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1、制作专业英文简历的建议A CV should be word-processed and never handwritten. The emphasis and order will depend on what you are applying for, so if you are applying for more than one type of work, tailor a different CV to each career area. Each CV would highlight different aspects of your skills and experience.

2、For some highly competitive jobs such as the media or advertising you could include a personal profile at the start of the CV. 简历 需要用文字处理器,而不能直接手写。强调点和顺序需要根据你申请的职位决定,如果你申请的工作超过一个类型,需要量身定做不同的 简历 投递不同的领域行业。每一份 简历 的技能和经验的突出点都是不同的。对于媒体或者广告业中竞争激烈的工作,你可以在简历的开头先进行一段 个人简介 。 What is a personal profile?什么是 个人

3、简介 ? A profile is only part of a CV; have look at the Skills Based CV in the topic: “Which CV format to use?” for an example简介是简历的一部分;是对简历中技能的一个总括:“使用哪种简历格式?”例如: Other names for a Personal Profile are: Career Objective/Career Aim/Career Aspiration/Career Goal; these focus on the kind work you want t

4、o get into其他 个人简介 的名称:职业目标/职位定位/职业期望/职业目标;主要涉及应聘者要进入哪种行业。 Names such as: Personal Profile/Personal Statement/Key Attributes/About Me; focus on your skills and achievements and tell an employer who you are and what you can do for them名字包括:个人简介/个人陈述/关键属性/关于我;主要涉及获得的技能和成就,告诉雇主我是谁,可以为公司做什么贡献。 A simple a

5、lternative title is: Profile. It is short and to the point and should contain a few lines about the type of work you are aiming for and a few more about the attributes which make you suitable可以选择的标题:简介。简短,直击主题,需要包括你申请职位类型的几点描述,以及你胜任这份工作的几点原因。 It isn’t necessary to have a profile but if you do,

6、 make sure it is lively and succinct. An alternative to a profile is to include the information as part of your covering letter. However there are some basic differences between a personal statement and a covering letter个人简介不是必要选项,但是你要保证它的生动简介。简介是可选项,属于 求职 信的一部分。但是,个人简介和 求职 信还是存在一些基本的区别: A profile i

7、s a short introduction to your CV个人简介是简历的一段简短介绍 A covering letter is a one page letter going into much more detail about why you are suitable for a specific job 求职 信有一页,是对于你胜任这份工作的具体说明。 As they both tend to cover the same ground, so try to write any similar content in your profile and covering lette

8、r using different words and from a different perspective.因为这两者都是基于同一背景制作的,所以在写相同内容的个人简介和 求职信 时,请从不同角度使用不同的文字和形式来表达。 When sending your CV electronically, make sure you use the correct format; otherwise your CV might be unreadable. Because of the threat of computer viruses some companies won’t a

9、ccept attachments. Therefore you can cut and paste your CV into the body of the email. Include a subject line, which could be a description of your skills or the job’s reference number, if you are submitting information to a database. Nowadays searchable CV databases and recruitment databases

10、are more and more popular. Multiple keyword searches enable employers to find the perfect CV. For this reason it is very important to create a search friendly CV that includes lots of key words and phrases. Think about what words prospective employers will be looking for; words that indicate technic

11、al skills, levels of education and job titles. Use nouns, as most of these words are nouns rather than verbs. Employers will be looking for terms that relate to key competences and relevant technical and personal skills. Don’t forget to include buzzwords, as they are another key to online appl

12、ications. If you aren’t sure which buzzwords to use, take a close look at the job description and work out what the employers want.当你发送电子简历的时候,请注意使用正确的格式。否则你的简历有可能会不可读。因为很多公司为了防止电脑病毒的攻击,他们不接受有附件的邮件。因此你可以将你的简历复制、黏贴到邮件的正文中。包括一个主题栏,包含你的技能或职位参考号,在你提交信息给数据库时。现在的简历搜索库和 招聘 数据库变得越来越流行。多样化的重点字搜索可以帮助雇主更

13、快地搜索到完美简历。基于这个原因,制作一份含有很多关键词的好简历变得十分重要。想想什么关键词是雇主想要的,那些可以反应技能、教育水平和岗位头衔的关键词。使用名词,因为一般关键词是名词而不是动词。雇主会找那些与工作能力和技术及个人技能相关的关键性。不要忘了添加流行语,因为它们是在线申请的另一个关键。如果你不清楚使用哪个流行语,去好好研究下你的工作职责描述看看雇主究竟是需要什么样的人。 Keywords and buzzwords are similar. Keywords are words that help a document appear in a search engine resul

14、t; general skills areas and proficiencies. Buzzwords are also keywords but they are more specific, relating to terminology within an industry or work sector. They can be grouped as follows:关键字和流行词十分相似。关键字是帮助文档在搜索引擎快速查询结果的词语;一般技能领域和熟练程度。流行词也是关键词,都是他们更具体,涉及到一个行业或部门的工作用语。归类如下: Specific job titles and d

15、epartments found in that profession具体职位和部门的特殊职位 Most frequently used words in job adverts within the specific industry在某一具体行业的 招聘 广告中经常出现的词汇 Vocational degrees and qualifications职业和学历学位 Jargon and acronyms specific to that industry具体行业的行话或术语 Different employers think different buzzwords are importan

16、t; their job advertisements and corporate websites will alert you to which ones they favour. Then tailor your CV to include the buzzwords.不同的雇主对于流行语的侧重点亦不同。他们的广告和企业网站可以告诉你他们青睐何种术语。你的简历中可以添加这些术语。 GLOSSARY Word processed (noun) Composed on the computer Handwritten (adj) Written by hand, not typed or printed Tailor (verb) Adapt for a particular end Personal profile (noun) Short statement about yourself Aspirations (noun) Ambitions Attributes (noun) Characteristics, qual



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