广东省2017年中考英语专项复习 第二部分 中考仿真模拟(三)课件

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《广东省2017年中考英语专项复习 第二部分 中考仿真模拟(三)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省2017年中考英语专项复习 第二部分 中考仿真模拟(三)课件(60页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2017广东省中考英语仿真模拟 三 第二部分中考仿真模拟 一 听力理解 本大题分为A B C D四部分 共25小题 每小题1分 共25分 A 听单句话 本题共5小题 每小题1分 共5分 根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题 选择符合题意的图画回答问题 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑 每小题听一遍 1 Whatarethegirlsdoingnow ABC A 2 Whenistheman sbirthday 3 What sRose sbestsubject ABC ABC C A 4 Howdidtheboyfeelyesterday 5 Wherearetheygoingthedayaftertom

2、orrow ABC ABC C A B 听对话 本题共10小题 每小题1分 共10分 回答每段对话后面的问题 在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑 每段对话听两遍 听第一段对话 回答第6小题 6 What sthetroublewiththewoman A Herheadhurts B Shehasacough C Shehasacold B 听第二段对话 回答第7小题 7 Whereisthemanager A Inthefactory B Onthefarm C Heisout 听第三段对话 回答第8小题 8 WhohasseenMr Green sbrot

3、her A Mrs Green B Sam C Jim C C 听第四段对话 回答第9小题 9 Howoldisthewomannow A 31 B 33 C 35 听第五段对话 回答第10小题 10 Howmuchisthewatchthisweek A 50yuan B 60yuan C 70yuan C B 听第六段对话 回答第11 12小题 11 WhatdidTom smotheraskhimtobuyinthesupermarket A AChristmastree B Someflowers C SomeChristmascards 12 Whendidthedialogueha

4、ppen A OnDecember25th B OnDecember23rd C OnDecember27th A B 听第七段对话 回答第13 15小题 13 Whattimedoesthetrainleave A At5 00 B At5 30 C At4 45 14 Whatkindoftrainisit A Astoppingtrain B Afasttrain C Ahighspeedtrain 15 Howmuchdoesitcostthemtobuytworound waytickets A 32pounds B 34pounds C 16pounds B A A C 听独白 本

5、题共5小题 每小题1分 共5分 请根据所听内容 在每小题给出的三个选项中 选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑 独白听两遍 16 Bobwentbacktoschoolafterseeingthefilm A after6 00p m B after7 00p m C after8 00p m 17 Bobwasalittlebecausetheschoolgatewasclosed A afraidB worriedC sad C B 18 Atlast Bobwentintotheschoolthrough A thegateB thegroundfloorC anop

6、enwindow 19 Bobwhenheheardavoice A hidunderthesofaB turnedoffthelightC lookedattheheadmaster sfeet C A 20 Attheendofthisstory A BobaskedMr ScotttoturnoffthelightB Mr ScottaskedBobtoturnoffthelightC Mr Scottdidn tknowBobwasinhisofficeD 听填信息 本题共5小题 每小题1分 共5分 请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡 并将答案写在答题卡相应题目的答题位置上 短文听两遍

7、B badly parents lookafter April promised 二 单项填空 本大题共20小题 每小题1分 共20分 在每小题所给的四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑 26 EnglandisEuropeancountry It sinwestofEurope A an theB a theC the aD the an B 27 HowwillyougotoBeijing byplaneorbytrain Iwillgothereinmyowncar A AllB NoneC EitherD Neither 28 Uptonow w

8、estillhaven tconnectedwithevenoneoftheontheplaneMH370 A passengerB passengersC customerD customers D B 29 ThisismyvisittoAmerica Ihaveneverbeentherebefore A oneB twoC firstD second 30 Thedriversmustn tdriveiftheydrinkwine theywillbepunished A orB butC andD though C A 31 Youhavetowaitherebecausemybos

9、sanimportantmeetinginthenextroom A heldB holdsC isholdingD hasheld 32 LastnightalltheteacherswenttothegraduationpartyMissLiu A exceptB besideC besidesD exceptfor C A 33 WefeltbecausetheChineseTableTennisTeamwonanotherworldchampionshipyesterday A worriedB proudC terribleD strange 34 Thoughwewilldiffe

10、rentkindsofdifficultiesontheroadtosuccess wewon tgiveup A comeoutB comebackC comedownD comeacross B D 35 lecturetheprofessorisgivingnow Allofthestudentsclaphandsfromtimetotime A HowwonderfulB HowboringC WhatawonderfulD Whataboring 36 Youarenotsuccessfulnowbecauseyouyourbesttodoit A havetriedB haven

11、ttriedC willtryD don ttry C B 37 Dad mustwewaitatthegateofPekingUniversityuntiltheycallustogoin I mafraidwe That soneoftherulestogointothisfamousuniversity A mayB mustC needD haveto 38 Mei you dbetternotgooutbecauseitsnowsmuchnow A hardB harderC hardlyD hardest D B 39 yousatisfiedwithwhatwehavedonef

12、oryou Joan Ofcourse Ireallyappreciatewhatyouhavedone A DoB AreC WereD Have 40 WouldyouliketojoinustoswimintheDongRiverthisafternoon No mymotheroftentellsmeinadangerousplace A swimB toswimC nottoswimD don tswim B C 41 Thehighspeedtrainhasmadepeople straveltimemuchshorterthanbeforesinceit A wasputtous

13、eB puttouseC isputtouseD willbeputtouse 42 WhentheH7N9birdflufirstappeared peopledidn tknow A whattheycandotostopitB howthedoctorscureditC wherecouldtheygotoavoiditD whentheywillgettheillness A B 43 Doyoustillrememberthetowerwevisitedtogetherlastweek A whichB whenC whoD where 44 HaveyouheardofEat up

14、Campaign 光盘行动 Yes it snecessary ThefoodChinesepeopleeveryyearcanfeed200millionpeopleforayear A eatB makeC storeD waste A D 45 Hurryup wemustbethefirsttointerviewthepopstar Sure A Eastorwest homeisthebestB Don tputallyoureggsinonebasketC ManyhandsmakelightworkD Theearlybirdcatchestheworm D 三 完形填空 本大题

15、共10小题 每小题1分 共10分 通读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后在每小题所给的四个选项中 选出一个最佳答案 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑 Tonyisawarm heartedmiddleschoolstudent Everyone46himverymuch LastSunday Iwenttoasupermarkettodosome47withhim Wedecidedtogotherebyunderground Whenwewalkedpasttheundergroundstation wesawanold48 Hesatbesidethestationandtherewasanol

16、d49infrontofhim Itseemedthathewantedtogetsome50fromothers Tonysawthisandsaidtome Look Jacky theoldmanis51 Let sgoandhelphim shallwe Iasked Howcanwehelphim Tony Thenhesaid I llgivehimsomecoins Letmesee oh Istillhave52coins ThenItoldhimnottodosobecausemaybehewasadeceiver 骗子 Therearelotsof deceiversallaroundthecitynow Tony53meforafewsecondsandsaid Yes youareright Maybeheisadeceiver Ifheis Ionly54threecoins Butifheisreallyapoormanwhoneedshelp thethreecoinsmaybeagoodhelpforhim Thenheputthecoinsintoth


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