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1、BC1750The Sumerians brew beer.500 The Chinese use moldy soybean curds as an antibiotic to treat boils.250 The Greeks practice crop rotation to maximize soil fertility.100 Powdered chrysanthemum is used in China as an insecticide.AD: Before the 20th Century1590The microscope is invented by Janssen.16

2、63 Cells are first described by Hooke.1675 Leeuwenhoek discovers protozoa and bacteria.1797 Jenner inoculates a child with a viral vaccine to protect him from smallpox.1802 The word biology first appears.1824 Dutrochet discovers that tissue is composed of living cells.1830 Proteins are discovered.18

3、33 The cell nucleus is discovered.The first enzymes are isolated.1855 The Escherichia coli bacterium is discovered. It later becomes a major research, development, and production tool for biotechnology.Pasteur begins working with yeast, eventually proving they are living organisms.1863 Mendel, in hi

4、s study of peas, discovers that traits were transmitted from parents to progeny by discrete, independent units, later called genes. His observations lay the groundwork for the field of genetics.1869 Miescher discovers DNA in the sperm of trout.1877 A technique for staining and identifying bacteria i

5、s developed by Koch.1878 The first centrifuge is developed by Laval.The term microbe is first used.1879 Flemming discovers chromatin, the rod-like structures inside the cell nucleus that later come to be called chromosomes.1883 The first rabies vaccine is developed. 1888 The chromosome is discovered

6、 by Waldyer.AD: First Half of the 20th Century1902 The term immunology first appears.1906 The term genetics is introduced.1907 The first in vivo culture of animal cells is reported.1909 Genes are linked with hereditary disorders.1911 The first cancer-causing virus is discovered by Rous.1914 Bacteria

7、 are used to treat sewage for the first time in Manchester, England.1915 Phages, or bacterial viruses, are discovered.1919 The word biotechnology is first used by a Hungarian agricultural engineer.1920 The human growth hormone is discovered by Evans and Long.1927 Muller discovers that X-rays cause m

8、utation.1928 Fleming discovers penicillin, the first antibiotic.1938 The term molecular biology is coined.1941 The term genetic engineering is first used by a Danish microbiologist.1942 The electron microscope is used to identify and characterize a bacteriophage- a virus that infects bacteria.1943 A

9、very demonstrates that DNA is the transforming factor and is the material of genes.1944 DNA is shown to be the material substance of the gene.1949 Pauling shows that sickle cell anemia is a molecular disease resulting from a mutation.1950 to 19601951 McClintock discovers transposable elements, or ju

10、mping genes, in corn.1953 Watson and Crick reveal the three-dimensional structure of DNA.1954 Cell-culturing techniques are developed.1955 An enzyme involved in the synthesis of a nucleic acid is isolated for the first time.1956 The fermentation process is perfected in Japan.Kornberg discovers the e

11、nzyme DNA polymerase I, leading to an understanding of how DNA is replicated.1957 Sickle cell anemia is shown to occur due to a change of a single amino acid.1960 Exploiting base pairing, hybrid DNA-RNA molecules are created.Messenger RNA is discovered.1961 The genetic code is understood for the fir

12、st time.1964 The existence of reverse transcriptase (RT) is predicted.1967 The first automatic protein sequencer is perfected.1969 An enzyme is synthesized in vitro for the first time.1970s1970 Specific restriction nucleases are identified, opening the way for gene cloning.RT is discovered independe

13、ntly in murine and avian retroviruses.1971 RT is shown to have ribonuclease H (Rnase H) activity.1972 The DNA composition of humans is discovered to be 99% similar to that of chimpanzees and gorillas.Purified RT is first used to synthesize cDNA from purified mRNA in vitro.1973 Cohen and Boyer perfor

14、m the first successful recombinant DNA experiment, using bacterial genes.1974 The National Institute of Health forms a Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee to oversee recombinant genetic research.1975 Colony hybridization and Southern blotting are developed for detecting specific DNA sequences.The fir

15、st monoclonal antibodies are produced.1976 The tools of recombinant DNA are first applied to a human inherited disorder.Molecular hybridization is used for the prenatal diagnosis of alpha thalassemia.Yeast genes are expressed in E. coli bacteria.1977 Genetically engineered bacteria are used to synthesize human growth protein.1978 North Carolina scientists Hutchinson and Edgell show it is possible to introduce specific mutations at specific sites in a DNA molecule.1979 The first monoclonal antibodies are pro



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