2017年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Let's Go Lesson 35 Let's Go to the Museum教学课件 (新版)冀教版

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《2017年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Let's Go Lesson 35 Let's Go to the Museum教学课件 (新版)冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Let's Go Lesson 35 Let's Go to the Museum教学课件 (新版)冀教版(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 学练优七年级英语上 JJ 教学课件 Unit6 Let sgo Lesson35 Let sGototheMuseum Lead in Doyouwanttogotothemuseum Whatwillyouseeinthemuseum Lead in Wewillsee calligraphy paintings calligraphy fossil Lead in museumn halln famousadj paintingn boringadj warn learnv historyn arean giftn 博物馆会堂 大厅 走廊著名的绘画 绘画作品无聊的战争学 学习历史 历史课

2、程区域 面积礼物 Let slearnthenewwords Lead in museum WordsLearning painting Lead in hall war Lead in DannyandJennyareatthemuseum Wherearetheygoing TextReading Presentation Wherearetheygofirst Dotheyknowtheway 3 WhatdoesDannywanttobuy TheWarHall No theydon t Adonut ReadingTask Presentation WhereistheWarHall

3、 GostraightdowntheRestAreaandturnleftattheGiftShop ThenturnrightattheHelpDesk Passthe3DHall youwillseetheWarHallonyourleft Presentation 1 WhereareDannyandJenny 2 WhatcanDannylearnabouttheWarHall 3 WhatcanJennyseeattheArtHall 4 Afteraskingtheway wherewilltheygofirst Theyareatthemuseum Hecanlearnabout

4、thehistoryofwar Shecanseemanyfamouspaintings TheywillgototheArtHallfirst Readandanswer Presentation Languagepoints 1 Wecanlearnaboutthehistoryofwar learnabout of意为 了解到 的消息 情况 信息 事实等 例如 I msorrytolearnofhisillness 听说他病了 我很难过 Presentation 2 Excuseme 对不起 excuseme是用于麻烦别人 提出请求或询问情况时的委婉语 意为 劳驾 请原谅 打扰了 对不起

5、 Sorry常用于因自己的过失而表示歉意 主要用于事后道歉 A Excuseme 打扰了 B Yes 什么事 A Sorry I mlate 对不起 我迟到了 B Noproblem 没关系 3 onone sleft在 的左边 Presentation 问路句子大集结 A 特殊疑问句 类句型 Excuseme Whereisthe please 2 Excuseme Whichisthewayto please 3 Excuseme HowcanIgetto please Presentation B 一般疑问句 类句型 CanyoutellmehowIcangetto 2 Canyoute

6、llmethewayto 3 Canyoutellmewhichisthewayto 4 Canyoutellmehowtogetto 5 Excuseme isthistherightwayto 6 Excuseme doyouknowthewayto Presentation Where sthesoccerball It s thebox near Where sthesoccerball It s thebox nextto 介词 Presentation Where sthesoccerball It s thebox infrontof Where sthesoccerball I

7、t s thebox behind Presentation Whereisthesoccerball It s thebox acrossfrom Presentation Whereisthesoccerball It s betweenthebigboxandthesmallbox Presentation Thismuseumhasmanyfamouspaintings 改为一般疑问句 2 WecangototheWarHallfirst 画线提问 3 TheArtHallisjustoverthere 画线提问 Doesthismuseumhavemanyfamouspainting

8、s Wherecanyougo WhereistheArtHall Practice Practice 4 Whatagreatfriendyouare 改为陈述句 5 IwanttobuyadonutattheRestArea 画线提问 Youareagreatfriend Whatdoyouwanttobuy Practice Think 想一想 说一说 刚入校不久的你想去图书馆 但是你却不知道图书馆具体在哪里 你正在上楼的时候碰到了一位老师 那你应该如何在老师的指引下到达图书馆呢 Let sspeak Practice WhichisLucy sroom A B Acatisundert

9、hebed Somebooksareunderthebed Aballisunderthechair AtoyisinLucy sbag Anotebookisonthebed Practice Summary Keywords museum hallpainting war history learn area gift Keypoints 1 方位介词的表达2 一般疑问句3 特殊疑问句 Summary Eachofyoudrawsamapofyourownneighborhood Thenpracticegivingeachotherdirectionstodifferentlocationsonthemap Yourmapsmayinclude Yourhome Yourfriend shome Asupermarket Arestaurant Apark Aclothesstore Mymap Homework Homework


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