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1、湖南省岳阳市九校2017届九年级下学期联合模拟英语试卷温馨提示:1本试卷共两卷,满分120分,考试时量90分钟。2本试卷分为试题卷和答题卡,所有答案都必须填涂或填写在答题卡规定的答题区域内。3考试结束,考生不得将试题卷、答题卡、草稿纸带出考场。Good Luck to all of you!I. 听力技能(共三部分,20小题,每小题1分;共20分,每段材料读两遍 )A) 图片理解 从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与你所听到的对话内容相同或相近的图画。B) 对话理解 根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳选项回答问题。 第一节 听第6至第10段小对话,回答第6至第10小题。( )6.Where does t

2、he mans brother live? A.In the city. B.In the village. C.In the town.( )7. What do Linda and Annie talk mainly about when they meet? A. Interests. B. Work. C. Study.( )8.What does the man want to buy for his father? A. A shirt. B.A wallet. C.A tie.( )9.What did the boys father do ten years ago? A. A

3、 worker . B. A teacher. C. An English teacher( )10.Who will go swimming? A. Only Tom. B.The woman. C.Both of them第二节 听下面两段对话,每段对话后各有几个问题,选择最佳选项回答问题。听下面一段对话,回答第11、12小题。( )11. Who is the woman probably?A. A bus driver. B. A teacher. C. A policewoman.( )12. What rule are the two speakers talking about?

4、A. Dont be late for school. B. Dont litter on the bus. C. Dont eat on the bus听下面一段对话,回答第1315小题。 ( )13.What are the two speakers going to do this evening? A. To have dinner in a restaurant. B.To go to see friends. C.To make Indian food. ( )14.What does Mary think of Japanese food? A.Expensive. B.Chea

5、p and delicious. C.Terrible. ( )15.What does Jim think of Indian food? A.Terrible. B.Expensive C.Cheap and deliciousC)笔录要点 根据你所听到的短文内容,完成下面表格,每空不超过三个单词。II. 知识运用(共两部分,20小题。每小题1分;共20分)A) 单项填空 从A、B、 C 三个选项中选择一个最佳答案。( )21. Look! Who is _ girl at the school gate? Oh, she is my best friend, Kate. She is _

6、 honest girl.A. the; an B. a; an C. the; a( )22. Be careful! Dont cut with the new knife.A. you B. yourself C. your ( )23.Would you like some _?Oh, yes. Just a little.A. apples B. rice C. eggs ( )24.Why did the car hit the man?Because the driver _ on the phone at that time.A. talk B. is talking C. w

7、as talking ( )25. I dont really like the singer, _ I have to say she sings well.A. until B. unless C. though ( )26. The red skirt _ my mother bought for me is made of cotton.A. what B. that C. who ( )27. Our class won the table tennis match.Congratulations! You _ proud of that.A can be Bmustnt be C.

8、 must be( )28.There are students in No.4 Middle School.A. four thousand B. thousand of C. four thousands of ( )29. _ great fun we had in the park last Sunday!A.What BHow C. What a ( )30. The radio says it will rain next Sunday. _. Were going for a picnic that day.A. I hope it will. B. Im afraid not

9、C. I hope notB) 完形填空 通读全文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。A long time ago, there was a seed(种子). Because he was only a seed, 31 noticed him. So the seed thought he was not important in the world.One day,a wind 32 and threw him on an open field in the sun. Later, he was given rain. Years later, ano

10、ther day he saw a traveler 33 by his side.“Thank God for this, I can have a rest under the tree.”the traveler said.“What are you talking about?”the seed 34 asked. He thought the man was 35 him. No one ever spoke to him like that.“Who just spoke? the shocked man asked.“Its me. A seed.”The man looked

11、at the 36 . “Are you joking? Youre not a seed. You are a big tree!”“Really? “Yes! People often sit here. 37 do you think people come here for? To feel your shade (树荫)! Dont tell me you didnt know you had grown over time.” The travelers words brought him pride. The seed thought and 38 for the first t

12、ime in his life. The years of tortune (折磨) 39 the sun and the rain finally helped him 40 . “Oh! That means Im not a little seed any more! I was actually born to make people feel comfortable. Wow! Thats great.”( )31. A. somebody B. everybody C. nobody( )32. A. picked him up B. cheered him up C. put h

13、im up( )33. A. to sit B. sitting C. sat( )34. A. friendly B. lovely C. quickly ( )35. A. making sure of B. making fun of C. making up of( )36. A. small tree B. seed C. big tree( )37. A. When B. What C. Why( )38. A. smiled B. talked C. cried( )39. A. on B. under C. by( )40. A. grow up B. grown up C.grew


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