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1、精品文档 学术会议邀请函5篇 学术会议的展开,邀请函是必不可少的,下面是收集整理的学术会议邀请函范文5篇学术会议邀请函范文1 尊敬的_医生: 在这春暖花开的美好季节,中国中医科学院眼科医院眼科国家级继续教育项目(类2学分)暨蔡司全飞秒开机典礼学习班将在_年_月_日(隆重开课。届时将有国内一流的屈光手术专家亲临授课,同时也有中医届眼科专家分享眼科疑难眼病的中西医结合治疗的丰富经验及病例分享环节。此次学术会议内容丰富,届时欢迎各位眼科同仁光临中国中医科学院眼科医院会议中心,分享课程盛宴。 Visumax全飞秒激光手术在中国中医科学院眼科医院落户,意味着屈光手术的中西医完美结合将在这里开始,实是眼科

2、界的一大喜事。 时间:_年_月_日(星期_) 地点:中国中医科学院眼科医院,石景山区鲁谷路33号门诊楼3层中心会议室 日程安排:_学术会议邀请函范文2 尊敬的各医院领导、专家教授及新闻媒体朋友们: 20XX年11月22日上午九点,广东省民营医院发展论坛年会将在广州复大肿瘤医院召开。此次论坛大会是由广东省医院协会主办,省医院协会民营医疗机构管理专业委员会承办,广州复大肿瘤医院及艾力彼医院管理研究中心联合协办,媒体支持*晚报社。 本次论坛大会以抓住机遇加快非公医疗机构发展为主题,意旨在为贯彻20XX年*工作报告中所提出加大力度推进非公医疗机构健康发展的精神,抓住机遇,共同努力推进广东省非公医疗机构

3、健康发展。 大会主要邀请非公医疗机构院长、总经理、院级领导、相关医院工作管理人员及专家教授参会,并已诚挚邀请到广东省卫生计生委医政处处长张伟、中国医院协会副秘书长庄一强、广州复大肿瘤医院总裁左建生、复大肿瘤医院总院长徐克成、武汉亚洲心脏病医院总经理叶红、首都医科大学三博脑科医院总经理张阳等领导、国内知名肿瘤专家齐聚一堂,共同研究政策法规,探讨和学习优秀非公医疗机构在专家团队建设、医学人文建设、特色教学工作、医疗制度等经验。 本次论坛将为非公医疗机构提供一次良好的经验交流平台,为我国非医疗机构健康发展作出新的贡献。 本次参会人员报名方式可通过如下途径报名: 1、参会报名人员申请通过添加myyyn

4、h(中国民营医院年会群)微信*:或者通过微信扫一扫微信二维码成功加入后进行报名。 2、留言报名时必须填写清楚:医院名称、参会人姓名、手机联系方式,等待工作人员回复确认即可完成报名。 媒体联络员:广州复大肿瘤医院 策划部联系电话:学术会议邀请函范文3 Mr Lu Huazhong University of Science and Technology Luoyu Road Hubei March 21, 20xx Wilson Wang School of Public Administration Peking University 102 Boai Road Beijing 100080

5、Dear Wilson Wang: I have received your letter dated March 20, 2017,inviting me to attend the Academic Contbrence on Land institution Reform and Innovation during Urbanization to be held in Peking University in Beijing April 1-3, 2017.Thankyou for your invitation. I am pleased to accept your invitati

6、on and attend the Contbrence on time. Yours sincerely,学术会议邀请函范文4 Dear XX, On behalf of the XXXXX, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend a conference of the forthcoming 1st Opportunity and Challenge XXXXX to be held in XXXUniversity, China, from December 19 to December 30, 2011. As we all k

7、now, Google is one of the top corporations around the world in Computer Science, and the biggest Internet search service provider. At the same time, Googles products are also famous and popular in Music, Society Network, and Smartphone Operating System et al. You are an internationally acclaimed sch

8、olar and businessman assuredly. Your research on distributed software service and parallel computation is widely used in Computer Science. Your participation will be among the highlights of the conference. We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. As you know, this is the 1st held of O

9、CCSG and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. We have accepted many papers from several disciplines. If you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since wehave to prepare the final program soon. We are looking forward to your acceptance. Sincerely yours,XXXXXXXXXXX学术会议邀请函范文5

10、Dear Ms Wang: I have the great pleasure, on behalf of the International Conference on Medical Biometrics organization, of inviting you to contribute to the symposium on Medical device technologies, Medical data processing and management, Medical Pattern Recognition, Medical biometric systems and app

11、lications to be held in Shenzhen, between 30th May and 1th June 20XX. We would like to invite you to submit a manuscript to the International Conference on Medical imaging devices, Medical information retrieval, Biometric technologies, Feature matching and classification, Computer-aided diagnosis an

12、d Other applications. The idea is to present originally contributed research, review, and short communication articles in the field of Medical Biometrics. Deadline for submissions would be April 3, 20XX. Kindly submit your manuscripts as an E-mail attachment at . I will be looking forward to your favorable reply. Sincerely yours,Guangming Lu20xx-01-022016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 6 / 6


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