四年级下册英语教案-Fun Time 2 Project |人教精通版

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1、四年级下册Fun time 2 Project 一教学目标1.知识目标(1)New phrases: play at the playground,go to the beach, attend lesson(2)复习Where shall we go?What will you do? Ill Well /Would you like/以及关于星期的表达方法并扩展句型What shall we do?2. 能力目标(1)能够听懂,会说本课新词组(2)能够在真实场景中灵活运用Where shall we go?/What will you do?/What shall we do?/ Ill

2、Well / Would you like/表达自己的计划和想法,熟练运用关于星期的表达方法。3.情感态度目标(1)激发学生对英语学习的热情,形成积极主动的学习动机。(2)通过对外国友人介绍天津,激发学生热爱家乡的情感。(3)通过小组合作交流,让学生在日常学习生活中分享快乐,培养合作精神。二学习者分析四年级学生乐于表达,具有好奇、好活动、爱表现、善模仿等特点。他们喜欢新鲜事物,对陌生语言的好奇心能激起他们对英语的兴趣。他们的记忆力好,形象思维好、模仿力、可塑性强,理性思维,逻辑思维正在逐渐增强。三教学重难分析及解决措施(1)重点:听说读词组及句型 措施:创造语境让学生自主练习(2)难点:是否能

3、够在真实的语境中正确运用词组及句型措施:在真实的语境中引导学生大胆运用,鼓励小组合作交流四 教学设计Step 1 Warming upFree talkT: Boys and girls, summer holiday is coming. Do you like summer holidays?S: Yes. T: Me too. This summer holiday, Ill take a trip. What will you do this summer holiday?S:T: What about you?/And you?/Any ideas?(老师和学生对话 4组)T: Do

4、 you want to know her/his idea? (同桌两人问答 5组)S: S:T: Would you like to ask ? Try your best, name someone, please.(学生自主寻找同学做问答 4组)Step2 Three tasks. (International summer camp)1. Lets introduce and talk.(1)Say hello to foreign students.T: Wonderful, many ideas. Now, I have good news to tell you. There

5、will be an International summer camp in Tianjin. (ppt) Some foreign students will attend this camp. In the camp, we can do something interesting. Would you like to go with me?Ss: Yes.T: OK. I think wed better prepare something for this camp. We have three tasks to do.(ppt)If you do a good job, you w

6、ill get an invitation card of this camp, OK?Ss: OK.T: Try your best!Ss: Try my best!T: First, lets see Task 1, lets introduce and talk. Look at these foreign students. (ppt出现三个外国小朋友) Well meet them in this camp. Lets say hello to them, OK? Sing an English song (2)Introduce each other. 1)T: Good job.

7、 Lets introduce each other now. (屏幕中再次出现刚才三个外国小朋友) Would you like to try with me?Ss : (邀请一小组同学) T:OK. I choose this girl. Hello, girl. Im Miss Liu. (学生分别自我介绍)T&Ss: Whats your name? (教师对着屏幕中的外国小朋友中的美国女孩打招呼做自我介绍)(音频)American girl: Hello. Im Lily. T&Ss: Where are you from?(音频)American girl: Im from Ame

8、rica. T&Ss: Welcome to our hometown, Tianjin. See you in summer holiday. Goodbye.T: OK, boys and girls. Whats her name? Where is she from? Do you remember? (随着学生回答完屏幕中出现女孩名字及国旗)S:T: Is it right? Lets see. Good memory. Would you like to introduce yourself?(2名同学做自我介绍) 2)T: Look at this boy.(指着屏幕中的第二个外

9、国小朋友)He send us a wechat message to lets know about him in advance. Lets listen together and try your best to remember something about him, OK?(屏幕中呈现手机页面,点击语音,播放音频)音频内容:Hello friends, my name is Charlie. I m from Britain. On weekdays, I go to school. I usually play at the playground with my family o

10、n weekends. I like fish and chips. I like Chinese food, too. I think well be friends. You may send me an Email to introduce yourself. My Email address is C .See you. T: OK, boys and girls, what do you hear ? Think over. His name. Hes from. S: S: .T: Any more? He likes. On weekends, he usually.S: S:T

11、: OK, lets see. (以打字输入方式出现内容)T: Would you like to introduce yourselves like him, OK? (2名同学做自我介绍)T: Great. The other students, after class you will send an Email to Charlie to introduce yourselves, OK? 3)T: The last one. (屏幕又回到三个外国小朋友界面) Ill tell you her name is Ella. Lets play a guessing game with E

12、lla, OK? T:Would you like to play?S: Yes. (选4名同学到教室前面,给4名同学4张卡片,袋鼠,考拉,海滩,国家行政地图的轮廓等,同学描述自己手里拿着的图片,以这些为线索提问大家,猜出国家。 )T:She is from. Her name is. Maybe on weekends, she usually goes to the beach. (屏幕出一张教材中海滩照片) 可以适当领读下beach2. Lets make and talk.(1).Watch the advertising video of the camp in advance.T:

13、 Excellent. We have known each other. Well done in Task 1. Then lets see Task 2, (ppt)lets make and talk.Lets watch a video about this camp in advance. For the first time, please pay attention to the days, OK?(播放电影,内容:夏令营7天内每天要做的事情,第一遍)T: Do you remember? How many days are there in this camp?Ss:T: Y

14、es. Its a seven days camp. Do you remember the activities? Next, the second time, try to remember the activities, then well talk about it, OK?(播放电影,内容:夏令营7天内每天要做的事情,第二遍)T: I think it will be interesting. Lets talk about the activities. First, what shall we do on Monday? Do you know?(大屏幕给出游泳课,美术课,音乐课

15、图片)(Monday环节为师生问答,做动作表演环节)(能听懂将来时的提问并用将来时回答)S1:Well have a swimming lesson, an art lesson and a music lesson. T: Interesting. Do you like swimming?S1: Yes, I do.T: Can you swim?S1:Yes.T: Show us how to swim, OK?S1: OK.(边说边做动作)T:Thank you. What shall we do in an art lesson?(指向大屏幕中的图片)S2: Well draw and paint.T: Great. I like art. And you?S2: Me too./ I dont like art.T: What shall we do in a music lesson?S3: Well sing and dance.T: Do you like singing?S3: Yes./No.T: Do you like danc



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