2016年秋八年级英语上册 Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 3 Language in use课件1 (新版)外研版

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《2016年秋八年级英语上册 Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 3 Language in use课件1 (新版)外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016年秋八年级英语上册 Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 3 Language in use课件1 (新版)外研版(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module2MyhometownandmycountryUnit3Languageinuse Languagepractice It sgettingbiggerandbusier It sanewercitythanHongKong Itsstreetsaremuchwiderandcleanertoo It stallerthanmanyotherbuildingsinShenzhen 1 Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformofthewordsinthebox bigcoldlargeoldtall Shenzhenwasverysmallabo

2、utthirtyyearsagobutitismuch now Thisbuildingistallbutthatbuildingismuch BeijingisoldbutXi anismuch 4 TheUShasalargepopulationbutIndia spopulationis 5 BeijingiscoldinwinterbutHarbinis bigger taller older larger colder 3Writesentences Usetheinformationinthetable ShenzhenisnewerthanBeijing 4Completethe

3、wordmap Usethewordsinthebox Youneedtouseonewordmorethanonce bigcoldlargenewoldsmallwarm place weather population size history cold warm big small new old large small 5 Completethesentenceswiththeexpressionsinthebox inthenortheast isfamousfor onthecoast prettygood CambridgeisabeautifuloldEnglishcity

4、It itsuniversity TianjinisnearBeijing oftheBohaiSea IndiaissmallerthanthatofChinabutbiggerthanthatofRussia Harbinis ofChinaandisaverybusycity TheweatherinBeijinginautumnis isfamousfor onthecoast Thepopulationof inthenortheast prettygood Thepopulationof Grammar 常见比较级五种句型1 Who Which be 比较级 AorB Whoist

5、aller TomorJohn 2 be the比较级 ofthetwo 两个之中比较 的那一个 包含在两个之中 Tomisthetallerofthetwo 3 much alot even far 比较级Acomputerismuchmoreexpensivethanabicycle 4 The 形容词比较级 the 形容词比较级 表示 越 越 Themoreyoustudy themoreyouknow 5 形容词比较级 and 形容词比较级 表示 越来越 Thecomputerischeaperandcheaper Howtoremembertheirregularformsquick

6、ly 合二为一有三对 病 坏 两多 与 两好 一分为二有两个 一个 远 来一个 老 还有一个双含义 只记 少 来别记 小 ill bad worsemany much more good well better far farther further old older elder little less I 用括号里单词的比较级完成句子 Exercises 4 Heis thanhisfather tall 3 Ourclassroomis thanyours small 5 LessonOneis thanLessonTwo easy 6 Anelephantis thanamonkey

7、heavy 1 IsHongKong thanShanghai hot 2 IsHongKong thanShanghai old taller smaller easier heavier hotter older II 单项选择 2 ThepopulationofHongKongis thanthatofShanghai A smallerB largerC moreD bigger 3 Therearethirteen peopleinthiscity A thousandsB thousandC millionD millions 4 Thereare treesonthehills

8、A tenthousandsB thousandsC millionsofD tenmillions A HowmanyB HowmuchC What sD What isthepopulationoftheworld Homework RevisethecomparativedegreeofadjectivesMakeaposter 1 amapshowingwherethecities riversare2 aparagraphwithfactscomparingthem Whenyoufinallygobacktoyouroldhometown youfinditwasn ttheoldhomeyoumissedbutyourchildhood 离家多年 你终于回到故乡 这才发现你想念的不是这个地方 而是你的童年


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