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1、.精品文档. 中学生英语演讲稿五篇英文演讲是在校期间常遇到的一种演讲形式,英语演讲能够很好的帮助学生锻炼听说写的能力,写好演讲稿是演讲的首要环节。下面是为你整理的几篇五分钟英语演讲稿,希望能帮到你哟。五分钟英语演讲稿篇一Ladies and gentlemen, your honored judgesWhen youre leaving the hotel will you look into a mirror and adjust your clothes in front of it. But if it were a black mirror what could we get With

2、 technology developing at a rocket speed, the black mirror is everywhere, on the screens of our cellphones, our computers and our televisions. In our daily life, we are always facing black mirrors. However, we can hardly see ourselves in it. Perhaps sometimes we can, but only as a colourless face. T

3、echnology has brought great convenience of communication for information but at the same time, it has webbed our thought.Several years ago, an article named “Is Google making us stupid” got quite popular on the Internet. At that time, I thought it was just alarmism but now I find it much worse becau

4、se technology is not just making us stupid but also weakening our independent thought. About half year ago, I was invited to judge a debate competition. When I arrived at the competition room, I noticed it was an old and classic topic, so I was expecting those players to give me some new and special

5、 ideas. Unfortunately, when the game continued, I found all the viewpoints and examples they used were totally the same as the previous competition. The only fun during the competition was to predict what they would say. As far as I was concerned, they were not making a debate but replaying a video.

6、 Obviously, they just spoke for the black mirror.Debate was born as an area that we use our own thought to defend our opinion. However due to high technology, all these My opinion is in the competition are actually The opinion I have found is. That is , really, a tragedy because all human dignity li

7、es in thought which has been weakened by convenient technology.Truth to be told, debate is not the only example. In every field, we can get whatever information or opinions we want from the almighty black mirror. As a consequence, how to restructure human thought has become not only important but al

8、so necessary in todays technologically advanced world. And the answer is humanism which stands for human independent special mind. Just as humanism freed peoples thought from the force of religion in the Renaissance, Im waiting in the hope that it can rescue the ideology trapped in high technology.

9、Humanism is a Lodestar guiding us to the era that anyone can form their own opinion about anything but not just speak the words from the Internet.Ladies and gentlemen, Im not an antitechnologist but I do care about those disadvantages that technology brings to our present life. With the laundry mach

10、ine, we dont know how to hand wash clothes clean. With electronic address books, we can even hardly remember our girlfriends or boyfriends phone numbers. And now with a convenient way to get opinion, we seldom think with our own mind. If so, human is only a reed, the feeblest thing in nature. So fol

11、low the spirit of humanism, have an independent mind, so that we can be colorful in those black mirrors.五分钟英语演讲稿篇二Technology is power, which is not proportionally distributed among creature. Human beings and other species belong to distinctively varied categories since men grasp the strength of tech

12、nology. The people with great power, driven by their greedy instinct, can easily build their prosperity upon others species or other humanbeings suffering and torment. With hightechnology, people hunt and kill cetaceans in extremely high efficiency for extra food. Developed countries build polluting

13、 factories in Third World countries and earn the profits thousand miles away. They invade small countries for hypocritical reasons just to exploit its natural resources. Science and technology have turned this world into a dogeatdog wild jungle. Whats worse, we barely feel guilty about the conducted

14、 evils because what we have to do is to push buttons and machines are our accomplices.However, it is humanism that stops us from becoming complete animals. Humanism made us realize the significance of living in a harmonious world and turn our spotlight on building ecofriendly industry. In the past y

15、ears, we stopped killing animals for nutrition we dont need. We passed laws and regulations to protect the leastadvantaged people. Because of humanism, we started to consider human beings and nature as a whole and care more than just ourselves. We filled ourselves with reason, love and compassion. H

16、umanism keeps reminding us the consequence of abusing the immense power of technology and the great responsibility we undertake.As human, we are deeply conscious of our common humanity. There is no way we can walk away without being tortured by our conscience after we did so many damages on nature or other forms of life. Therefore, we modify our behavior to what we think its humane. In this way, we gradually achieve the ultimate h


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