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1、贵阳市2018年初中毕业生(升学)考试试卷题英 语. 单项选择(本大题共15分,每小题1分)根据语境或句意,选择可填入句子的最佳选项,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。31. Karl Marx, a great thinker and politician, was born in Germany _ ago.A. the two hundredth yearB. two hundred-yearC. two hundred years32. The doctor advised Paul strongly that he should stop smoking, but _ didnt help.A

2、. ItB. heC. one33. _ story of Change is regarded as a touching traditional folk story about the Mid-Autumn Festival.A. AB. AnC. The34. “ _ fast Guizhou Province is developing!”“Yes. It hosts the Big Data Expo every year.”A. WhatB. HowC. What a35. “Meatout Day” is _ March 20th. Many people in the wor

3、ld dont eat any meat that day.A. atB. inC. on36. “Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy a guidebook?”“Sorry, Im new here. You _ ask the policeman over there.”A. shallB. canC. must37. Im going to choose some online courses with a friend of _ to improve our English.A. meB. myC. mine38. The doct

4、or looks tired and sleepy _ he stayed up late to look after his patients yesterday.A. becauseB. ifC. unless39. “Do you know _ the school library closes, Susan?”“Ten oclock at night.”A. when B. whyC. who40. “Tom, would you please take out the rubbish?”“Just a minute, mom, I _ a phone call.”A. makeB.

5、makesC. am making41. Chinese parents always try their best _ a good education environment for their kids.A. provideB. to provideC. providing42. Reading books _ a bridge between our lives and the unknown world.A. builtB. buildC. builds43. Amy is a creative lady _ set up a website to sell handbags mad

6、e of old jeans.A. whoB. whichC. where44. China has a history of over 5,000 years. It is one of the _ countries in the world.A. biggestB. richestC. oldest45. We should _ more time talking with our teachers so that they can understand us better.A. payB. spendC. take. 情景交际(本大题共10分,每小题1分)A. 从右栏选项中找出左栏各句

7、的最佳应答,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。46. Where are my toys?47. Whose books are these?48. I think Ill walk to the party.49. Would you like some more rice?50. Have you ever been to the Great Wall?A. They must be Carlas.B. Its under the desk.C. No, thanks. Im full.D. Theyre on the sofa.E. If you do, youll be late!F. Yes.

8、 I went there last year.B. 补全对话 根据对话内容,选择方框内最佳选项完成对话,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。A: Hi, Jane. Could I ask you a few questions?B: Certainly.A: We all know that youre working for an organization that protects the environment. 51 B: Well, my main job is to help spread the message about protecting the environment. For

9、example, the three Rsreduce, reuse and recycle. 52 A: So what can we do at home to protect the environment?B: 53 For example, we should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.A: What can students do at school?B: 54 So we encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans. Then we

10、sort them so that they can be recycled.A: 55 Thank you!B: Its a pleasure.A. Wonderful ideas!B. All of them are important.C. We should reduce the waste we produce.D. Can you tell us what you are doing there?E. What should people do to protect the environment?F. Recycling can protect the environment a

11、nd save money. 完形填空(本大题共15分,每小题1分)通读全文,理解大意,从各题所给选项中选择可填入短文的最佳选项,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。(A)When people say “culture”, we think of art and history. But one very famous symbol in 56 culture is a cartoon. We all know and love the black mouse with two large round earsMickey Mouse. Over 80 years ago, he first 57 in

12、 the cartoon Steamboat Willie. When this cartoon came out in New York in November, 1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music. The 58 behind Mickey was Walt Disney. He became very rich and successful. In the 1930s, he 59 87 cartoons with Mickey.Some people might ask how this cartoon animal

13、became so 60 . One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. In his early films, Mickey was 61 and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend, Minnie. However, he was always ready to try his best. People went to the 62 to see the

14、“little man” win. Most of them wanted to be like Mickey.In November, 1978, Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Todays cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse, 63 everyone still knows and loves him. Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickeys?56. A. CanadianB. AmericanC. Japanese57. A. marriedB. smiledC. appeared58. A. manB. actorC. animal59. A. madeB. watchedC. invented60. A. smartB. kindC. popular61. A. unluckyB. dishonestC. impolite62. A. cinemaB. libraryC. muse


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