2016年秋八年级英语上册 Module 1 How to learn English Unit 3 Language in use课件 (新版)外研版

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2016年秋八年级英语上册 Module 1 How to learn English Unit 3 Language in use课件 (新版)外研版_第1页
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《2016年秋八年级英语上册 Module 1 How to learn English Unit 3 Language in use课件 (新版)外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016年秋八年级英语上册 Module 1 How to learn English Unit 3 Language in use课件 (新版)外研版(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module1HowtolearnEnglishUnit3Languageinuse 提供建议的表达方式 1 Youshould shouldn tdo 2 Whatabout Howaboutdoing 3 Whydon tyou Whynotdo 4 Try not todo 5 It sagoodideatodo 6 Don tforget Remembertodo Makesentenceswiththedrills Lead in Languagepractice 1 WeshouldalwaysspeakEnglishinclass 2 Let strytospeakEnglish

2、asmuchaspossible 3 Whynotwritedownthemistakesinournotebooks 4 It sagoodideatospellandpronouncenewwordsaloud 5 Howaboutlisteningtotheradio 5 ReadHelen squestionandcompleteDiana sanswerwiththecorrectformofthewordandexpressionsinthebox Youneedtousesomeoftheexpressionsmorethanonce howaboutshouldtrytowhy

3、don twhynot Hi Diana IlikeEnglishverymuch Myreadingisgood butmyspeakingispoor HowcanIimprovemyspeaking Helen Hello Helen Youneedmorechancestopractisespeaking 1 youlookforsomeEnglish speakingpeopleinyourtown 2 sayinghellotothemandaskingthemwheretheycomefrom 3 makefriendswiththemandtakethemaroundyourt

4、own Whydon t Howabout Tryto IsthereanEnglishclubinyourtown Ifthereisnot 4 startonewithyourfriends 5 playingafewgamesandlisteningtosomemusic YoucanwatchEnglishfilmstogether and 6 speakEnglishallthetime You 7 inviteyournewEnglish speakingfriendstoyourclub Best Diana whynot Howabout tryto should goodad

5、vicehegaveus Yes Healwayshassomanywonderfulideas A WhatB WhataC HowD Howa I 单项选择 Practice 2 Mypenfriend Jack oftenhelpsme myEnglish A onB inC withD about3 Mariafinds difficulttotranslatethesesentences A itB thisC thatD she 4 Don tforgettheiraddressesandtelephonenumbers Iwill inmynotebook A writethem

6、downB writeitdownC writedownitD writedownthem5 MayI yourdictionary Sorry I itathome A borrow forgotB borrow leftC lend forgotD lend left 6 I mnotinterestedinEnglish It sdifficultformetolearnitwell Don tworry Youwilllearnitwellifyouworkharder butit time A costsB spendsC paysD takes7 Howdoyougetonwith

7、yourEnglish Iam atgrammarbutIdon tdo inlistening A good goodB good wellC well goodD well well 8 Mycousinisa girl Sheisafraidofspeakinginfrontofmanypeople A friendlyB politeC shyD helpful9 YourspokenEnglishisreally Thanks It sveryniceofyoutosayso A deepB excellentC basicD difficult 10 Shetried butshe

8、founditdifficult A nottoworryingB tonotworryC nottoworryD toworrynot11 What syourplanforthecomingweekend gotoflykites A WhynottoB Whydon tC Whydon tweD Howabout 12 Don tforget yourdictionaryheretomorrow OK Iwon t A takingB totakeC bringingD tobring13 Theboywenttotheteachers officeto histeacher advic

9、eaboutimprovinghismaths A ask forB talk aboutC speak toD place in 14 Whathesaid me yesterday A make sadB makes sadlyC made sadD made sadly15 Howaboutvisitingthemuseumwithmethisafternoon A That srightB GoodideaC GoodluckD Bestwishes II 根据句意及所给首字母提示完成单词 1 Youshouldmakeaplanforstudyingatthebeginningoft

10、het 2 Don tbeafraidofmakingm whenyouspeakEnglish 3 BothEnglishandChineseareimportantl intheworld 4 Thanksfortellingmesomegoodwaystoi myEnglish 5 Mostyoungpeopleliketosendtextm toeachother erm istakes anguages mprove essages 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1 I mafraidthatyour translate isnotcorrect 2 Everyoneshouldpr

11、actise speak Englisheveryday 3 LuXunisafamouswriterand write isapartofhislife 4 Pleasesendmybest wish toyourparents 5 Youshouldpayattentiontoyour spell translation speaking writing wishes spelling IV 句型转换 1 Let scorrectourmistakes 改为同义句 correctingourmistakes 2 ItranslatedthisarticleintoEnglish 对画线部分提问 didyou thisarticleinto 3 Remembertolockthedoor 改为同义句 tolockthedoor 4 YoushouldlearnfromWeiHua 改为否定句 You fromWeiHua What Howabout Whatlanguagetranslate Don tforget shouldn tlearn HomeworkWriteyourownideasaboutlearningEnglishwell Wherethereislife thereishope 有生命必有希望


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