(成都专版)2017年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B(2a-2e)教学课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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(成都专版)2017年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B(2a-2e)教学课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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(成都专版)2017年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B(2a-2e)教学课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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(成都专版)2017年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B(2a-2e)教学课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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《(成都专版)2017年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B(2a-2e)教学课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(成都专版)2017年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B(2a-2e)教学课件 (新版)人教新目标版(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Period4SectionB 2a 2e Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation Keywordsfeellike becauseof gotothebeach alotof alittle takethetrain toomany whataboutKeysentences 1 Iwonderwhatlifewaslikehereinthepast 2 Whatadifferenceadaymakes 3 Wewaitedoveranhourforthetrainbecausethereweretoomanypeople ReadingpracticeaboutJane

2、svacation 学习目标 Newwordsandphrases activityn decidev tryv n paraglidingn feellikebirdn bicyclen buildingn 活动决定 选定尝试 设法 努力滑翔伞运动给 的感觉 感受到鸟自行车 脚踏车建筑物 房子 tradern wonderv differencen topn waitv n umbrellan 商人想知道 琢磨差别 差异顶部 表面等待 等候伞 雨伞 wetadj becauseofbelowprep adv enoughadj hungryadj asadv 湿的 潮湿的 下雨的因为在 下面

3、 到 下面足够的 充足的 充分的饥饿的像 一样 如同 Didyougotoanybeautifulplacesonvacation Let senjoyabeautifulplace DidyougotoMalaysia Malaysian 马来西亚Malaysianadj 马来西亚的n 马来西亚人 PenangHill槟城山 GeorgeTown乔治市 WeldQuay海墘 滨城 Nasilemak theMalaysianbreakfast Localfood Nyonyadishes娘惹菜 NasiDagang手扒饭 RotiCanaiandTehTarik煎饼和拉茶 AsamLaksa

4、阿参拉沙 BahKutTeh ChicKutTeh肉骨茶 2b ReadJane sdiaryentriesabouthervacationandanswerthequestions DidJanehaveagoodtimeonMonday WhataboutonTuesday JanehadagoodtimeonMondaybutnotonTuesday 2c ReadJane sdiaryentriesagain Fillinthechart Yes Yes Itwasexciting ateMalaysianyellownoodles Yes Shelikedtheoldbuilding

5、sthereandwonderedwhatlifewaslikeinthepast No Thereweremanypeopleandtheywaitedoveranhourforthetrain Itwasrainingandtheydidn thaveanumbrella Sotheygotwetandcold Theycouldn tseeanythingbecauseofthebadweather Theydidn thaveenoughmoneyforfood shared hadonebowlofriceandsomefish Yes 2d Completetheconversat

6、ionaboutJane striptoPenangusingtheinformationinthediaryentries Anna Hi Jane Wheredidyougoonvacationlastweek Jane I toPenangin Anna Who yougowith Jane Iwentwithmy went Malaysia did family Anna Whatdidyoudo Jane Theweatherwashotand onMonday sowewent onthebeach Thenintheafternoon we bicyclestoGeorgetow

7、n sunny paragliding rode Anna Soundsgreat Jane Well butthenextdaywasnotasgood My andIwenttoPenangHill buttheweather reallybadandrainy We alongtimeforthetrainandwewere andcoldbecauseweforgottobringan Anna Oh no Jane Andthat snotall Wealsodidn tbring money soweonlyhadonebowlofriceandsomefish father wa

8、s waited wet umbrella enough 2e ImagineJanewenttoPenangHillagainandhadagreatday Fillintheblanksinherdiaryentrywiththecorrectformsoftheverbsinbrackets Thursday July18thToday be abeautifulday MyfatherandI go toPenangHillagain butthistimewe walk tothetop We start at9 30a m and see lotsofspecialMalaysia

9、nflowersalongtheway was went walked started saw Aboutonehourlater we stop and drink sometea Thenwe walk foranothertwohoursbeforewe get tothetop I be quitetired butthecity look wonderfulfromthetopofthehill stopped drank walked got was looked Languagepoints 1 decidev 决定 选定 Idecidetostayathometoday 今天我

10、决定待在家里 Beforeyoumakeadecision youmustthinkitover 在你作决定之前 你一定要仔细思考 据例 可知 决定干某事 为decidetodosth 据例 可知decide的名词是decision 而 作决定 是makeadecision 相当于动词decide 2 tryv n 尝试 设法 努力I lltrytoimprove 用作动词 我要设法改进 Comeonandgiveitatry 用作名词 来 试试看 两者含义不同前者 试图或努力去做某事 后者 尝试 试验一下某种方法 e g trytoclimbthemountain设法向山上爬tryclimb

11、ingthemountain尝试爬上山去 trytodosth trydoingsth 3 becauseof因为Ididn tgooutbecauseofthebadweather 由于恶劣的天气 我没有出去 becauseof because e g Hedidn tcomebecausehehadaheadache Hedidn tcomebecauseofhisheadache 他没来因为他头痛 because 句子becauseof 名词 代词或动名词形式 4 enoughadj 足够的 充足的 充分的e g Thereisn tenoughwaterinourcity 我们城市没有

12、足够的水 Heisoldenoughtogotoschool 他足够大了可以去上学 enough作形容词时 可置于所修饰的名词之前或之后 enough作副词时 一般应放在所修饰的形容词 副词或动词的后面 1 Keyvocabulary decide try wonder difference top wait below enough hungry as feellike becauseof toomany2 Sentences Iwonderwhatlifewaslikehereinthepast Andbecauseofthebadweather wecouldn tseeanythingbelow Summary Homework 1 ReadbothofJane sdiaryentriesoutloud Getintopairsandroleplaytheconversationin2d 2 Dotheexercisesinstudents book


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