课时讲练通2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 Violence ofNature Period 3 Grammar(语法专题课+探究导学课型)课件 外研版必修3

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课时讲练通2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 Violence ofNature Period 3 Grammar(语法专题课+探究导学课型)课件 外研版必修3_第1页
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课时讲练通2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 Violence ofNature Period 3 Grammar(语法专题课+探究导学课型)课件 外研版必修3_第2页
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课时讲练通2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 Violence ofNature Period 3 Grammar(语法专题课+探究导学课型)课件 外研版必修3_第3页
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课时讲练通2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 Violence ofNature Period 3 Grammar(语法专题课+探究导学课型)课件 外研版必修3_第4页
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课时讲练通2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 Violence ofNature Period 3 Grammar(语法专题课+探究导学课型)课件 外研版必修3_第5页
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《课时讲练通2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 Violence ofNature Period 3 Grammar(语法专题课+探究导学课型)课件 外研版必修3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《课时讲练通2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 Violence ofNature Period 3 Grammar(语法专题课+探究导学课型)课件 外研版必修3(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 3 The Violence of Nature Period 3 Grammar语法专题课 过去完成时的被动语态和间接引语 过过去完成时时的被动语态动语态 课课前热热身 用所给词给词 的正确形式填空 By the time the tornado ended more than 700 people kill Coghlan travelled back to Canada after he bury in Texas had been killed had been buried She returned home and found all her furniture ru

2、in by the flood When he woke up he found his house destroy by the thunderstorm had been ruined had been destroyed 课课堂诠诠解 过过去完成时时的被动结动结 构由 had been 过过去分词词 构成 表示在过过去某一时时刻或某一动动作之前发发生的被 动动的动动作 句中常用by before until when等词词引导时导时 间间状语语 过过去完成时时的被动语态动语态 常用于以下情况 1 主句的动动作发发生在从句的动动作或过过去的时间时间 之前且 表示被动时动时 要用过过去完成时

3、时的被动语态动语态 常用于 before by the time until when after once as soon as 等引导导的状语语从句中谓语动词谓语动词 是一般过过去时时 以及by before until 过过去的时间时间 点 By the end of last year 20 000cars 到去年年末 该该厂 已经经生产产了两万辆轿车辆轿车 The classroom before the teacher came 老师师来之前 教室还还没有打扫扫 had been produced hadn t been cleaned How many buildings whe

4、n the hurricane ended 飓风结飓风结 束时时有多少建筑被毁 All of the dishes till then 到那时盘时盘 子全部洗完了 had been destroyed had been washed 2 在told said knew heard thought等动词动词 之后的宾语宾语 从句中 若表示过过去某一被动动动动 作时时 用过过去完成时时 They said the production costs 他们说们说 生产产成本降低了 I was told that the book in the room 我被告知把那本书书落在那个房间间里了 had b

5、een reduced had been left 3 根据语语意可以判断出动动作先后的用过过去完成时时 用所给词给词 的正确形式填空 As the work do he began to watch TV The girl did what she tell to had been done had been told 间间接引语语 课课前热热身 将下列句子中直接引语转语转 化为间为间 接引语语 Tom said I want to go shopping Tom said that to go shopping The girl asked me Can you help me The g

6、irl asked me could help he wanted if Iher I asked the boy Why are you late again I asked the boy he late again He said to me Shut the window please He told me the window whywas to shut 课课堂诠诠解 直接引述别别人的原话话 叫做直接引语语 用自己的 话转话转 述别别人的话话 叫做间间接引语语 将直接引语语改为间为间 接引语时语时 人称 时态时态 时间时间 状语语和地点状语语作相应应 的变变化 1 直接引语语是陈陈

7、述句 变为间变为间 接引语时语时 由连词连词 that引 导导 He said I like it very much He said very much 他说说他非常喜欢欢它 He said You told me this story He said that that story 他说说我给给他讲过讲过 那个故事 that he liked it I had told him 名师师指津 口语语中that可以省略 that从句之前常用say tell等动动 词词 2 直接引语语是一般疑问问句 变为间变为间 接引语时变语时变 成 if whether引导导的宾语宾语 从句 He said

8、Can you swim John He asked John he could swim 他问约问约 翰是否会游泳 if whether I asked him Will you stay at home or go to see a film tonight I asked him he would stay at home go to see a film that night 我问问他那天晚上他是待在家里还还是去看电电影 whetheror 名师师指津 大多数情况下if和whether引导宾语导宾语 从句时时可以互 换换 但后紧紧跟or not时时 一般用whether 3 直接引语语

9、是特殊疑问问句 变为间变为间 接引语时语时 特殊疑问问 句变为变为 由who what when where why how等疑问词问词 引导导的宾语宾语 从句 但注意从句须须是陈陈述语语序 He said Where is Mr Wang He asked 他问问王先生在哪里 where Mr Wang was He asked How did you find it mother He asked his mother it 他问问他妈妈妈妈 是怎么找到它的 how she had found 4 直接引语语是祈使句 变为变为 主语语 ask order tell beg等 宾语宾语 宾语

10、补宾语补 足语语 动词动词 不定式 这这一句型 The teacher said Listen to me carefully The teacher us listen to her carefully 老师师告诉诉我们认们认 真听她讲讲 toldto Don t touch anything in the lab the teacher said to us The teacher us touch anything in the lab 老师师告诉诉我们们不要动实验动实验 室里的任何东东西 toldnot to 巧学助记记 人称的变变化 一随主 二随宾宾 第三人称不更新 即直接引语语的第

11、一人称取决于主句的主语语 第二人称取 决于主句的宾语宾语 第三人称一般不变变 He said I m forty He said that he was forty 一随主 She said to me Your pronunciation is better than mine She told me that my pronunciation was better than hers 二随宾宾 They said Is everything OK They asked if everything was OK 第三人称不更新 5 直接引语变间语变间 接引语时语时 如果谓语动词谓语动词 是过

12、过去式 时态时态 的变变化如下 直接引语语的时态时态间间接引语语的时态时态 一般现现在时时一般过过去时时 现现在进进行时时过过去进进行时时 一般将来时时过过去将来时时 一般过过去时时过过去完成时时 现现在完成时时过过去完成时时 过过去完成时时过过去完成时时 注意 情态动词态动词 也作相应应改变变 can could may might must must had to He said I usually watch TV on Sunday He said that he usually TV on Sunday He said I m using the knife He said that

13、 he the knife watched was using He said I ll give you an examination next Monday He told us that he us an examination the next Monday He said I came to help you He said that to help me She said I have not heard from him since May She said that she from him since May would give he had come had not he

14、ard He said I had finished my homework before supper He said that he his homework before supper He said I went to college in1994 He told us that he to college in1994 had finished went Our teacher said to us Light travels faster than sound Our teacher told us that light faster than sound travels 名师师指

15、津 1 直接引语语是客观观事实实 普遍真理等 主句尽管是过过 去时态时态 变变成间间接引语时语时 时态时态 仍然用一般现现在时态时态 2 直接引语变间语变间 接引语时语时 指示代词词 时间时间 状语语 地 点状语语 动词动词 等要作相应应的变变化 但是 如果转转述时时 对话对话 人双方就在原来的地方 或在说话说话 的当天 就不必 改变变相应应的时间时间 状语语 地点状语语等 总总之 对这对这 些变变 化不能机械理解 应应根据实际实际 情况来决定所作的变变化 3 间间接引语语一般要用陈陈述句的语语序 即主 谓谓 宾宾的 顺顺序 课课堂小结结 1 过过去完成时时的被动语态动语态 由 助动词动词 had been 过过去 分词词 构成 表示在过过去某一时间时间 或动动作之前已经经完 成了的被动动动动 作 可根据时间时间 状语语 语语意或过过去时时 动词动词 后跟宾语宾语 从句三种情况进进行判断 2 直接引语变间语变间 接引语语就是用自己的话转话转 述别别人的 话话的过过程 通常涉及连词连词 时态时态 人称 指示代词词 时间时间 状语语 地点状语语 方向性动词动词 的变变化 3 变间变间 接引语时语时 还还要注意特殊情况 疑问问句应应使用 陈陈述语语序 客观观事实实或真理应应使用一般现现在时时等


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