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1、2018-2019(上)九年级英语测试卷(满分:140分) 第I卷 选择题 (共四大题,计80分)一、听力部分(20分)A. 听对话,选择合适的图画或答案,每段对话读两遍。(10分)( ) 1. How is the weather now?A. B. C.( ) 2. What does Sandy prefer to do this weekend?A. B. C.( ) 3.What may the mans daughter do? A. B. C. ( ) 4.What is the monitor good at? A. B. C.( ) 5.What is the girls a

2、nimal sign? A. B. C.( ) 6. What does the woman mean?A. She likes the show. B. She thinks the show is boring. C. She didnt watch the show.( ) 7. What are Mary and John going to do?A. To get two tickets for the film. B. To see an American film. C. To make a film.( ) 8. How many goals has Tom scored?A.

3、 Two. B. Twelve. C. Twenty.( ) 9. What does the man prefer?A. Snacks. B. Fruits.C. Drinks.( ) 10. Why doesnt the mans father like the city?A. He likes to live alone. B. He likes the country life. C. He hates the noise.B. 听对话或短文,选择正确的答案,每段对话或短文读两遍。(10分)听下面一段对话,回答11-12小题。( ) 11. What colour does the m

4、an like? A. Red.B. Orange.C. All kinds of colours. ( ) 12. What does the woman think of orange?A. Its the colour of heat. B. It represents power.C. It can bring her success. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。Customs of New Years Eve In Italy People throw out 13 things. In Spain 14 people come t

5、o the streets togetherIn JapanPeople eat 15 on New Years Eve( ) 13. A. uglyB. new C. old( ) 14. A. In the eveningB. In the afternoonC. In the morning( ) 15. A. dumplingB. noodlesC. grapes听第二篇短文,回答16-20小题。( ) 16. Why did the father take his son to a farm? A. To see how people on the farm worked.B. To

6、 see how poor people were on the farm.来源:Zxxk.ComC. To see how beautiful the farm was.( ) 17. How long did they stay on the farm?A. For a week.B. For a month.C. For a year.( ) 18. What does the son think of the trip? A. Great.B. Tiring.C. Boring. ( ) 19. How many dogs does the boy have in his house?

7、A. Only one.B. Four.C. We dont know.( ) 20. What did the boy see on the farm at night?A. expensive lanterns.B. a lot of cars.C. stars above their head.二、单项选择( )21. Edward and William are twins brothers. There is _ uncommon similarity between _ two boys .A. a; the B. an; the C. the; the D. the; a( )2

8、2.The government spends _ money protecting endangered animals. A. a number of B. a great deal of C. large numbers of D. the number of ( )23. A good teacher can always make his class_ and keep students_ in it.A. alive; interesting B. alive; interestedC. lively; interested D. lively; interesting( )24.

9、 -What about having a picnic here, John? -Good idea! Im feeling _ hungrier, too. A. more B. far C. a bit of D. a lot of( )25.- Excuse me, does it _ if I forget to bring my VIP card here? -Im afraid the card is necessary if you want to get in.A. careB. mindC. matterD. worry( )26.-Peter is not himself

10、 these days. -Well, could you tell me _? A. how is he feeling nowB. why was he so unhappy C. what is wrong with himD. that something worried him ( )27. _ you have problems, you can call me for help.A. Before B. Until C. Whenever D. While( ) 28. -Some people believe _ green can give us energy. -I agr

11、ee. But I wasnt certain _ I was suitable for wearing green in the past.A. that, that B. that, if C. if ,if D. if, that ( ) 29. _ great progress youve made since then! A. What a B. How aC. HowD. What( ) 30.- Look! The light in Jacks room is on. He _ be at home. - He _ be at home. He has been abroad f

12、or several days.A. may; may not B. must; cant C. may; mustnt D. must; neednt( )31. - When shall we go and play basketball? - Not until the work _ tomorrow. A. will finish B. finishes C. will be finished D. is finished ( ) 32. During the journey, the little girl was cold and hungry, but she didnt _ h

13、alfway.A. eat up B. cheer upC. give upD. tie up ( ) 33. -Sometimes, Jim feels stressed, but he doesnt know _ about it. -He can get help from his teachers.来源:Z.xx.k.Com A. who to talkB. when to talkC. who to talk toD. when to talk to ( )34._my dad _ my mum goes to work at weekends. We visit my grandparents on Saturda


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