九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems Section B课件 (新版)仁爱版

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九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems Section B课件 (新版)仁爱版_第1页
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九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems Section B课件 (新版)仁爱版_第3页
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《九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems Section B课件 (新版)仁爱版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems Section B课件 (新版)仁爱版(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2SavingtheEarth Topic1Pollutionhascausedtoomanyproblems SectionB课件1 Answerthequestions 1 DoesBrucelookwell 2 What swrongwithhim 3 Howlonghashebeenlikethis 4 Hasheseenadoctor No hedoesn t Twodays Helooksweak Hehasaheadacheandacough Hehasgotapaininhishead Hehasbeenlikethisfortwodays No hehasn t No

2、tyet painn 疼 痛 痛苦 KangkangwasgoingtoleavetheWestHill HemetMrs Zhou Theyhadatalk KangkangaskedMrs Zhousomequestions WhatquestionsdidKangkangask 1cRead1aandanswerthequestions 1 WhatcausedMrs Zhou sproblems 2 WhatwillKangkangdo 3 DoyouhaveanyotherwaystosolveMrs Zhou sproblems Thebadairandtoomuchnoise H

3、ewillwritetothenewspaperabouttheseproblems 补全对话 A Oh Jim youlookpale B Mychesthurtsanditisdifficultformetobreathe A B Fortwodays A I msorrytohearthat B Yes Idid Thedoctorgavemesomemedicine What swrongwithyou Howlonghaveyoubeenlikethis Didyougotoseeadoctor A Whatcausedyourchesthurt B Ithinkitmightbet

4、heterriblegasfromthechemicalfactory A B I mafraidI llmissthelessons A Don tworry Takegoodcareofyourself B Thankyouverymuch Whynotstayathomeandhavearest Icanhelpyouwithyourlessons Choosethecorrectwordstocompletethepassage Deareditor I mwritingtosaysomethingaboutthechemicalfactorynearmyhouse Thefactor

5、ycauses toomany toomuch problems First itproducesterriblegas anditishardforusto breathe breath What sworse thefactorymakesalotofnoise Wecan tsleepwellatnight Italsopollutestherivernearby Nowtherearemany die dead fishintheriver IthinkpeopleshouldcarefortheseproblemsandIhopethegovernmentwillsolvethems

6、oon Yours Kangkang toomany breathe dead Lookatthepicturesandreadthewordsandphrases payingattentiontothesoundsandstress soilpollutionwaterpollutionnoisepollutionairpollutionlitterlightpollution FCDABE soiln 土壤 土地 Exercises Example Peopleusechemicalstoomuchintheirfields andsoilpollutioncausesunhealthy

7、food 1 Peoplepourwastewaterintoriversandlakes so isalmosteverywhereinChina waterpollution Completethesentenceswiththewordsandphrasesin3a Thenreadthemaloud payingspecialattentiontothepronunciation liaisonandpause 2 makespeoplesick Itcausesbreathingproblemsandevencancer 3 Insomecities there stoomuch c

8、ausedbymanycars Airpollution noisepollution 4 isharmfultobirds Also whenweusetoomanylightsatnight wewasteenergy 5 makesamessofourenvironment sopeopleshouldn tthrowitaround Lightpollution Litter Lightpollutionisharmfultobirds harmv n 危害 伤害 损害harmfuladj 有害的 e g Itisharmfultoanimals Itdoesgreatharmtoan

9、imals beharmfulto doharmto对 有害 1 Thereare booksintheshop Idon tknowwhichonetochoose A toomanyB toomuchC muchtooD too A 单项选择 2 Don tsmoke It s toourhealth Sorry Iwon tdoitagain A harmB harmfulC harmsD harmed B 3 Hehasaheadache Hefeelsdifficult A breatheB breathC tobreatheD tobreath C 4 Sheissonoisyth

10、atIcan t her A seeB knowC bearD understand C 5 Howlonghaveyou this Foraweek A likedB beenC beenlikeD like C 6 Ifyouarealways itwillbebadforyourhealth A inagoodmoodB inabadmoodC ingoodhealthD inneed B Summary 1 Somewords breathe pain produce chest awful bear breath soil harmful2 Somephrases havegotap

11、ainin beharmfulto toomany toomuch3 Somesentences 1 Howlonghaveyoubeenlikethis 2 What sworse thefactorymakestoomuchnoise Welearn 1 Usethecorrectstress pronunciation liaisonandpausewhilereadingaloud 2 KnowthedifferencesbetweenSimplePastandPresentperfect I vegotapaininmythroat Pollutionhascausedtoomanyproblems Wecan Homework 1 Read1a 2 Read3aand3b payingattentiontothestress pronunciation liaisonandpause 3 FinishSectionBinyourworkbook 4 PreviewSectionC Thankyou


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