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1、(外研社)英语五年级上册 Module 9 Unit 1 Are you feeling sad 教学方案设计单元M 9 U1课题 Are you feeling sad课型新授教学 目标知识与能力使学生能听说、认读单词;能了解母及字母组合ts, ds, tr, dr, ch, j, dg 在单词中常见的读音;能准确理解并熟练地运用 “Are you feeling sad/ bored/ angry? Feel happy/ sad/ tired/ bored/ hungry”过程与方法通过活动体验,在交流中学会询问和表达情绪和感受,发展综合语言运用能力。情感与态度在小组交流与合作中培养孩子

2、的互助意识重点能准确理解并熟练地运用 “Are you feeling sad/bored/angry?feelhappy/sad/tired/bored/hungry难点在真实情景中灵活运用新知识询问和表达情绪和感受教法情景教学法学法合作交流法教学准备课件预习设计预习课文和单词教学过程施教者调整. Warm-up1、Greeting.2、sing a song, “I get up in the morning.”3、Free talk谈论周末活动。师:Tell me, please! What do you usually do at the weekend?(用简笔画:Do you fe

3、el happy/bored/sad/tired?)板书各种情绪的图片教学happy/bored/sad/tired/sad/tired/hungry. .Pre-task调查同学们今天的情绪状况。1、导入:Talk about the feeling nowQ1: How are you feeling now? Q2: Are you feeling sad/ happy/ bored/ tired/ hungry/ angry?Q3: Whats the matter?Q4: Do you want to?教学“Whats the matter?”2、任务呈现今天你的心情如何呢?让我们来

4、做个调查吧?.While-task1、Game:教师引导学生将“感觉”和“物品图片”一一对应,贴在黑板上,让学生对号入座。如:FeelingsThingshotice-cream, fanhungrySweater, gloveshappyEgg, hot dogTiredChair, bed然后同桌两人一组,互相询问对方的心情。如:A: Whats the matter, Mary? Are you feeling?B: Yes. /No. /Nothing.A: Do you want?2、视听结合,有声有色。师:“Lingling is feeling sad today. Whats

5、the matter with her? Lets listen and answer my questions”教师播放课文录音,并进行听法指导,同时完成课堂活动用书活动1圈出正确或错误。教师分段播放录音,订正练习,解读课文难点。Q1: Is Lingling feeling sad?A: No.Q2: Does she miss China?A: No.Q3: Is she feeling bored?A: No.Q4: Is she feeling angry?A: No.Q5: Does she want to play chess?A: No.Q8: Whats the matter

6、 with her?A: She is going to make a surprise cake for Amys birthday?教师再次播放录音,让学生跟读,教师给予适当的指导。完成课文活动3。.Post-task1、完成课堂活动用书练习了。2、四人小组互相询问并了解今天的情绪和感受及原因,并填写调整。NameFeelingWhats the matter?3、全班统计今天的情绪状况。V. Homework选做:1、用所学的词汇来向朋友或者家人描述你的心情。2、 仿照课文编写三组关于心情的对话,用英语写出。9【板书设计】 Unit 1 Are you feeling sad ?Feel sad bored angry Are you feeling ? No Miss nothing secret whats the matter ?Tell surprise nothing


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