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1、PROJECT CLOUD Preliminary Legal Due Diligence Document Request List 初步法律尽职调查文件清单 Please provide the following documents and information with respect to 崇贤港物流 崇贤港投资 北港物流 富洲电商 and 富卓实业 the Company and each of its subsidiaries affiliates variable interest entities and branches 请提供下列有关崇贤港物流 崇贤港投资 北港物流 富

2、洲电商和富卓实业 公司 及其每个子公司 关联公司 协议控制实体和分公 司的文件和信息 We recognize that some of the requested documents and information i may not be pertinent to the Company or ii may not exist at all Thus we ask that you mark the appropriate box Provided Herewith To Be Provided or Not Applicable next to each item on the Prel

3、iminary Due Diligence Request List and return the list with any documentation you provide to us To facilitate review it would be helpful for all copies of the requested materials to be identified by the corresponding number item in the list below If a document is called for in more than one of the l

4、isted items please produce only one copy of the document and cross reference all of the applicable items on this Preliminary Due Diligence Request List Please note that this list is a preliminary request only During the course of our due diligence review we may need to review other materials not des

5、cribed herein In addition the Company will be expected during the course of preparing for the proposed transaction to bring to our attention and the attention of the relevant parties and their counsel any other information or documents that might be deemed to be material by a prospective investor ei

6、ther individually or viewed collectively with other documents or information If any request is difficult to understand please discuss it with us 我们理解 某些要求的文件和信息 i 可能与公司无关 或 ii 可能根本不存在 因此 我们请求公司在初步法律尽职调查文件清单 的每一项的右边一栏的相应方框中注明 在此提供 待提供 或 不适用 并将该清单与其它提供的文件一起交给我们 为了便于查为了便于查 阅 最好所有要求的文件都以下列清单中相应的栏目的号码编号后

7、提供阅 最好所有要求的文件都以下列清单中相应的栏目的号码编号后提供 如果清单中有多项要求同一个文件 就只需提供一个文本 并在本法律尽职调查文件清单的所有相关项中注明索引 请注意本清单只是初步清单 在进行尽职调查的过程中 我们可能还将要求 审查其它未包括在本清单中的材料 另外 请公司在准备交易的过程中把任何对潜在的投资者有重大意义或被认为有重大意义的信息 和文件提交给我们以及相关各方和他们的律师 不论这些信息和文件本身重要 还是与其它文件或信息一起具有重大意义 如果有难 以理解的要求 请与我们商讨 Unless otherwise specified and except in Sections

8、 1 and 2 reference to the Company in the List shall mean the Company and each of its subsidiaries affiliates and entities directly or indirectly controlled by the Company through contractual arrangements For the period before the Company s incorporation reference to the Company shall mean the Compan

9、y s predecessor 除非在第一和第二部分另有明确规定 清单中提到公司的地方指公司及其每个子公司 关联公司 以及公司通过协议安排直接或间接清单中提到公司的地方指公司及其每个子公司 关联公司 以及公司通过协议安排直接或间接 控制的实体控制的实体 在公司成立以前的期间 清单中提到公司的地方指公司的前身 PRELIMINARY DUE DILIGENCE DOCUMENT REQUEST LIST 初步法律尽职调查文件清单 No 编号编号 Description 描述描述 Provided Herewith 在此提供在此提供 To Be Provided 待提供待提供 Already Pr

10、ovided 已经提供已经提供 Not Applicable 不适用不适用 1 Organization Documents 组织文件组织文件 1 1Copy of the Company s entire minute book including minutes of all meetings and all written consents of a the Company s Board of Directors b any committee of the Board of Directors and c the shareholders each for the last five

11、 years 最近五年内公司的会议记录 包括董事会 董事会下属各委员会以及股东会议的 所有会议记录和书面同意 法务法务 1 2Memorandum and Articles of Association or any other constitutional documents of the Company as originally filed and all amendments thereto 公司最初的组织大纲或其他组织性文件及其所有修订 法务法务 1 3Resolutions of the Board of Directors authorizing creation and iss

12、uance of securities to be issued and sold in the proposed transaction 授权创设并发行本次拟议交易中拟发行及出售证券的董事会决议 1 4Share ledger and copies of share certificates issued by the Company Register of transfer if applicable 股票分类总帐和公司签发的股权证明的复印件 股票转让登记表 如适用 1 5Samples of any certificates representing securities 证券权证的样本

13、 1 6A list of each jurisdiction in which the Company does business e g provides services makes sales operates a sales office or where its employees reside and a brief summary of the Company s activities in each jurisdiction including revenue generated and tax concessions received in each jurisdictio

14、n 列出公司开展业务 如提供服务 进行销售 设立销售处 员工住所 所在的所 有行政管辖地区 并对公司在每一地区内的活动加以简要的描述 包括在每一地 区产生的收入和享受的税务优惠 财务财务 1 7All voting agreements with respect to shares of the Company in the last five years 最近五年内与公司股票有关的表决协议 3 No 编号编号 Description 描述描述 Provided Herewith 在此提供在此提供 To Be Provided 待提供待提供 Already Provided 已经提供已经提供

15、Not Applicable 不适用不适用 1 8A list of each jurisdiction in which the Company is authorized or qualified to do business as a foreign corporation and a current good standing certificate from each such jurisdiction 列出公司经授权或有资格作为外国公司开展业务 如销售产品 设立销售处 员 工住所 的所有地区 以及该地区颁发的当前有效的合法续存证明 1 9A list and organizatio

16、nal chart of any subsidiaries branches representative offices affiliates variable interest entities parent or predecessor entity of the Company specifying corporate name jurisdiction of incorporation relationship to the Company its shareholders or partners and their equity interests the board representation by the Company its management the number of employees thereunder its business the location in the corporate structure of major assets and liabilities the percentage ownership of voting securi



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