2016年秋七年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use课件 (新版)外研版

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1、Unit3 Atriptothezoo Module6 Languageinuse Module6Unit3 课文呈现 知识讲解 课堂导入 1 2 课堂小结 课堂练习 课后作业 词汇听写 同学们 上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗 现在大家来检验一下 点击下面的音频开始听写吧 根据汉语 完成句子 1它不吃肉 meat 2 老虎生活在亚洲 inAsia 3 它吃肉吗 meat 4 不 它不吃 它吃植物 No plants LanguagepracticeItdoesn teatmeat ThetigerlivesinAsia Doesiteatmeat No itdoesn t Iteatsplan

2、ts 1 Workinpairs Lookatthepictures Askandanswer DoesMeimeitheelephantcomefromYunnan China Yes itdoes DoesMeimeitheelephantcomefromYunnan China Yes itdoes Isherfavouritefoodfruit Yes itis DoesKingbathetigercomefromAsia Yes itdoes Ishisfavouritefoodmeat Yes itis 2 Completethesentenceswithdoesordoesn t

3、 1 thispandacomefromChina Yes it 2 thispandaeatfish No it 3 thismonkeylikefruit Yes it 4 thismonkeyliveinAfrica No it 5Thezebra likemeat Does does Does doesn t Does does Does doesn t doesn t 3 Completethepassagewiththecorrectformofthewordsinbrackets Myfavouriteanimals 1 be zebras Lookatthisone It 2

4、be cute It 3 be blackandwhitelikethepanda Butit 4 donot comefromAsia It 5 come fromAfrica It 6 eat grass are doesn t eats is is comes 4 Completethewordmap discussion Theworldofanimals Europe America Asia giraffe monkey panda tiger elephant bear African zebra elephant monkey AroundtheworldCamelsTheca

5、mellivesinthedesertsofAfricaandAsiaandeatsgrass Somepeoplethinkitcarrieswaterinthehumpsonitsback butit snottrue Infact it sfat KangaroosThekangarooisanAustraliananimal Iteatsgrassandleaves butitdoesn teatmeat Itcarriesitsbabiesinapocketonthefrontofitsbody With itsstrongtailandbacklegs thekangaroojum

6、psacrossthegrassland 讲解来自 点拨 知识点 1 with用 辨析with和in 考向 withsth 用某物 Hedoesn thaveapentowrite buthespeaksit Chinese A with inB in withC with withD in in 典例 A 讲解来自 点拨 5 Moduletask MakingaposterofyourfavouriteanimalWorkingroups Findoutaboutananimal Talkaboutyourfavouriteanimal Chooseoneanimaltowriteabout

7、 Findoutabouttheanimal Myfavouriteanimalisthepanda It sbig It sblackandwhite ItcomesfromAsia Iteatsbamboo 6 Makeaposteraboutyourgroup sanimal Drawitorfindaphoto Writesomeinformationaboutit discussion discussion 一幅画着老虎的图画ThetigerlivesinAsia It sverylargeandlivesalone It sstronganditlikestoeatmeat 7 Presentyourpostertotheclass 本节课主要复习巩固单元内所学词汇 学会用一般疑问句问答有关动物的问题 学会介绍动物 课堂练习 1 熟记本单元的词汇 2 熟读教材P38 39 3的内容 补充作业 完成课后作业 课后作业


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