出差英 文请假条

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《出差英 文请假条》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《出差英 文请假条(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第1篇第2篇第3篇第4篇第5篇更多顶部 目录 第一篇:英文的出差通知第二篇:英文请假条第三篇:英文请假条范文第四篇:英文请假条第五篇:英文请假条更多相关范文 正文 第一篇:英文的出差通知 dear all, please kindly be informed that i will be leave xx tomorrow to take my holiday until xx .during this period, mr.xxwill be in charge ofhotel operation. please contact him at xx or email: if you have

2、 urgent matters, please reach me via my mail or call to my phone. thank you for your attention and best regards! 第二篇:英文请假条 dear _ , id like to know if it is all right if i leave _ for _ starting from _ . i got an invitation that says _ . because _ . i feel it is a duty that _ . if it is possible for

3、 you to grant my request, i would be much obliged. and i can catch up with _ when i come back. (name) 第三篇:英文请假条范文 请假条(written request for leave)是中学生必须掌握的常用应用文之一,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假(leave of absence)。请假条是用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。 英文请假条写作需注意三点: 1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同, 它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文

4、和签名。 2.一般而言,可认定请假条是一种简单的书信文体。请假条一般写在纸上,不用信封。其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是书信的大大简化。 3.请假条的特点是要求开门见山、内容简短、用词通俗易懂。 【范文例析】 假如你是王立。昨天你和同学们去农场帮助农民们摘苹果,不幸(unluckily)从梯子上摔下来伤了腿,但伤得不重。医生让你在家里好(本文来源好范文网:WWW.hAOWORd.coM)好休息。因此,你向高老师请假两天(ask for leave for two days)。(2014新疆乌鲁木齐中考题) 【参考范文】 sep.28 dear miss gao, im sorry i can

5、t go to school today. i helped the farmers pick apples with my classmates on the farm yesterday. unluckily, i fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but i wasnt badly hurt. the doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. so i ask for leave for two days. wang li 【点评】这是一份采用书信格式写的请假条。日期是septembe

6、r 28, 日期写在正文的右上角。由于请假条的内容大多是当天、近几日因病或因事请假,所以不必写上年份;称呼是dear miss gao,称呼写在左上角。请假条因是向上级请示,一般以dear.,或my dear.,开头。有时可在dear之后,用上mr.或miss等的称呼加上姓氏。不过,有一点仍要提醒大家,各种称呼后面一般都用逗号。正文谈了一件事:i fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but i wasnt badly hurt. i cant come to school. i ask for leave for two days. 简洁明了,用词口语化。

7、写请假条只要把请假的理由和请假时间说清楚即可。有的请假条为了说明其请假事由是真实的,在正文之后另起一行,写上i enclose a doctors certificate.(我附上了医生证明。);签名为wang li。签名(署名)写在右下角,签名(署名)上面一行可以写上yours, your student等字样,有时由于写条的人和收条的人彼此一般很熟悉,所以在称呼和签名上比较随便和简单。特别是在签名部分,有时可简单到只写个姓或只写个名就可以了。 第四篇:英文请假条 an application for annual leave to: mr. john smith, general mana

8、ger from: george chen, accounting department date: january 22, 2014 subject: application for annual leave dear mr. smith, i would like to apply for an annual leave from january 25th to 31st. as you may know the spring festival is falling on february 1st this year. its the most important holiday in c

9、hina and offers the best occasion for family reunion. however, over the past 3 years i missed the reunions due to tight work schedule. now that i have wrapped up my work for this year, i would like to go back to my hometown to pay filial piety to my parents and help my sole brother prepare his weddi

10、ng on january 28th. its indeed double happiness for my family that i would like to be part of. coupled with the official holidays for the spring festival, i will have two weeks off which will definitely gear me up for better work in the new year. im looking forward to your kind answer. best regards,

11、 george chen 第五篇:英文请假条 dear mr/mrs/ms xxx(teacher): i am writing this letter to ask for your pardon for my absence in your class. as cet-6 is around the corner,i realized how much i am lagged behind for my preparation schedule. the only choice i have is to borrow some time from my classes for this u

12、pcoming exa(来自好范文 )m which is so important for me. i am terribly sorry that i cannot make to your class, and i would be grateful for your understanding. thank you for your understanding and i do appreciate ir very much. i will make every effort in making up what i may miss from your lesson. yours xxx 您可以访问来自好范文 查看更多与本文英文请假条范文(通用)_范文大全相关的文章。 以下其他相关范文也很不错: 英文请假条 英文请假条 英文请假条 英文出差学习总结报告 英文请假条格式样本


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