(水滴系列)七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas(第1课时)New words课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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(水滴系列)七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas(第1课时)New words课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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(水滴系列)七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas(第1课时)New words课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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《(水滴系列)七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas(第1课时)New words课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(水滴系列)七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas(第1课时)New words课件 (新版)人教新目标版(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit6Doyoulikebananas 第一课时 newwordsandphrases TeachingandLearningGoals 1 知识和能力目标 能争取学会使用下列单词 短语造句子 banana hamburger tomato ice cream salad strawberry pear milk bread birthday dinner week food apple sure vegetable fruit right then egg carrot rice chicken so breakfast lunch star eat habit healthy real

2、ly question want be fat 学生掌握下列课标内短语并造句thinkabout howabout ask for eatinghabits healthyfood2 学习策略在语境中记忆本单元的单词和短语 3 情感和文化目标鼓励学生培养健康的饮食习惯和均衡饮食 Thisisastrawberry Thesearestrawberries Whatisthis It sapear Whatarethese Theyarepears bananabananas apple apples orange oranges tomatoes tomato acarrot carrots

3、icecream icecream salad salad milk milk eggeggs hamburger hamburgers bread bread 1 hamburgers 2 tomatoes 3 oranges 4 icecream 5 salad 6 bananas 7 strawberries 8 pears 9 milk 10 bread Matchthewordswiththethingsinthepictureonp31 d i f h b g c j e a 3 putthewordsintothecorrecttables 4 Rememberthewordsb

4、ytheirsimilarpronunciationsorforms hamburgerburgerfoodfootfruit3 ricenice4 lastgrassclass 5 Rememberthewordsbyconversion 转换 compound 合成 andderivative 派生 1 rememberthewordsbycompound 合成 ice cream ice creamn 冰激凌straw berry strawberryn 草莓birth day birthdayn 生日break fast breakfastn 早餐2 rememberthewordsb

5、yderivative 派生 Inordertokeepourhealth wemusteathealthyfoodeveryday healthn 健康healthyadj 健康的 Sheismyrealfriend Ireallyloveher realadj 真正的reallyadv真正地 3 Rememberthewordsbyconversion 转换 It srighttorightthemistakerightinthepresenceofyourboss rightadj 正确的 适当的vi 复正 恢复平稳n 正确 右边 正义adv 正确地 恰当地 彻底地 vt 纠正 6 Ih

6、aveahappyfamily Ilike and ButIdon tlike Myfatherlikes and Hedoesn tlike Andmymotherlikes and Shedoesn tlike or Howaboutyou Pleasewritetomesoon Givethestudentsafewminutestotrytomemorizethewordsfirst 1 GetthestudentstoreadthewordbylookingattheChinese ThenlookattheChineseandsaytheEnglish 2 Checktheneww

7、ordsinyourgroups 3 Getthestudentstohaveashortdictationabouttheimportantwordsandphrases Iftheycan t dictateafterclassingroups Askstudentstoreadthestorysilentlybythemselves ThentrytotranslateitintoChinese Fordifficulties studentsshoulddiscusswiththeirgroups IamDavid John Lucy LindaandCindyaremygoodfri

8、ends TodayisJohn sbirthday Heasksustogotohisbirthdayparty WewanttobuysomegiftsforJohn let sthinkaboutthegift Lucysays Johnlikeshamburgers ice creambutheisfat letusthinkaboutothergifts Cindyanswers SoIwillbuyabirthdaycardforhim Forfruit Johnlikesapplesandpears buthedoesn tlikebananasandoranges SoLucy

9、andCindybuyabirthdaycakewithsomeapplesandpearsonit Whatdoyouwanttobuy LiNa weask Well healwayshavequestionsabouthealthyeatinghabits soIwanttobuyabookcalledHowaboutvegetablesalad forhim Thatisreallyarightchoice wesaytogether Thatisforsure Then wehaveareallybiglunchatJohn shome Hepreparestomatoesandeg

10、gsformebecausetheyaremyfavorite CarrotsandchickenareforLucybecauseshelikesthemverymuch Therearecupsofmilkforeachone Wesingbirthdaysongsandeatthecaketogether Afterlunch John smothermaketomatojuice strawberryjuiceandbananamilkshakeforus Getthestudentstoreadthemindmapandfillinthemindmapaccordingtothewo

11、rdlist theycandiscussingroups Thenaskstudentstoretellthepassageaccordingtothemindmap 翻译句子 1汤姆喜欢胡萝卜 2 莎莉不喜欢鸡肉 3 他喜欢冰激凌吗 不 他不喜欢 4 汤姆喜欢苹果吗 是的 他喜欢5 午餐我喜欢吃鸡肉和水果 二 用单词的适当形式填空 1 Ilikestrawberryice cream butIdon tlike strawberry 2 Doyoulike tomato 3 Jacklikes salad 4 Bob notlike chicken Buthe like eggs 5 Where be thevegetables Rememberthewordsandexpressionsinthisunit Finishexercisesinworkbook



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