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1、Unit 3 I can swim fast.教学设计学科小学英语课题I can swim fast.教材出版社年级五年级课型新授课学时第一课时教学内容1. Teaching materials:Lets talkI can read fast/ jump high/ jump far/ run fast /.sing well/dance well Xiaoling can swim very fast.教学目标1Knowledge Objectives:1) Grasp the four-skill words: jump,run, read,swim,sing,dance2) Be ab

2、le to read and understand the dialogue.3) Learn the sentence pattern, “I can .”2Competence Objectives:1) Be able to talk about the things “I can. ”2) Get to know the strategies of reading comprehension.3Emotion Objectives:1) Have consciousness of good cooperation and proper competition.2) Be confide

3、nt of learning and doing things. Learn to praise others.教学重点1. Be able to act out the dialogue.2. Be able to talk about the abilities of oneself and others.Teaching & Learning procedures(The first period)StepsTs activitiesSs activitiesPurpose1.Leadin2 mins1.Greet & sing:2. Sing the song I can say my

4、 ABC3. Introduce the assessment way.1.Greetings2.Sing the song I can say my ABC1. 学生进行真实的交际,从学生已学的歌曲着手,为引出本节课的新授知识can热身。2.自然地把分组及评价方式告诉学生,分组竞赛能培养学生的集体荣誉感及竞争意识。.Presen-tationAnd drill13 minsIIIReading15 minsPre-readingWhile-reading来源:Zxxk.Com来源:学科网Post-reading1. Teach “can” by singing.来源:学&科&网2. Teac

5、h the verbs: jump, run, sing and dance by TPR .3. Get Ss to spell and try to remember the new words.4. Introduce the new friends in DVD and teach adv. “high, fast, far,well”.5. Game: Left Team PK Right Team.1. Learn “can” by singing and Ts situation.2. Act and catch the meaning and become interested

6、 in new knowledge.3. Try to understand and remember the words.来源:学科网ZXXK4. Have a PK with new friends, and learn the new words.5. Have a PK between two teams.创设情境,采用激将法,师生PK,激发学学生的求知欲并感知新知的意义。DVD直观动态的情景呈现,更增加了学生的学习兴趣,体会这几个体育技能的不同程度的表达。学生通过边看做动作边学单词,很快能掌握新授单词。来源:Z+xx+k.Com在玩中巩固所学知识。1. .Get Ss to read

7、 the dialogue for a first time, with the question:1)Who can swim fast?2. Check the answer3. Play DVD, and get Ss to repeat. And guide them to read aloud with confident or admiring feeling.4. Get the Ss to repeat the dialogue.5. Guide Ss to act out the dialogue.Watch, listen and read carefully for in

8、formation and answer.Follow the DVD and the teacher.Look at the design -main clue of the dialoguePractise and act out the dialogue.视听结合,有利于学生对所学内容的关注与记忆。语音语调的模仿很有必要,尤其是有感情地朗读可以帮助学生更好地理解文本。黑板的板书是课文的主要线索,能帮助学生进一步理解、记忆课文。角色体验是学语言到用语言的重要方式。IV.Consolidation9 mins1. Watch DVD, and get Ss to talk about the

9、 pictures on P15, using” .can ” .2. Get Ss to show their abilities.1. Talk about Liu Xiang the picture .2.Discuss in groups and have a talent show actively.以图片的出现既练习了所学英语,又激发了学生树立远大的理想。才艺秀既内化了所学知识又增强了学生的自信心。并且拓展了一些课本外的知识。Assess-ment &Home-work1 mins1. Sum up: Boys and girls, you can act so well, you

10、 can read so well and you can sing so well. You are wonderful! You are superstars!2. Homework : 1) Copy the dialogue and words.Recite the dialogue.2) Make a survey , ask ing your parents about the P.E. skills.3. T: Can you do it?Good. Yes, I can do it! Yes, I can do it!1. Ss count their achievement in this class.2. Remember their homework “Yes, I can do it!” , encouraging themselves.1. 老师的总结语(几个can句型)激励学生每节课只要努力,就能从“不会”到“会”。2. 作业及关注基础知识,又培养了学生用英语做事情的能力。3. 有气势的口号振奋人心,给人以精神上的鼓舞。I can.增强自信,与本节课的句型不谋而合。



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