2018版高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future 2 Learning about Language课件 新人教版必修5

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《2018版高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future 2 Learning about Language课件 新人教版必修5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018版高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future 2 Learning about Language课件 新人教版必修5(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section LearningaboutLanguage 一 二 三 一 选出画线部分在句子中作状语的类型A 原因状语B 让步状语C 条件状语D 结果状语E 时间状语1 Toldthathismotherwasill LiLeihurriedhomequickly 2 Havingbrokendownonthehighway hiscarwascarriedawaybythepolice 3 Givenafewminutes I llfinishit 4 Explainedahundredtimes hestillcan tunderstandit 5 Hefelloffatalltree

2、hislegbroken 答案 E 答案 A 答案 C 答案 B 答案 D 一 二 三 二 仿照例句把下列定语从句改为过去分词作定语的形式例 MostofthescientistswhowereinvitedtothepartywerefromAmerica MostofthescientistsinvitedtothepartywerefromAmerica 1 Allthewindowsthatwerebrokenhavebeenrepaired Allthewindowshavebeenrepaired 2 Thiswillbethebestnovelofitskindthathasev

3、erbeenwritten Thiswillbethebestnovelofitskindever bought written 一 二 三 3 Fivepeoplewonthe China sGreenFigure award atitlethatisgiventoordinarypeoplefortheircontributionstoenvironmentalprotection Fivepeoplewonthe China sGreenFigure award atitletoordinarypeoplefortheircontributionstoenvironmentalprote

4、ction 4 Don tusewords expressions orphrases whichareknownonlytopeoplewithspecificknowledge Don tusewords expressions orphrasesonlytopeoplewithspecificknowledge 5 Pricesofdailygoodswhichareboughtthroughacomputercanbelowerthanstoreprices Pricesofdailygoodsthroughacomputercanbelowerthanstoreprices give

5、n known broken 一 二 三 三 用所给动词的适当形式填空1 Thedisco digitally record inthestudio soundedfantasticatthepartythatnight 2 read aloudinthereadingroomisabadhabit 3 Theprizeofthegameshowis 30 000andanall expense pay vacationtoChina 4 consider hewasjustalittleboy wedidn tpunishhim 5 see fromthetopfloor thegarden

6、looksmorebeautiful recorded Reading paid Considering Seen 1 2 1 Whenwewantedthehoveringcarriagetospeedup 当我们想让气垫车加速时 考点speedup加速He llnevergetthereontimeunlesshespeedsup 如果他不加速就不能按时到那儿 Theyhavespeededupproduction 他们加快了生产速度 Dadsteppedonthegasandthecarspeededupto100kph 爸爸一踩油门 车速冲到每小时一百千米 1 2 1 speedup既

7、是不及物动词短语 又是及物动词短语 speed的过去式和过去分词有两种形式 当词义为 增加 的速度或速率 时 是规则动词 Theyhavespeededupthetrainservice 他们已提高了火车的运行速度 Thetrainsoonspeededup 火车很快就加速了 当词义为 使 速进 使 速行 时 是不规则动词 Hespeddownthestreet 他沿街急走 Thecarspedpasttheschool 汽车迅速驶过学校 1 2 2 speed也可作名词 其常见短语有 ataspeedof以 的速度pickupspeed加速withgreatspeed快速地atfull to

8、pspeed全速地speedlimit车速限制 最高车速 1 2 活学活用语法填空1 2015 湖南高考改编 Mrs Byrnesputthedishesintheovenbecausethiswouldspeedwashingthem 2 Howexciting Idrovemynewcaraspeedof80kphonSundaymorning 句子翻译3 你必须提高你的车速 up at 答案 Youmustspeedupyourcar 1 2 完成句子4 这种药会加快她的康复 Themedicinewill 句型转换5 Thetrainbegantopickupspeedafteritp

9、ulledoutofthestation Thetrainbegantoafteritpulledoutofthestation speedupherrecovery speedup 1 2 2 Grammar 过去分词 3 过去分词作状语和定语的基本用法考点一过去分词作状语概述过去分词作状语时 像现在分词作状语一样 修饰谓语 很多都是用来说明动作发生的背景或情况 意义上相当于状语从句 一般来说 分词结构的逻辑主语就是主句的主语 过去分词作状语可以分为以下几种情况 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 考点二过去分词作状语的注意点1 过去分词作状语时 前面往往可带有when if while tho

10、ugh evenif等连词 这样就能使过去分词所表示的意义更加明确 这种带有连词的过去分词结构通常可看作是一种省略句 句中省略的部分是 主语 be动词的相应变化形式 省略的主语通常与主句的主语相同 Thoughdefeatedforasecondtime hestilldidn tgivein Thoughhewasdefeatedforasecondtime hestilldidn tgivein 他虽然又一次被击败 但仍不屈服 Evenifinvited Iwon tgo EvenifIaminvited Iwon tgo 即使被邀请 我也不去 1 2 2 过去分词作状语时 有时它的逻辑主

11、语不是主句的主语 而是不同于主句主语的名词 构成 过去分词独立结构 过去分词独立结构可在句中作状语 表示时间 条件 伴随状况等 Thehousepaintedwhite welikeditbetter 房子漆成白色后 我们更加喜欢它了 Hisworkfinished helefttheoffice 完成工作 他离开了办公室 1 2 考点三过去分词作定语概述一般来说 过去分词作定语时含有 完成 和 被动 的双重意义 但要注意不及物动词的过去分词常表示 完成 的动作 而不表示 被动 意义 如 boiledwater 开水 fallenleaves 落叶 risensun 升起的太阳 等 Theta

12、llmanisareturnedstudent 高个子的那个男人是个回国留学生 Myparentsarebothretiredteachers 我的父母都是退休教师 考点四过去分词作定语的注意点 1 2 1 2 活学活用语法填空1 translate intoEnglish thesentencewasfoundtohaveanentirelydifferentwordorder 2 Withtheprogrammenot complete theyhavetostaythereforanothertwoweeks 3 Unless ask tospeak youshouldremainsil

13、entatthemeeting 4 found intheearly20thcentury theschoolkeepsoninspiringchildren sloveofart 5 Agreatnumberofstudents question saidtheywereforcedtopractisethepiano Translated completed asked Founded questioned 1 2 6 Though surprise toseeus theprofessorgaveusawarmwelcome 7 Insomelanguages 100wordsmakeu

14、phalfofallwords use indailyconversations 8 Time use correctly ismoneyinthebank 9 Filmhasamuchshorterhistory especiallywhen compare tosuchartformsasmusicandpainting 10 Aftercompletingandsigningit pleasereturntheformtousintheenvelope provide 11 The injure workersarenowbeingtakengoodcareofinthehospital

15、 12 Theyarecleaningthe fall leavesintheyard surprised used used compared provided injured fallen 1 2 13 encourage bythespeech theyoungpeoplemadeuptheirmindstotakeupthestruggle 14 seat atthetable myfatherandIweretalkingaboutmyjob 15 guide bytheseprinciples theywentonwiththework 16 delight withherwork theymadeherthegeneralmanager 17 build in1192 thebridgeisover800yearsold 18 face withsomuchdifficulty theyfailedtofinishtheworkontime 19 base onatruestory thefilmispopular 20 dress inawhiteuniform helooksmorelikeacookthanadoctor Encouraged Seated Guided Delighted Built Faced Based Dressed



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