广东省2017中考英语 第一部分 教材梳理 第22节 九下 Module 5-Module 6课件 外研版

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《广东省2017中考英语 第一部分 教材梳理 第22节 九下 Module 5-Module 6课件 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省2017中考英语 第一部分 教材梳理 第22节 九下 Module 5-Module 6课件 外研版(36页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第二十二节节 九年 级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 外研版教材梳理 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 重难难点梳理 一 默写检测检测 一 考纲单词纲单词 默写 下面为为常考的考纲单纲单 词词 请请同学们认们认 真复习习 扩扩大词汇词汇 量 1 意见一致 同意 2 失明的 瞎的 3 取消 4 预料 预计 agreement blind cancel expect 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 5 需要 6 邀请 请柬 7 日历 历书 8 气球 9 绘画 10 使变热 给 加热 require invitation calendar

2、 balloon paint heat 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 11 餐刀 刀具 12 餐叉 13 匙 勺子 14 生气的 15 翅膀 翼 16 梨 knife fork spoon angry wing pear 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 17 西瓜 18 女士 夫人 小姐 19 先生 男士 20 端上 食物和饮料 服侍 进餐 watermelon lady gentleman serve 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 二 重点短语语默写 请请同学们们重点掌握下 面的短语语 做到活学活用 单项

3、选择单项选择 完形填空和短文填空等题题型经经常会考查查 大家对对短语语的掌握 1 赶上 2 跌倒 摔倒 3 从 上摔下来 4 至少 catch up fall over fall off at least 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 5 多亏 归功于 6 偶尔 有时 间或 7 害怕 8 保持健康 9 死于 10 使变热 给 加热 thanks to once in a while be afraid of keep fit die from heat up 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 11 随便做 或用 吧 请自便 12 例如 比

4、如 13 一 就 14 在 末端 尽头 15 拿起 help yourself to such as as soon as at the end of pick up 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 二 语语法考点聚焦 1 动词动词 的六种时态时态 教材典句 1 I think it s going to rain 我认为 要下雨 了 2 He was running down the steps when he fell over 他正跑着下台阶 这 时他摔倒了 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 3 I think he s broken

5、 his leg 我想他摔断 腿了 4 Will I live 我会活着吗 5 Doctors say you can do exercise while you are watching TV 医生说当你 看电视时 你可以做运动 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 练习练习 Lily why are you still here School is over for half an hour Because I my task yet I still need one more hour A won t finish B didn t finish C haven t

6、 finished D hadn t finished C 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 The last time I Jane she cotton in the fields A had seen was picking B had seen picked C saw was picking D saw pick C 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 2 一般现现在时时 一般过过去时时 一般将来 时时的被动语态动语态 教材典句 1 We re all invited 我们都被邀请了 2 And I was asked to brin

7、g some balloons and paint some pictures for the party 我被要求为聚会带一些气球和画一 些画 3 It ll be held on 30th May 它将于5月30 日举行 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 练习练习 Three bridges over the river five years ago A built B build C were built D are built People in Lanzhou are glad that a modern subway in several years A

8、will complete B will be completed C has completed D is completed C B 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 巩固练习练习 一 单项选择单项选择 1 Our classmates went to a concert yesterday afternoon What a pity I my homework A had done B was doing C am doing D would do B 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 2 Mike you the magazine s

9、ince last week Can you return it now Sure A borrowed B have borrowed C have kept D kept C 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 3 Two students to the opening ceremony last Friday A hundreds were invited B hundred were invited C hundreds of invited D hundred of invited B 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 4 Will

10、you come to my birthday after the high school entrance exam I won t come unless Jenny A invites B is invited C was invited D will invite 5 Grace this game every time we play A wins B won C will win D has won B A 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 6 Helen encouraged me to speak English as much as possible

11、 because practice perfect A make B made C will make D makes 7 Have you heard of the song Little Apple Yes It every morning when aged people do square dancing downstairs A is played B plays C was played D played D A 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 8 The sports meeting in our school next Friday A is hel

12、d B will hold C will be held D is going to hold 9 A nice car Is it yours No it isn t I it from a friend of mine two days ago A borrow B have borrowed C will borrow D borrowed C D 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 10 Has Mary ever visited Tower Bridge Yes She it two years ago A visits B visited C has vis

13、ited D was visiting 11 Cathy can you answer the door I the room I m coming Mum A clean B cleaned C have cleaned D am cleaning B D 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 12 What were you doing when I phoned you yesterday evening I was doing my homework while my parents dinner grandma A cooked B cook C were co

14、oking D had cooked 13 What age did you leave home I left home at 18 I this city for five years A have gone B have been to C have been in D have come to C C 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 14 Did you and Mary go to Miss Brown s party yesterday No Neither of us A invites B invited C is invited D was inv

15、ited 15 A new school last year in my hometown A set up B sets up C is set up D was set up D D 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 16 Can Mr King spare some time for the charity show If he he will try his best to make it A will be invited B is invited C invites D invited 17 He has ordered a watch online fo

16、r his father and it to him before Father s Day A send B will be sent C was sent D sent B B 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 18 You look worried What s wrong I went for a job interview yesterday and I the result A waited for B was waiting for C am waiting for D will wait for C 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 19 Do you have any plans for tonight Yes I at the new Italian restaurant in town A eat B have eaten C ate D am going to eat D 第二十二节节 九年级级 下 odule 5 odule 6 20 Do you think teenagers to make their



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