外企求职信有那些技巧(精 选多篇)

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《外企求职信有那些技巧(精 选多篇)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外企求职信有那些技巧(精 选多篇)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一篇:外企求职:英文求职信写作技巧 外企求职者必备:英文求职信写作技巧 日期: 2014年02月27日 来源: 腾讯-教育频道 作者: 编辑: 何俊 浙江在线教育频道 在雇主眼里,一个求职人员的履历表占30分,求职附信占20分。所以写好求职附信几乎和写履历表一样重要。in employers eyes, a job hunters resume is worth 30 points and the cover letter is worth 20 points. so writing good cover letters is almost as important as writing r

2、esumes. when you prepare to write a cover or application letter, you could refer to the following checklist. i. attention(opening paragraph) a. capture the readers attention in a businesslike way. choose an option: 1. summary opening. present your strongest, most relevant qualifications, with an exp

3、lanation of how they can benefit the organization. 2. name opening. mention the name of a person who is well known to the reader and who has suggested that you apply for the job. 3. source opening. when responding to a job ad, identify the publication in which the ad appeared, and briefly describe h

4、ow you meet each requirement stated in the ad. 4. question opening. pose an attention-getting question that shows you understand an organizations problem, need, or goal and have a genuine desire to help solve or meet it. 5. news opening. cite a publicized organizational achievement, contemplated c(更

5、多精彩内容请访问首页:wWW.haOWORD.cOM)hange, or new procedure or product; then link it to your desire to work for the organization. 6. personalized opening. present one of your relevant interests, mention previous experience with the organization, or cite your present position or status as a means of leading u

6、p to a discussion of why you want to work for the organization. 7. creative opening. demonstrate your flair and imagination with colorful phrasing, especially if the job requires these qualities. b. state that you are applying for a job, and identify the position or type of work you seek. ii. intere

7、st and desire or evidence of qualifications (next several paragraphs ) present your key qualifications for the job, highlighting what is on your resume: job-related education and training; relevant work experience and related activities, interests, and qualities. a. adopt a mature and businesslike t

8、one. 1. eliminate boasting and exaggeration. 2. back up your claims of ability by citing specific achievements in educational and work settings or in outside activities. 3. demonstrate a knowledge of the organization and desire to join it by citing its operations or trends in the industry. b. link y

9、our education, experience, and personal qualities to the job requirements. 1. relate aspects of your training or work experience to those of the target position. 2. outline your educational preparation for the job. 3. provide proof that you can learn quickly, are a hard worker, can handle responsibi

10、lity, and / or get along well with others. 4. present ample evidence of the personal qualities and the work attitudes that are desirable for job performance. iii. action(closing paragraph) 1. request an interview at the readers convenience. 2. state your phone number(with area code)and the best time

11、 to reach you, to make the interview request easy to comply with8), or mention a time when you will be calling to set up an interview. 3. express appreciation for an opportunity to have an interview. 4. repeat your strongest qualification, to help reinforce the claim that you have something to offer

12、 the organization. 第二篇:外企如此看求职信 惠普:附求职信没有必要 中国惠普有限公司人力资源总监说,附求职信没有必要,我不知道求职信意味什么。我们也看到过一些求职信,里面有一些豪言壮语,一些很浪漫的话或表决心的话,什么“给我一个支点,我将撬起地球”,“让我们风雨同舟”,“给我一个机会,我会还你一个惊喜”。我觉得应聘者应该对症下药,如果你去的是一个广告公司,你比较有创意,文字比较华丽,可能会有一些帮助。而我们这儿是搞工程的,没有必要搞这些东西。 富士通:有没有求职信没关系 富士通认为不附求职信没有什么关系

13、。因为富士通看的是应聘者的条件符不符合职位的要求,如果求职者愿意写也没有关系,但公司并不会因为有无求职信而左右对应聘者的判断。 欧莱雅:求职信作用不大 欧莱雅(中国)人力资源总监说,求职信的作用是不大的。人力资源部要处理大量的简历,我们的筛选标准是根据事实依据,比如看应聘者的教育程度、工作背景和专业水平等是否符合岗位需求,我们不会看重应聘者的语言措辞。 :写得不好不如不写 (中国)有限公司大中华区招聘经理说,求职信如果写得好,确实能吸引注意力,附上也可,如果写得不好那就不如不写。一般求职信都是非常简短地介绍一下自己的特点以及希望应聘的职位,还会有一些问候之类的话。以前这在国际上是非常通行的做法

14、,在简历前面用很短的文字吸引招聘者的注意。但是,近几年来我看到的从美国校园来的简历好像都没有附求职信。一般都是一个—,然后写上几句话,附上一份自己的简历,仅此而已。 微软:不强调附求职信 微软并不强调附求职信,关键看应聘者如何在求职信中介绍自己。如果要附上求职信,一定要在上面很清楚地说明自己的特点,罗列出自己的强项,以及可以引起主考官或面试人员兴奋的东西,如果求职者很泛泛地写了一封求职信,那么很容易就会被翻过去直接看简历了,起不到求职信真正的作用。 第三篇:外企求职信特点及要求 外企求职信有什么特点及要求呢? (1)外企求职信一般要用外语写,主要是英语,或准备好中、英文两份材料。写求职信的过程本身也就反映出了你的外语水平,故应尽量做到语言规范、符合外文习惯,减少语法错误。 (2)求职信要有针对性。针对不同企业不同职位,求职信的内容要有所变化,侧重点有所不同,使对方觉得你的经历和素质与所聘职位要求相一致,因为外企招聘所需要的不是最好的员工,而是最适合其所聘工作的人。 (3)外企求职信中不要流露出不自信的思想,外企忌讳的是不自信,这与中国传统的“谦


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