人教PEP五年级上册英语Unit 3 What would you like? B Let’s talk 教案

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《人教PEP五年级上册英语Unit 3 What would you like? B Let’s talk 教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教PEP五年级上册英语Unit 3 What would you like? B Let’s talk 教案(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3 B Lets talk教案一、教学内容:PEP小学英语五年级上册第五单元Unit 3 B部分Lets talk.二、教学目标1. 能听、说、认读单词“favourite”和“food”。2. 继续谈论最喜欢的食物并给出原因。3. 能完成“Lets try”部分的听力任务。三、教学重难点1. 教学重点(1) 能听、说、认读单词“favourite”和“food”。(2) 继续谈论最喜欢的食物并给出原因。2. 教学难点能在实际情景中运用本课时的重点句型进行交际。四、教学准备PPT,自制教具(食物图片、单词长条)。五、教学过程:1. GreetingGood morning, boys

2、and girls. Nice to meet you!(这个环节是和孩子们打招呼,拉近师生之间的距离。)2. Warm upToday we continue to learn Unit 3 What would you like? (贴上词条Unit 3 What would you like? 到黑板)Now, these plates are for you. If you did a good job, its for you! (出示盘子和食物的卡片,告诉同学们奖励机制和评价方式。)First, lets chant. Now, children, please look at t

3、he screen.The apples are s _.The potatoes are f _.The carrots are h _.The beef is h _.The chicken is d _.Yes, the apples are sweet, the potatoes are fresh, the carrots are healthy, the beef is hot and the chicken is delicious.Now, stand up, show me your hands and lets chant like this. Together, OK?(

4、这个热身环节,将平时所学的“sweet, fresh, hot, healthy, delicious”以chant的形式来巩固,节奏欢快,朗朗上口,学生能够快速进入新课堂,对复习旧知引入新知有很大的帮助。)3. Presentation(1) Look, children. Where is it? Oh, yes, its a supermarket. Whats in it? Lets see. So many things to eat. So many thing here.Now, look! Whats your favourite fruit? I love / like _.

5、 Its / Theyre .Oh, I like bananas. They are sweet. What about you? Whats your favourite fruit?(这个环节由步步高超市引出很多的stand,例如meat stand, fruit stand, drink stand等,然后出示fruit stand水果摊的图片,出示第一个句型Whats your favourite fruit? 重点操练I love / like . Its / Theyre . 此时将I love / like .Its / Theyre .的词条贴到黑板上去。)(2) What

6、about the drinks? Whats your favourite drink? I like / love . Its / Theyre .(这个环节出示Whats your favourite drink? 重点操练I love / like . Its / Theyre .)(3) Whats your favourite food? I love chicken. What about you? Its / Theyre .(这个环节出示Whats your favourite food? 重点操练I love / like . Its / Theyre ., 此时将What

7、s your favourite food?的词条贴到黑板上去。)(4) 教学favourite,将这个单词分为四个音节,在这个单词的下方的四个音节处涂上不同的颜色,让学生进行区分,并且反复教会这个单词。编一个小的chant来巩固这个单词:favourite, favourite, whats your favourite food? 先小组跟着老师读,读两遍之后,再让学生看着教师手上出示的“chicken, noodles, beef”来一组问,另外一组答,并且这组继续问,反复围绕这个句子Whats your favourite food? 来练习。(5) Whats your favour

8、ite food? Noodles. What kind of noodles do you like? Whats your favourite food? Sandwiches. What kind of sandwiches do you like?(这个环节主要指的是操练这句话,并且出示不同种类的noodles和sandwiches来巩固这两个单词。)(6) Now! Lets play a game. If I show you “food”, you must ask “Whats your favourite food?” Are you clear? Children, loo

9、k, this one “drink” “fruit”. You, please. Ask. Now! Who want to answer it?(这个环节主要由三张卡片“food”“drink”“fruit”,快速抽动卡片,来让同学们通过全班同学问,单独学生问和答来达到操练问“Whats your favourite food?”“Whats your favourite fruit?” “Whats your favourite drink?”的效果。)(7) Pair work! OK! Lets have a pair work! Whats your favourite food

10、/ drink / fruit? I like / love . Its / Theyre . 让三对学生来一问一答这些问题,当第三对的同学回答完后,可以用Whats your name? Oh _s favourite food / drink / fruit is / are .来教学这个句型。(贴上词条“Whats your favourite food?”这个环节通过前面的反复操练这三个问句,现在来2个同学问答,进而来引出_s favourite food is / are_. Its / Theyre .)(8) Oh, my favourite food is salad, my

11、daughters favourite food is fish and my husbands favourite food are sandwiches. So, in my family. We have sandwiches, salad and fish soup. What about you? What do you have today? Look, we have . today.(通过我、我的女儿和我老公喜爱的食物来引出今天我们所需要的今天做饭所需要的食物,然后,每组盘子里面的食物就是加分的评价方式,由第一组的三种已知的食物,第一组的学生用We have rice, bee

12、f and vegetables today. 其他组的学生则可以用They have rice, beef and vegetables today. 来回答。第二组的盘子里面会有一个遮盖的tomato soup,让学生来猜,反复运用句型We have hamburgers, sandwiches and . today来猜出最后的tomato soup的答案!第三组的盘子里会有遮盖的chicken, milk,学生反复运用We have salad, _ and _ today. 来猜出今天遮盖的这两个单词。在操练句型中让学生知道营养搭配。这个既可以通过这种评价方式激励学生的学习激情,又可

13、以让孩子知道营养搭配的重要性!贴上词条“We have . today.”)(9) Lets tryOh, Im thirty now. I want to drink some water. Zhang Peng and Sarah are thirsty too. What about their favourite drink? Whats Sarahs favourite drink? Open your books, take out your pens and turn to page 27! Listen and match. Are you ready? OK! Listen

14、carefully.(这个环节听2遍,回答问题Whats Sarahs favourite drink? Whats Zhang Pengs favourite drink?)(10) Lets talk What about their favourite food ? Now, listen and answer me a question. What is Sarahs favourite food?(听第一遍,无字有声音,回答第一个问题What is Sarahs favourite food?) Listen again! Listen and look at your books.

15、 Answer me two questions! Whats Zhang Pengs favourite food? What do they have today?(听第二遍,有字有声音,回答二个问题:Whats Zhang Pengs favourite food? What do they have today?) Lets read together! Ready go! (全班齐读课文) Lets have a role play.(角色扮演)Boys, you act Zhang Peng. Girls, you act Sarah. Ready, go! Exchange! Fill in the blanks. Lets do together! (课文填空)4. ConsolidationWhats your favourite fruit?(句子拓展延伸Whats your favourite fruit? 温馨小提示:An apple a day keeps a doctor away.)Whats your favourit


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