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1、分 类 号 密 级 U D C 编 号10486武 汉 大 学硕 士 学 位 论 文全球化时代大学生国家安全教育研究研 究 生 姓 名:李洁学 号:2011201150091指导教师姓名、职称:李玲 副教授专 业 名 称:思想政治教育研 究 方 向:高校思想政治教育二一三年四月Study on College studentsNational Security Education in the Age of Globalization ByLi JieMay, 2013郑 重 申 明本人的学位论文是在导师指导下独立撰写并完成的,学位论文没有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反学术道德、学术规范和侵权行为,否

2、则,本人愿意承担由此而产生的法律责任和法律后果。特此郑重申明。 学位论文作者(签名): 年 月 日 摘 要维护国家安全是一个主权国家追求的永恒目标。随着全球化浪潮的推进,国家安全问题已经不同于以往的任何一个时期:国家安全不仅仅是政治安全、军事安全等传统领域的安全,全球化带来了经济、科技、信息、生态等非传统安全问题。传统安全问题与非传统安全问题相互交织。国家安全问题的错综复杂性,要求国家安全问题解决方式的多元化。国家安全的维护需要具有国家安全意识的人才,人才的培养靠教育,因此,加强国家安全教育是维护国家安全的重要方法。大学生作为未来社会主义事业的建设者,肩负着维护国家安全的历史使命。我国高校国家


4、识存在误区;究其原因,有学校因素、社会环境因素、大学生自身特点使然等方面。第三部分,从国家安全意识教育、国情教育、综合国家安全教育、国家安全法规教育等方面阐述了大学生国家安全教育的内容。第四部分,提出了大学生国家安全教育的基本途径,主要包括学校教育的引导,个人自律的约束,网络教育功能的优化和开发。结语部分,简单归纳本文的主旨,为今后的进一步研究指明方向。关键词:全球化时代;大学生;国家安全教育AbstractTo maintain national security is a sovereign states eternal goal .With the development of glob

5、alization, national security is different from any previous period: national security is not only a political、military security and other traditional security; globalization has brought economic, ecology, science, technology information and other non-traditional security. The complexities of nationa

6、l security problem demand the diversity solutions. Talents are needed to maintenance of national security national security awareness. Talents depend on education. So, to strengthen the national security education is an important way to maintain national security.College students as the builders of

7、the socialism in the future shoulder the historical mission of safeguarding state security. National security education in colleges and are not formed independent system, content of the old, form stereotypes, concept behind and vulnerable to the erosion of western bad thought college students themse

8、lves, all these led to the weak consciousness of college students national security. So, countries should raise awareness of college students national security, enhanced their abilities to strain in national security problems, therefore, college students national security education must be strengthe

9、ned .In this paper, the introduction part briefly describes necessity of strengthening college students national security education in the era of globalization and of great significance and a simple review about the present situation of domestic and foreign research.The first part, the basic theory

10、in this paper definite the relevant concepts: globalization and safety, safety and national security, national security education and college students national security education, foothold is college students national security education.The second part analysis current problems of college students n

11、ational security education, education content has failed to keep pace with the times, a single education channels and evaluation mechanism is not sound, students wrong understanding of national security. There are school factors, social factors, characteristics of the college students themselves and

12、 so on.The third part discussed the content of the college students national security education: National safety consciousness education, State of the nation educates, Comprehensive national security education, National safety regulations education and so on. The fourth part put forward some basic w

13、ays of the college students national security education, including school education guidance, personal discipline, optimization and development of network education function.The epilogue part simply summarizes simply is the main idea of this article, for the further research direction in the future.Keywords: Era of Globalization; College Students; the National Security Education3 目 录摘要IAbstractII1 绪论11.1选题背景及研究意义.11.1.1选题背景.11.1.2研究意义.21.2研究现状评述.31.2.1国外研究现状.31.2.2国内研究现状.51.3本文研究方法和基本思路.81.3.1研究方法.81.3.2基本思路.82 全球化时代大学生国家安全教育概述92.1全球化与安全.92.1.1全球化的发展历


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