九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 2 All these problems are very serious Section B课件 (新版)仁爱版

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九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 2 All these problems are very serious Section B课件 (新版)仁爱版_第1页
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《九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 2 All these problems are very serious Section B课件 (新版)仁爱版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 2 All these problems are very serious Section B课件 (新版)仁爱版(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2SavingtheEarth Topic2Alltheseproblemsareveryserious SectionB课件1 Wordsandphrases importantsandpreventhumanbeingcutdown 重要的沙子预防人沙漠砍到 沙漠沙尘暴虽然转化成结果 desertsandstormalthoughchange intoasaresult Let slearn sandstorms Numberthepicturesandthentalkaboutthemingroups Doyouknowhowsandstormscomeintobeing 4 1

2、 5 3 6 2 Lookatthepictures describethemusingthewordsgiven manytrees Thereweremanytreesinthemountain cutdowntrees Peoplehavecutdownmanytrees forestsgone Forestshavegone washtheearthaway Waterwashedtheearthaway changeintodesert Alotofrichlandhaschangedintodesert Sandstormscomeintobeing 1 Thereweremany

3、treesinthemountain 2 Peoplehavecutdownmanytrees 3 Forestshavegone 4 Waterwashedtheearthaway 5 Alotofrichlandhaschangedintodesert 6 Sandstormscomeintobeing Listento1a answerthequestions 1 Whatisthesandstormlike 2 Whatcausesthiskindofbadweather Thewindisblowingstronglywithalotofsand Peoplehavecutdownt

4、oomanytrees Alotofrichlandhaschangedintodesert 录音p35 1a Skim1a answerthequestion Whataretrees functions Treescanstopthewindfromblowingtheearthaway Alotofwatercanbesavedbyforests Treescanalsopreventthewaterfromwashingtheearthaway A B C 1 Readafterthetape 2 Read1atogether 3 Findoutkeypoints Treesareim

5、portanttous whatcanwedotoprotectthem Weshould shouldn t Wehadbetter hadbetternot Weshouldplantmoretrees Weshouldn tcutdownmanytrees Don tsmokeintheforest Don tmakefireintheforest Weshouldeliminatepests 消灭害虫 Wehadbettercarefortrees Haveaquiz A Hi Ann B Hi Bill A Whatbad Thereissomuchsandintheair B So

6、itis Haveyouheardofthesandstorm A No I Whatisthat B Thereisalotofsandflyingintheairwhenthewindisblowingstrongly sothatwecannot anythingclearlyoutside A Butwhatcausesthese B Peopledosomethingharmfultodestroytheenvironment Forexample peoplehave toomanytrees Allforestshave sosandstorms being A Thatisto

7、obad Ithinkwestillneedtoworkhardtoprotectour B Iagreewithyou weather haven t see sandstorms cut down gone come into trees Wearetrees Wearevery 1 toyou Wecanhelp 2 thewind 3 blowingtheearthawayandstopthesandfrommovingtowardstherichland Wealso 4 waterfromrunningaway Eachdaywereleaseoxygen 释放氧气 andremo

8、veharmfulgassothatyouhavepure 纯净的 air Wealsogiveallkinds 5 fruits nutsaswellaswoodtoyou Wearenowin 6 becauseofyou Youareburningand 7 downmanytrees butyouarenotplantingenoughones Youmust 8 yourbadpractices 行为 Otherwise 否则 alotof 9 landwillchangeintodesert Rememberthatweareyourbest 10 1 A usefulB diff

9、icultC important 2 A preventB stoppedC protect 3 A fromB toC of 4 A savingB saveC saved 5 A ofB inC from 6 A needB wantC danger 7 A puttingB cuttingC turning 8 A stopB tostopC stopped 9 A poorB richC fresh 10 A friendsB classmatesC friend Summary 1 Thewindisblowingstronglywithlotsofsand 2 Peoplehavecutdowntoomanytrees 3 Alotofrichlandhaschangedintodesert 4 Andalotofwatercanbesavedbyforests 5 Theycanalsopreventthewaterfromwashingtheearthaway Homework 1 背诵1a中的单词 重点词组和句子 2 写一篇小作文 Howtoprotecttrees Byebye



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