(广告传媒)XXXX年月日 外交部例行新闻发布会(中英双语注释版)

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(广告传媒)XXXX年月日 外交部例行新闻发布会(中英双语注释版)_第1页
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《(广告传媒)XXXX年月日 外交部例行新闻发布会(中英双语注释版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(广告传媒)XXXX年月日 外交部例行新闻发布会(中英双语注释版)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2011年4月12日,外交部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会。洪磊首先发布消息:On the afternoon of April 12, 2011, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei held a regular press conference.Hong Lei started the press conference with the following announcement:应乌克兰政府邀请,国务院副总理张德江将于4月18日至22日访问乌克兰,举行中乌合作委员会第一次会议,并作为胡锦涛主席代表出席“安全与创新利用核能”峰会。At the invi

2、tation of the Ukrainian Government, Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang of the State Council will pay a visit to Ukraine from April 18 to 22 to hold the first meeting of China-Ukraine Cooperation Committee, and attend the Summit on Safe and Innovative Use of Nuclear Energy as the representative of President

3、Hu Jintao.问:非盟代表团近日赴利比亚进行调解,并提出政治解决利危机“路线图”。中方对此有何评论?Q: What is Chinas comment on AU delegations recent mediation in Libya and its road map for the political settlement of Libyan crisis?答:我们注意到非盟代表团近日在利比亚展开外交斡旋,并提出了政治解决利危机的“路线图”。中方赞赏非盟为政治解决利危机所作的努力,希望有关各方尽快停火,通过对话、谈判等和平手段解决利危机。国际社会应进一步加大Step up促和努力。

4、A: We have noted the diplomatic mediation of the AU delegation in Libya and the road map proposed for the political resolution of Libyan crisis. China appreciates AUs efforts to address the crisis in Libya through political means. We hope relevant parties pursue a ceasefire as soon as possible and r

5、esolve the crisis through dialogue, negotiation and other peaceful means. The international community should step up their peace promotion efforts.问:昨天白俄罗斯首都明斯克市地铁站发生爆炸,造成12人死亡,中方对此有何评论?中方如何看待针对大城市的恐怖袭击?Q: An explosion hit a subway station in the Belarusian capital of Minsk yesterday, killing 12 peo

6、ple. How do you comment on that? What is Chinas attitude towards terrorist attacks against metropolises?答:我们注意到明斯克市“十月广场”地铁站昨天发生恐怖爆炸事件,造成重大人员伤亡。中方对该起事件予以强烈谴责,对遇难者表示哀悼,对其家属和受伤人员表示慰问。中方支持白俄罗斯政府为打击恐怖主义所作的努力,愿同包括白方在内的国际社会一道,打击“三股势力”,维护各国人民的生命财产安全,维护地区和世界的和平与安宁。A: We have noted that a terrorist explosion

7、 struck the Oktyabrskaya subway station in Minsk yesterday and caused heavy casualties. China strongly condemns the incident and extends condolences to the victims as well as solicitude to the bereaved families and the injured. China supports the Belarusian Governments efforts in combating terrorism

8、 and stands ready to work in concert with the international community including Belarus to crack down on the three forces, guarantee the safety of peoples life and property as well as maintain regional and international peace and stability.问:刘延东国务委员目前正在美国进行访问,并将与克林顿国务卿共同主持第二轮中美人文交流高层磋商,请介绍一下这一磋商机制的相

9、关情况。Q: During State Councilor Liu Yandongs visit to the US, she will co-chair the second meeting of China-US High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange with US Secretary of State Clinton. Would you please brief us on the consultation mechanism?答:2009年11月,中美两国政府决定建立中美人文交流高层磋商机制。2010年5月,中美人文

10、交流高层磋商机制第一次会议成功举行。A: The Chinese and US Governments decided to establish the China-US High-Level Consultation Mechanism on People-to-People Exchange in November 2009. In May 2010, the first meeting of this consultation was successfully held.作为当今世界最大的发达国家和最大的发展中国家,中美两国相互理解、友好、合作,不仅造福两国人民,也将造福世界各国人民。两

11、国有责任从战略高度积极推动人文交流,不断夯实solidify中美友好的社会基础和民意基础,为中美关系发展注入新的活力。As the worlds biggest developing country and developed country respectively, China and the US understanding, befriending and cooperating with each other is not only benefitial to our two peoples but also to people all over the world. The two

12、 sides should promote people-to-people and cultural exchange from a strategic perspective, solidify the social bases and public support for stronger China-US friendship so as to inject new vigor to the development of China-US relations.问:科特迪瓦瓦塔拉方面已于11日攻占巴博官邸并抓获巴本人。中方对此有何评论?Q: Ouattaras forces storme

13、d Gbagbos residence on April 11 and seized Gbagbo himself. What is Chinas comment?答:中方一直密切关注科特迪瓦局势发展,希望科特迪瓦战乱就此平息,尽快恢复社会稳定,实现民族和解,重新走上和平发展的道路。中国愿同国际社会一道,继续为科特迪瓦的和平、稳定和发展发挥积极作用。A: China has followed closely the development of the situation in Cte dIvoire. We hope that Cte dIvoire will bring an end to

14、 the war and turmoil, restore social stability and national reconciliation as soon as possible and get back on the track of peaceful development. China is ready to work along with the international community to continue to play a positive role for peace, stability and development of Cte dIvoire.问:日本

15、已经将福岛核电站核泄漏事故等级上调至7级,这与切尔诺贝利核电站事故属于同一等级。一些国家批评日方信息发布不够透明,中方对日方做法持何态度?Q: Japan has upgraded the severity of Fukushima nuclear leakage accident to level 7, the same as Chernobyl. Some countries criticize Japan for its lack of transparency in information release. What is Chinas attitude in this regard?

16、答:我们注意到日本将核泄漏事故等级上调至7级,希望日方采取的有关措施能够有效缓解当前事态,也希望日方能够及时、全面、准确地向世界各国介绍核泄漏的有关情况。A: We have noted that Japan upgraded the severity of its nuclear leakage accident to level 7. We hope that relevant measures adopted by Japan will effectively ease the situation and that Japan will update the rest of the world on the situation of nuclear leakage in a timely, comprehensive and accurate manner.问:印方非常重视胡锦涛主席


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