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1、新概念英语青少版3B期末测试一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )1. I dont like Maths, and my brother doesnt like it _.A. too B. either C. also( )2. Her eyes were filled with tears when she heard _the bad news. A. with B. of C. in( )3. His drawing isnt so _ as yours. A. well B. good C. better( )4. Yesterday the teacher told us t

2、he earth _ round the sun. A. goes B. went C. is going( )5. The key _ on the table when I left. A. was left B. will be left C. is left( )6. Its too difficult. Why _ the teacher for help? A. not to ask B. not asking C. not ask( )7. He asked if Mary _ to hospital. A. had been sent B. has been sent C. s

3、ent( )8. - _ you finish your composition in time? - I am afraid I _. A. Can; cant B. Need; mustnt C. Must; neednt( )9. The sign Keep Away means you _ stay away from the building. A. must B. cant C. shouldnt( )10. They _ their grandparents next Sunday. A. visit B. will visit C. visited( )11. He is no

4、t _ to go to school. A. enough old B. enough young C. old enough D. healthy enough( )12. Uncle Peter, _, will be visiting us on Tuesday.A. he is my fathers friend B. which is my fathers friendC. is my fathers friend D. my fathers friend( )13. We _ the work by seven o clock yesterday evening.A. had f

5、inished B. finishedC. had been finished D. would finish( )14. Our life will be _ better in the future.A. less B. much C. fewer( )15. Paul _ his parents on Sunday.A. used to phone B. use to phone C. is phoning二、完形填空(每小题1分,共15分) Sir Charles Baskerville is found _16_ with a scared look on his face. The

6、 footprints (脚印) of a hound (猎犬) are nearby. People believe the giant dog did the killing. And it seems the dog is looking for its next _17_. That is what Doctor James Mortimer is _18_. Sir Henry Baskerville, the new _19_ of Baskerville Hall is arriving from America to inherit (继承) Sir Charles fortu

7、ne. Scared and _20_ about what to do, Mortimer turns to the famous detective, Sherlock Holmes, and his _21_ partner, Dr Watson. The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle, scares you with its story about a ghost dog. People think the dog is _22_ every member of the Baskerville family. It a

8、ll started many years earlier. Hugo Baskerville was a bad man who kidnapped a young woman. But when he tried to _23_ her from running away, a giant dog killed him. Now Sir Charles, also from the Baskerville family, has died _24_. People are worried that the killer ghost dog has _25_. Sir Henry Baske

9、rville is said to be the last member of the family alive. He receives a scary note, telling him to leave the town _26_ its too late. Dr Watson finds there are many more suspects than just the ghost dog. But of course it is the bright Holmes who _27_ the mystery. Watson tells the story in the book. S

10、ometimes, some of the words he uses are difficult to understand. But the _28_ and suspense (悬念) he builds still make the book very funny and _29_. Finally, it turns out that the dog is a trained big dog _30_ a ghost dog. Holmes discovers the murderer at last.( ) 16. A. lonely B. mad C. safe D. dead(

11、 ) 17. A. victim B. murderer C. survivor D. suspect( ) 18. A. proud of B. worried about C. angry with D. satisfied with( ) 19. A. doctor B. master C. servant D. detective( ) 20. A. unwilling B. uncertain C. hopeful D. confident( ) 21. A. famous B. rich C. patient D. weak( ) 22. A. killing B. arresti

12、ng C. eating D. carrying( ) 23. A. finish B. start C. stop D. avoid( ) 24. A. secretly B. mysteriously C. patiently D. repeatedly( ) 25. A. passed B. replied C. returned D. paid( ) 26. A. if B. since C. before D. so( ) 27. A. puts out B. acts out C. takes out D. works out( ) 28. A. danger B. horror

13、C. mystery D. secret( ) 29. A. scary B. boring C. relaxing D. pleasant( ) 30. A. in face of B. in need of C. because of D. instead of三、阅读理解(每小题1分,共10分)(一)Mr and Mrs Jackson and their children Larry and George went to Big Mountains by car. Soon Mr Jackson stopped the car. Here we are! he said.There was a large house in front of them with a big chimney. Behind the house on the left, there was a small


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