课时讲练通2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride On a Train Period 4 Integrating Skills课件 外研版必修1

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《课时讲练通2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride On a Train Period 4 Integrating Skills课件 外研版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《课时讲练通2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride On a Train Period 4 Integrating Skills课件 外研版必修1(93页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module3MyFirstRideonaTrainPeriod4IntegratingSkills要点讲解课 选词填空frighten event exhausted interviewsouvenir stadium ceremony downtown1 Myfatherandmymotherwerebothpresentatmygraduation ceremony 2 Don tshout oryouwill thebaby 3 Weoftengoshoppinginthe ofthecity 4 Itwasamazingthatheknewnothingaboutthe 5 Mary

2、oftenworksoutinthe frighten downtown event stadium 6 Johncameupforthe butdidnotgetthejob 7 Pleaseacceptthisasa forourfriendship 8 IhavebeenverybusyalldayandnowIam interview souvenir exhausted 根据语境和汉语提示写出短语1 Muchoftheinformationinthatbookisnow 过时 2 ThePrimeMinisterwill 访问 thatcountrynextmonth 3 Iknow

3、thepersonyoumean butIcannot 想起 hisname out of date pay a visit to think of 4 I vekeptonthinkingaboutthat 一直 5 Theschoolwasverycooperativewhenwe 拍摄电影 there 6 Hewasinvitedto 参加仪式 7 Hedrove 以 的速度 sixtymilesperhour all the time made a film attend the ceremony at a speed of 8 Salesmovedupwards 第一次 thisye

4、ar for the first time 阅读TheMaglev theFastestTrainintheWorld并选择最佳答案1 Fromthefirstparagraph weknowthatitis fromPudongAirporttoLongyangStation A 400kilometresB 30kilometresC 133kilometresD 240kilometres 2 WhichisnottheadvantageoftheMaglevtrainsaccordingtothepassage A Highspeed B Magneticlevitationtechn

5、ology C Havingnorails D Beingquiet 3 WhyareZhuRongjiandtheGermanchancellormentionedinthepassage A Toshowthegreatvalueofthiskindoftrain B ToshowthethankstoGermansfortheirhelp C Tohaveatrialuseofthiskindoftrain D Nospecialreasons theybothhappenedtobethere 4 Fromthepassage wecanconcludethat A thiskindo

6、ftrainisonlyusedinShanghaiB GermanyisgoingtointroducemagneticlevitationtechnologyC ShanghaitakestheleadindevelopingtheMaglevtrainsintheworldD Maglevtrainscanincreasetheirspeedofthemselves 1outofdate过时 It soutofdate 它 这张票 过期了 Thisisanout of datemagazine 这是一本过期的杂志 out of date用作定语 修饰名词 意为 过期的 过时 的 知识延伸

7、 outofcontrol失控outofdanger脱离危险outofquestion毫无疑问outofreach手不能及outofthequestion办不到的 不可能的outofsight看不见 活学活用 Thiskindofcoatis 过时 Thecarwas 失去控制 andranintoawall Shewasverysick butnowsheis 脱离危险 out of date out of control out of danger Keepallmedicinesoutofreachofchildren 译 把所有的药品放在孩子们够不到的地方 2frightenvt 使吃

8、惊 惊吓 Theeaglesuddenlyflewintheairandfrightenedme 突然间 这只鹰在空中飞起 使我大吃一惊 Theloudnoisefrightenedherintocrying 巨大的噪音把她吓哭了 Thedarknessintheroomfrightenedhimoutofgoingintoit 房间里的黑暗使他不敢进去 自我归纳 frightensb doingsth 吓得某人做某事 frightensb doingsth 吓得某人不做某事 into out of 知识延伸 1 frightenedadj 恐惧的 害怕的befrightenedtodosth

9、 害怕做某事befrightenedof 害怕 2 frighteningadj 令人恐惧的 恐怖的 巧学助记 图文双解 frighten Thefrighteningmonsterfrightenedtheman makinghimfeelveryfrightened 那个可怕的怪物吓到那人 使他感到非常害怕 活学活用 语法填空 Sheis frighten torideabike 2016 浙江高考 Asuddenstopcanbeavery frighten experience frightened frightening Newsoftherobberies manypeople f

10、ittingnewlockstotheirdoors 抢劫的消息把许多人吓得都安装了新门锁 Thelittlegirl dogs 这个小女孩不怕狗 frightened into is not frightened of Youalmost meoutoflifebyyour mask 面具 你那吓人的面具差点把我给吓死 frightened frightening 3interviewn 面试 面谈 2016 江苏高考 Jackstillcan thelpbeinganxiousabouthisjobinterview 杰克还是很担心他的工作面试 Thepresidentwillgivean

11、interviewtoareportertomorrow 总统明天要接受一位记者的采访 Themanagerwillhaveaninterviewwiththosewhowanttogettheposition 经理将约谈那些想获得这个职位的人 Weinterviewed10peopleforthejob 为了这份工作 我们对10人进行了面试 自我归纳 aninterview sb 接见某人 接受某人的采访 aninterview sb 采访某人 与某人面谈 interviewvt give to have with 面试 采访 知识延伸 interviewern 面试时的 主考官 面谈者in

12、tervieween 参加面试者 接受采访者 巧学助记 情景巧记 interview 及其同根词interview的构词 inter 相互之间 view 看 见 活学活用 用interview的适当形式填空 a Allthe mustarrivebefore7 00tomorrowmorning b Theywillbe from8 00to10 00 Duringthe theyshouldanswerthequestionsgivenbythe interviewees interviewed interview interviewers TheotherdayI thewriteroft

13、hisbook 几天前我曾经与这本书的作者会过面 Thefilmstar thejournalistsandTVmen 那个电影明星接受了新闻记者和电视台记者的采访 had an interview with gave an interview to Shortlyaftergraduation Johnsonhadajobinterviewandlaterbecameamemberofourcompany 译 毕业不久 Johnson就参加了求职面试 之后就成 为了我们公司的一员 4exhaustedadj 疲惫不堪的 2016 天津高考 Oneday mentallyexhausted I

14、wrotedownallthereasonswhythisproblemcouldnotbesolved 一天 我疲惫不堪地记下了不能解决此事的各种理由 Hewassoexhaustedfromclimbingthemountainthathewentstraighttobedassoonashegothome 他因爬山而精疲力竭 一回到家就径直上床睡觉了 Thelongcyclerideexhaustedher 她因长途骑车而疲惫不堪 Idon tlikeanexhaustingjourney 我不喜欢令人疲惫不堪的旅行 自我归纳 由于 而精疲力竭 exhaustvt exhaustinga

15、dj beexhaustedfrom by with 使疲惫不堪 令人疲惫不堪的 活学活用 用exhaust的适当形式填空 What swrong Youlookvery Afullday sworking me Itisreallyan job exhausted exhausted exhausting I workingfortwohours 两小时的工作让我精疲力竭 Manyyoungpeopletoday overwork 现在许多年轻人因工作过度而疲惫不堪 was exhausted from are exhausted with 5Irememberthedaymyfathert

16、riedtoteachmehowtorideabicycle 我还记得父亲尽力教我骑自行车的那一天 句型剖析 本句句型结构 特殊疑问词 不定式 相当于 特殊疑问词 sb can could shoulddo 其用法需注意 1 疑问词 不定式 这个结构相当于名词 在句中可作主语 表语 宾语等 2 能够接不定式的疑问词有 who when what where how等 Choosing isnolongerassimpleasitoncewas 选择吃什么已经不像以前那么简单了 istoday stopic 如何描述人物是今天的话题 what to eat How to describe people 活学活用 Myquestionis 我的问题是在哪里能找到答案 Idon tknow 我不知道怎样回答这个问题 where to find the answer how to answer the question hasnotbeendecided 什么时候开会还没有确定 Ifoundabookonhowtoavoidhavingaheartattack 译 When to hold t


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