2016年秋八年级英语上册 Module 3 Sports Unit 1 Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis(典案三)教学案例课件 (新版)外研版

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2016年秋八年级英语上册 Module 3 Sports Unit 1 Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis(典案三)教学案例课件 (新版)外研版_第1页
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2016年秋八年级英语上册 Module 3 Sports Unit 1 Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis(典案三)教学案例课件 (新版)外研版_第2页
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2016年秋八年级英语上册 Module 3 Sports Unit 1 Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis(典案三)教学案例课件 (新版)外研版_第3页
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《2016年秋八年级英语上册 Module 3 Sports Unit 1 Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis(典案三)教学案例课件 (新版)外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016年秋八年级英语上册 Module 3 Sports Unit 1 Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis(典案三)教学案例课件 (新版)外研版(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module3SportsUnit1Nothingismoreexcitingthanplayingtennis Lead in 1 Doyoulikesports 2 What syourfavouritesport Why baseballvolleyballboringexcitingrelaxingalreadymatterWhat sthematter hurt hurt Olympicsstadiummissmind n 棒球n 排球adj 烦人的 无聊的adj 令人激动的 使人兴奋的adj 令人愉悦的 使人放松的adv 已经 早已n 问题 麻烦怎么了 v 使 疼痛 使 受伤n 奥

2、林匹克运动会n 体育场v 未击中 未达到v 介意 讨厌 反对 Newwordsstudy 1 Matchthewordswiththepictures a b d c e f baseball volleyball football basketball tabletennis tennis 2 LookatthesportsinActivity1andtalkaboutthem Usethewordsintheboxtohelpyou boringdangerousdifficulteasyexcitingexpensivepopularrelaxingsafe Tabletennisisp

3、opular Basketballisexciting is dangerousdifficultexciting safeeasyboring 反义词 3 Nowcheck thetruesentences 1 Thisweek smatchismoreexcitingthanlastweek s 2 Tonyplayedtabletennisyesterday 3 ForTony playingtennisismoreexcitingthanwatchingmatchesonTV 4 WatchingtheOlympicsonTVwasmoreexpensivethanbuyingtick

4、etsforthegames 5 Goingtothestadiumwasmoredifficultthanstayingathome LanguagePoints 1 Well I mnotsureaboutthat 噢 我对那不太确定 besureabout besureof对 有把握 确信 后面接名词 代词或v ing形式 拓展 1 besuretodosth 必定做某事 务必做某事Eg Besuretofinishyourhomeworkontime 务必按时完成作业 2 besure 宾语从句确信 Eg I msureyoucanrunfasterthanLiLei 我确信你比李磊跑

5、得快 2 Oh hemissed 噢 他失球了 miss未击中 未得到Eg Thehunterfiredatthedeerbutmissedit 猎人向鹿开了枪 但未打中 拓展 1 没赶上Eg Hearrivedtoolateandmissedthetrain 他来得太晚了 没赶上火车 2 想念 惦记Eg Iknowhowyoumissyourmother 我了解你多么想念你的母亲 3 Miss女士 小姐 3 Nevermind 没关系 别担心 Eg Sorry Ididbadlyinthematch 对不起 我在比赛中表现不好 Nevermind I msureyou lldobettern

6、exttime 没关系 我相信你下一次一定能做得更好 拓展 Wouldyoumind 句型Wouldyoumind 你介意 吗 表示请求的委婉说法 1 mind后面接名词或v ing形式 也可以接if从句 Eg Wouldyoumindclosingthedoor 你介意关上门吗 2 此问句的肯定回答 即不介意对方做某事 常用 Notatall Ofcoursenot Certainlynot 等 否定回答 即介意对方做某事 常用 I msorry but I mafraidyoucan t Yes you dbetternot 等 Eg WouldyoumindifIsmokedhere 你

7、介意我在这儿吸烟吗 I mafraidyoucan t 恐怕你不能 在这儿吸烟 That stoobad 太糟糕了 I mnotsureaboutthat 我对那不太确定 Badluck 糟糕 Nevermind 没关系 别担心 EverydayEnglish 4 Completethesentenceswiththecorrectwordsinthebox alreadyhurtmattermindmissOlympicsstadium 1 Whydidn tTonyscore Whatisthe withhim 2 Youlostthematch Never Maybeyouwillwin

8、nexttime 3 Iamnotgoodattennis Ialways theball 4 ThematchbegantenminutesagoandSpainis winning 5 The2008 wereinBeijing 6 Watchingfootballathomeiseasierthangoingtothe 7 Tennisisalittledangerousbecauseyoumay yourknee hurt mind miss already Olympics stadium matter 5 Completethepassageaboutyourself Usethe

9、wordsinActivity1tohelpyou Myfavouritesportis 1 AndIenjoywatching 2 Iamquitegoodat 3 Idonotlikeplaying 4 AndIamnotverygoodat 5 Reportlikethis please basketball football tabletennis volleyball baseball 7 Workinpairs Talkaboutthesportsyoulike Hey Bruce Whichsportdoyoulikebetter swimmingorrunning Ilikes

10、wimmingbetter It smorerelaxingthanrunning 部分双音节和多音节形容词的比较级 多音节形容词和部分双音节形容词变比较级要在该形容词前加more 例如 exciting moreexciting其比较级的句式结构为 A 谓语 more 多音节形容词 部分双音节形容词 than B 例如 Ithinknothingismoreinterestingthanfootball 我认为没有什么比足球更有趣 Grammar Practice tiring moretiringthan Runningistabletennis popular Tabletennisis

11、cycling morepopularthan new old Footballiscycling more than exciting exciting Harvesttime 1 Thisquestioniseasier yours A asB thanC to2 Runningis thanbasketball A boringB boringerC moreboring3 Whichis amonkeyoralion A bigB biggerC thebigger4 Whichis runningorcycling A dangerousB moredangerousC safe 单

12、项选择 1 约翰怎么啦 the withJohn 2 我们确信能赢这场比赛 We winningthematch 3 汤姆一点也不喜欢西餐 Tomdoesn tlikewesternfood 4 我喜欢在电视上观看比赛 Ienjoy thematch TV 5 那是因为他的膝盖受伤了 Thatwas he hisknee What smatter aresureabout atall watchingon becausehurt 完成句子 Homework Lookatthetableaboutsports Writesentencescomparinganytwosports Eg Footballismorepopularthancycling Manyheadsarebetterthanone 三个臭皮匠 赛过诸葛亮


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