五年级上册英语教案Unit 6 In a nature park . Part A Let’s talk人教版PEP

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1、Pep小学英语五年级上册第四单元第一课时Unit 6 In a nature park Part A Lets talk一、【教材分析】教学目标知识目标1.能够理解对话大意。2. 能够听说读写句型:Is there a river in the forest ? Yes, there is./No, there isnt .3. 能够听说认读单词:forest, river, lake, go boating来源:学科网ZXXK能力目标1.能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并进行角色扮演。2.学生能够在情景中运用句型Is there.? Yes, there is ./No, there

2、 isnt .询问某处有某物,就自然公园展开问答。情感目标学生在本课学习后能够更加亲近自然,热爱自然,了解一些环保常识。教学重点能够听说读写句型Is there a river in the forest ? Yes, thereis ./No, there isnt .并在情境中运用Is there.? Yes, there is ./No, there isnt .询问某处有某物,就自然公园展开问答。教学难点Yes, there is . / No, there isnt .的正确运用。教学方法情境教学法;任务型教学法。二、【教学流程】环节师生活动二次备课来源:Z_xx_k.ComI.复习

3、热身复习已学关于活动的词汇和句型。1. Enjoy a song “In a nature park ” and learn“forest”.T:Boys and girls, lets enjoy a song “In a nature park”.When listening, please think about “What can you hear or what can you see from the song?” PPT 观看歌曲视频,师生一起欣赏。T: OK, who can tell me? What can you hear or what can you see from

4、 the song? You can speak in Chinese .指生起来回答看到或听到的事物。(及时评价:Great!/Good listener.)待一生说出森林后,师接着说:Yes,there is a forest in the song . PPT 显示森林图片、词形,并出示桔子的图片和词形,forest 和orange中的or变色。通过语音迁移教读forest 2遍。贴forest图片和词卡于黑板。PPT出示一图片,T: Whats in the nature park? 引导学生说句子:There is a forest in the nature park.来源:学科网

5、ZXXK2. Review:There is/are.in the nature park. And lead in the topic.T: What a nice nature park! Lets have a look what else in the naturepark? PPT显示一个自然公园图片,学生用There is /are.in the naturepark .来描述。(及时评价:Good!/Well done/.)【设计意图:通过欣赏歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,并学习新词forest,为下面的听力做好铺垫。通过自然公园图片,既复习There be 句型,又导入了话题。】 .新知

6、呈现1. 看图预测。T:Just now we know there is a forest in the nature park .Look! Who are they? (生答)Where are they going ? Can you guess?(引导生答几个地点)T:Maybe. 【设计意图:引出并讲解新词well, party,next; 导入Lets try: What can Mike do?】来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K2. 带着简单问题听文本,初步感知主句型。T:Lets listen to the dialogue and find out the answer of

7、 the questions: Q1: Is there a river in the forest ? Q2: Is there a lake?【设计意图:学生通过听力,选出公园里有森林,并初步感知主句型:Is there a.?】3. Read and fill in the blank.T:Read the dialogue carefully and fill in the blank. Zhang Peng wants to _in the forest .Ss (读完回答):Zhang Peng wants to go boating in the forest .【设计意图:培养

8、学生默读获取有用信息的能力】4. Practise the main sentence structre.T: Look at the picture, what is it?Ss: Its a farm.T: Yes, there is a farm in the nature park. Is there ain the farm?Ss: Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.【设计意图:培养学生默读并从文中获取信息的能力】5. Lets chant. River, river, is there a river? No, no, no, there isnt .L

9、ake, lake, is there a lake? Yes, yes, yes, there is.【设计意图:巩固核心句型Is there a.? No, there isnt ./Yes, there is .】.练习巩固1.Listen and watch.T: During your listening, please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, and try to imitate .听音正音。T:Listen, watch and imitate【设计意图:训练学生的听,让学生感知地道的英语发音。】T:R

10、ead by yourself then read in roles and try to recite it【设计意图:在听与模仿这个输入过程后,让学生去自己读,查漏补缺,正确输出。】2.Read in roles.T: Read the dialogue in roles.【设计意图:分角色朗读既可以让学生感知真实的语境也可以互相纠音正音。】T1.I can retell.【设计意图:训练学生快速记忆的能力,帮助学生更好地理解对话。】2.Make a new talk!.T: This time lets write a nature park and then talk it about

11、 with your partner. PPT出示一公园图片,学生用Is there a.? No, there isnt ./Yes, there is . 来写一写看到的公园,并同伴交流。Amy: Sarah, Lets go to the nature park.Sarah : Great! Is there a _in the park?Amy : Yes, there is.Sarah : Is there a _?Amy : No, there isnt.【设计意图:再一次运用核心句型,为学生提供书写核心句型的机会。】.检测提高1. 情感升华:T: Now lets enjoy s

12、ome pictures. Do you like them? We should be close to the nature and love it !【设计意图:通过学习文本,渗透情感教育:我们应该亲近自然,热爱自然。】2. Homework:1).Listen to the tape and try to recite the dialogue.2).Make a new dialogue about a nature park with your partner .【设计意图:通过听读文本并谈论一个自然公园这两个活动,将所学知识运用到课外。】三、【板书设计】Unit 6 In a n

13、ature park 来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&KPart A Lets talk 张鹏头像:Is there a river 图in the forest? lake 图 Miss White头像:No,there isnt. /Yes, there is. ( 下面简笔画画森林。为板书设计做背景,同时也和本课的语境森林相吻合。)四、【教后反思】一、深刻、透彻的理解文本,是本课成功的根本。对于本课时来说,理解、掌握、运用本课的句型Is there a.? Yes, there is/No, there isnt .难度是不算大的。但是用什么样的有趣的操练方式帮助学生掌握运用是个问题。随着研

14、究文本的深入,我发现其中还有一个非常重要的信息就是Zhang Peng 和Miss White在谈论森林时是不知道森林里有什么的,所以本课的主句型就有了真实的情景,Zhang Peng 和Miss White才有讨论的必要。二、听说领先,问题引领,是本课成功的关键。1在处理文本时,我运用总-分-总的方式进行设计。在学生欣赏歌曲时我处理了forest一词。听文本之前,处理了river ,lake两个单词,为他们的听、理解文本扫除障碍。然后尽快地进入了文本。这跟以往的对话课有很大的区别,但是我觉得这样设计更能体现课堂的整体性,以往先学对话再进入文本的设计感觉所学知识和文本似乎是孤立的,不利于学生整体掌握课文,也不利于学生听说能力的培养。2通过听力活动让学生感知本课主句型,然后通过读获取有效信息。三、注意渗透情感教育。欣赏了美丽的景色图片,自然引出我们应该亲近自然并热爱自然,培养了学生的美好情感。


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