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1、第一篇:初中英语作文入门叙事篇 初中英语作文入门 叙事篇 go for a walk yesterday evening, i went out for a walk with my mother. on the road,we met a foreigner. he asked me the way to the hot spring hotel. i told him to walk along the road and take the third turning on the left,then he could see the hotel. he thanked me very mu

2、ch for my help. i was happy that i could help him. to visit it was fine last sunday. we went to visit a modern car factory. it was eight oclock when we arrived there by bus. pingpings uncle who was an engineer there showed us around the factory. first we followed him to some workshops,and then he to

3、ld us something about the different kinds of cars. after hearing what he said,we all knew the cars they produced were both cheap and beautiful. whats more,they are very popular with people. summer holidays summer holidays are coming. during the holidays,the first thing i do is to get relaxed. ill do

4、 morning exercises every day as i did at school. and in the afternoon,if im free,i will go fishing in the park. i like reading.so id like to spend some time reading books. i will also try to study maths,for im not good enough at it. during the holidays, ill help my parents do housework as much as po

5、ssible.i also want to visit some of my friends and relatives. im sure i will have a pleasant time this summer. a trip i went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer. it was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happened on the half way. one of my friends suddenly felt a terr

6、ible pain in his stomach and he couldnt move any further. nobody knew what to do. one girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area. luckily we brought a tent with us. we put it up and let him rest in it. he took some medicine. then he drank some water

7、 and ate some food. after a while,he felt much better and we walked on. we all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain. a football game yeserday we had a football game against the team from class four. their players were good. we really felt a little afraid of them. but zhang xin,the leader of

8、our class team,said,“although they are good players,their team is weak.”zhang xin is about 1.68 meters tall and his number is twelve. he can kick two or three goals every match. then he told us,“remember that we are a team and well win the game.” at the beginning of the match,a player from class fou

9、r ran with the ball. zhang xin ran over quickly to stop him. he got the ball and kicked the goal! he kept on passing the ball to other players. we passed the ball to each other like him. the players from class four were getting anxious. they were angry with us. but we continued to pass the ball. at

10、last we kicked four goals and they kicked two. we won the game! we were very happy. a woman and a boy one day,a boy bought a pair of new shoes. he was so happy that he rode his bike very fast. suddenly he saw a woman in front. he quickly stopped his bike,but it was too late. the woman was hit and ne

11、arly fell down. but the boy quickly got on the bike and rode his bike away in a hurry. about half an hour later the boy found his shoes missing. he thought the woman had gone away,so he went back to look for his new shoes. to his surprise he found the woman standing there with the shoes. she said to

12、 him,“here are your shoes,young man.i am ok.take good care of yourself.” the boys face got red at once. 第二篇:初中优秀叙事作文:青春期,那些叛逆的事 青春期,那些叛逆的事 泉州市安溪三中:吴两褀下课的时候,舒小语站在那棵硕大的法国梧桐树下,呆呆地出神,看两只小蚂蚁为争抢米粒大小的食物打架。 麦子跑过来说:“小语,你躲在这里干什么?”舒小语不吭声。麦子吞吞吐吐地问:“我刚才去wc,听见他们都在议论,说你昨天放学时,和苏阳牵手来着,是不是真的?”舒小语忽然就恼了,“你什么时候变得这样八卦了?是

13、真的又怎么样?不是真的又怎么样?”麦子的脸红了,“我不过是问问罢了,牵不牵手,与我何干?”她转身向教室跑去。舒小语的大脑瞬间一片空白。她不明白自己怎么这样急躁易怒,而且是对自己最好的朋友。 一上午,舒小语都没有心思听课,担心麦子再也不会理自己了。好不容易挨到放学,她想去找麦子道歉,可是刚刚走到教室门口,语文老师朱大志叫住她,“舒小语,全班同学就你的作文没交。”舒小语嘟囔了一句:“我写不出来。”“是写不出还是根本就没写?”舒小语漫不经心地说:“我就是不想写,怎么了?备考作文都是八股文,体现不出我的才华,我不想把时间浪费在这些无谓的事情上。” 朱大志老师彻底恼了,“叫家长来!”舒小语瞅着这个暴怒的

14、中年老男人,展颜一笑,“抱歉,我不负责传话,你自己打电话叫家长。” 走出教室,身后立刻响起一片窃窃私语。舒小语的眼泪,便急急 精品教学资源: 地滑落一脸,她根本没想跟老师对峙的。可是话一出口,就不由自己控制了。 下午没有课,舒小语坐在钢琴边弹琴,一首绿岛小夜曲被她弹得支离破碎。 老妈在另外一个房间里喊,“小语,你弹的什么啊?乱七八糟的,你知不知道每次我送你去上钢琴课要花多少钱?” 舒小语“嚯”地一下从钢琴边站起来,没好气地说:“花再多的钱我也不领情,我还不想学呢!从小到大,逼我学这学那。就我那遗传基因,既不可能成为舞蹈家,也不可能成为钢琴家,你老人家还是省省吧!” 舒小语和母亲以前一直能平和地

15、沟通。可是进入青春期的舒小语,不知道从哪一天开始,忽然变成了一株仙人掌,谁接近她,谁就会被刺到。 老妈愤怒地冲进来,“你这个丫头,说这么没良心的话,我真是白疼你了,不领情就算了,以后不学了。”舒小语摔门而出。她去了书城的二楼,抱着自己喜欢的书,一直看到天黑。 出了书城,她的心仍然没有宁静下来,我怎么会这样呢?这不是我的本意。叛逆是青春期前期的主题,刺伤别人的同时,也会刺伤自己。擦肩而过的人群,让她备感孤单。她知道,流年总会过去,另外一个她就站在青春的不远处,与自己微笑相对。 指导老师:李晔华 精品教学资源: 第三篇:夹在筷子里的幸福 初中家庭类叙事作文精选 夹在筷子里的幸福 “在每个人的地平线上



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