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1、期末测试题班级 姓名 学号 得分 听力部分50%一、听音,圈出你所听到的图片的序号。(20%)1. A. B. 2. A. B. 3. A. B. 4.A. B. 5.A. B. 6.A. B. 7.A. B. 8.A. B. 9.A. B. 10.A. B. 二、 听音,选出你所听到的单词,把序号写在括号内。(20%)( )1. A. cousin B. cook ( ) 2. A. table B. desk( ) 3. A. doctor B. dog ( ) 4. A. small B.short ( ) 5. A.these B. those ( ) 6. A tomato B. p

2、otato ( ) 7. A.monkey B. pumpkin ( ) 8. A. orange B.autumn.( ) 9.A. yogurt B. yummy ( )10. A. write B. white三、听音, 给句子标序号。 (10%)( )1.Good morning, Su Hai. ( ) 2.Its autumn. Its cool.( ) 3.Look! Its so big.( ) 4. How about you?( ) 5. This sandwich is yummy!笔试部分50%四、 找出不同类的单词。10%( ) 1. A. father B. nur

3、se C. brother ( ) 2. A. big B. small C. apple ( ) 3. A. desk B. beanie C. chair ( ) 4. A. peach B. carrot C. cherry( ) 5. A. door B. tart C. cupcake 五、 圈出划线词语的中文。10%1.Have some juice.(果汁 酸奶). 2.Clean the window.(门 窗户 ). 3.Look at the bear.(狗 熊)4.I like tarts. (蛋糕 蛋挞).5.This is my aunt. Shes a nurse.

4、(护士 医生) . 六、 从B栏中选出A栏相对应的回答。10%( ) 1.This is my cousin. A. Yes. Hes a doctor. ( ) 2.Clean the desk, please. B. Apple juice, please. ( ) 3.What are those? C. Shes cute. ( ) 4. How about you? D.OK. ( ) 5.Is this your dad?. E. Theyre cats. 七、 选择,把所选答案的序号写在提前括号内。20% ( )1. 当别人送你礼物时,你应说:_.A. I like it. Th

5、ank you. B. Whats this?( )2. 你告诉妈妈你喜欢那个桔子,你会说:_A. I like oranges. B.I like that orange.( )3. 你想让朋友和你一起去上学,你对他说:_A. Lets go home now. B. Lets go to school now.( )4. 当Alice和你说她会写读时,她应说:_A.I can read. B.I can write.( )5.当你想让别人擦门时,你可以说_.A. Clean the door, please. B. Clean the window, please期末测试题答案一、听音,圈

6、出你所听到的图片的序号。1. This is my cousin. Shes short.2. I have a hamster.3. It has a long neck.4. What are those? Theyre pears.5. This cupcake is yummy.6. We go to school every day.7. Clean the desk please.8. Lets play games.9. My dad is a cook.10. I can write.(B A B A B A A B A B )二、 听音,选出你所听到的单词,把序号写在括号内。

7、 1. cousin 2. table 3. dog 4. small 5. these6. potato 7. pumpkin 8. autumn 9. yogurt 10. white( A A B A A B B B A A)三、听音, 给句子标序号。 1.Its autumn. Its cool.2. Good morning, Su Hai.3.Look! Its so big.4. This sandwich is yummy!5. How about you?(2 1 3 5 4 )四、 找出不同类的单词。B C B B A五、 圈出划线词语的中文。略。六、 从B栏中选出A栏相对应的回答。C D E A B七、 选择,把所选答案的序号写在提前括号内。A B B A A



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