20:59 by R.L.G. | NEW YORKIN 2005 all the worlds countries signed up, in theory, to a new norm called the responsibility to protect. In short, the idea is that a government is sovereign b

5、ecause it protects its people. When it cannot do soor worse, is the perpetrator of mass violence against its ownthe responsibility to protect them may devolve to the international community. For a while, this norm was mostly airy, referred to when other countries or United Nations diplomats got invo

6、lved to stop violence in its earliest phases. But some construe the responsibility to protect as a mandate for liberal interventionism: the right of outside countries to step in militarily when abuses get serious enough.2005全世界所有的国家从理论上签订了一种新的国际规则,名曰“保护责任”。一言以敝之,这个概念就是指政府的主权在于其对人民的保护。一旦政府不再保护人民,或者更糟

7、它开始对其人民进行大规模暴行时,保护其人民的责任就自动移交给国际社会了。在一段时间里,这种规则基本上是纸上谈兵,当其它国家或联合国外交家在暴行开始之初进行干涉阻止时加以引用。但是有人把“保护责任”解读为“自由干涉”的一种委任:即当暴行过于严重时,外部国家有用军事力量干涉的权利。Now outsiders are clamouring to do something serious about Syria. No one is pushing a military interventionnot even the Western countries sounding the harshest n

8、otes about Bashar Assad, Syrias dictator. But two of the veto-wielding members of the Security Council, China and particularly Russia, feel that the responsibility to protect has already gone far enough, thank you very much. Last year, they signed on to a resolution that authorised all necessary mea

9、ns to protect Libyan civilians from Muammar Qaddafi. That intervention became a NATO-led air war against Libyas regime, and ended with Qaddafis bloody death at the hands of the rebels. The Russians felt duped.现在外部国家们正在争论要在叙利亚问题上做点实事。现在还没人主张军事干涉,即使那些对叙利亚的独裁者巴沙尔阿萨德最为斥责的西方国家也还没有提出要付诸武力。但即使这样两个安理会持有一票否决

10、权的常任理事国中国,以及尤其是俄罗斯已经觉得“保护责任”这个概念有点过头,不能再进一步扩展了。去年,它们签订了一项决议,准许动用“所有必需手段”来保护利比亚平民不受穆阿迈尔卡扎菲迫害。最终这种干涉演变成了北约领导的对利比亚当局的空袭,之后以卡扎菲惨死于叛军之手而告终。俄罗斯人感到上当了。This is behind the Russian reticence, this week, to sign on to a draft resolution that would have Mr Assad delegate power to his deputy. This is despite str

11、ong support not only from a unified West, but from the Arab League, which has suspended Syria. The assertiveness of the league, once a do-nothing talking shop for tyrants, has been striking. It suspended its observer mission in Syria because of threats to its personnel and inability to do a proper j

12、ob monitoring. Observers hope that a personal briefing by league representatives about the bloodshed will sway the recalcitrant Security Council members.正是因为这样,本周各国试图签订一份决议草案,其中涉及让阿萨德将权力转交给他的副手时,俄罗斯对其持保留态度,尽管对此草案的支持不仅来自立场一致的西方,也包括暂停了叙利亚成员资格的阿拉伯联盟。阿盟过去一度被认为是独裁者之间光说不干的一个形式组织,但其最近在多方问题上表现出来的主见令人惊讶。它暂停了

13、其赴叙利亚的观察行动,原因在于观察机构人员受到威胁,且无法正常开展其监察职务。观察机构希望阿盟代表们亲自对于叙利亚目前血腥现状的陈述可以最终说服倔强的安理会成员国。But the Russians, citing Syrias sovereignty, have shown no sign of budging (which suits the Chinese, who do not like vetoing resolutions alone). The frustrated other members of the 15-seat council are still trying to c

14、raft a resolution everyone can agree to. But if they cannot, they have hinted that they will force a vote anyway, to get a Russian veto on the record at least. For those dying in Syria, the manoeuvring must seem absurdly abstract, and Russias desire for a peaceful settlement without foreign interven

15、tion and with respect to the sovereignty of Syria somewhere between cynical and downright ridiculous.但是俄罗斯人援引叙利亚的主权,目前还没有流露出任何退让的迹象。这对中国来说正好,因为中国并不想成为唯一否决该决议的国家。15席的安理会中那些倍感挫折的其它成员国现在还在试图起草一份所有人都能接受的决议。但是如果最后无法达成共识,它们也暗示会强迫对决议进行投票,至少要让俄罗斯的否决正式记录在案。对于那些正在被屠杀的叙利亚国民来说,这些外交程序抽象地近乎愚蠢,而俄罗斯希望“寻求无外界干涉和尊重叙利亚主权的和平解决途径”听上去既讽刺又荒谬。http:/ecocn.org/thread-62971-1-1.html 译者:nayilus2012.01.28Ant tribes and mortgage slaves 蚁族与房奴Chinas new tribes中国新群落Ant tribes and mortgage slaves蚁族与房奴The subdivisions of urban China中国城市城市人口的诸多分支Crush crush“捏捏族”WHO knew China was tribal? The diversification of


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